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Managing Backlog
Competitive Exam Name
On a scale of 0 to 4 where 0 is ‘not at all’ and 4 is ‘very much so’, rate each statement based on how you feel.
Note: Higher scores indicate improvement in the focus area.
On a scale of 0 to 4 where 0 is ‘not at all’ and 4 is ‘very much so’, rate each statement based on how you feel.
Note: Higher scores indicate improvement in the focus area.
After being in touch with my coach and addressing my concerns with them:
After being in touch with my coach and addressing my concerns with them:
I am able to clearly differentiate between backlogs and current work.
0 - Not at all
1 - A little
2 - Somewhat
3 - Moderately
4 - Very much so
I am able to set a dedicated time to work on my backlogs in a systematic manner.
0 - Not at all
1 - A little
2 - Somewhat
3 - Moderately
4 - Very much so
I have made a plan to work on backlogs consistently to prevent it from building up.
0 - Not at all
1 - A little
2 - Somewhat
3 - Moderately
4 - Very much so
I can manage my backlogs without compromising on current work such as weekly tests or assignment completion.
0 - Not at all
1 - A little
2 - Somewhat
3 - Moderately
4 - Very much so
Overall, I am able to manage my backlogs effectively.
0 - Not at all
1 - A little
2 - Somewhat
3 - Moderately
4 - Very much so
{"name":"Managing Backlog", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q9WBGWB5F","txt":"Name, Grade, Competitive Exam Name","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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