What Type of CEO Are You? 你屬於哪一種類型的 CEO?

Your closest friends would describe you as… // 你最好的朋友會形容你為…
The social butterfly // 社交高手
The risk taker // 冒險家
The logical thinker // 思想家
The decisive competitor // 成就追求者
It’s time for lunch. You… // 午飯時間到了,你會怎樣決定進餐地方?
Pick your usual lunch spot // 到經常去的餐廳
Look on OpenRice and see what restaurants have the top ratings and comments // 在Openrice搜尋評價最高的餐廳
Try the new Japanese restaurant down the road // 就在樓下嚐嚐新開業的日本餐廳
Gather suggestions from your friends // 讓同行同事決定
Your team sends you an email with their project proposal and asks whether to move forward. You respond with: // 同事發了他們的計劃書給你,問你應否進行計劃,你會回應…
An emoji or GIF // 一個Emoji/GIF圖
One word response: Yes or No // 簡單回答可或不可
I need more time to review the information // 告訴他們你需要多點時間考慮
Schedule a meeting with the team to discuss further // 開會一起討論
A new team member joins your project group, you: // 你的團隊有個新同事加入,你會怎樣做呢?
Schedule a team lunch for everyone to meet the new member // 與團隊共進午餐,讓大家都認識新同事
No time to waste – you assign them their job tasks // 馬上安排工作給新同事
Gather a better understanding of their skills to see where they can contribute // 了解新同事的長處,看看他可如何貢獻給團隊
Realize they will have a fresh perspective on the project and request for feedback and recommendations on other approaches // 新人事新作風,問他對現有計劃有甚麼意見
You just received a bonus, what do you do next? // 剛收到一年的花紅,你會用來…
Immediately invest your money // 投資
Book a trip to Japan! //馬上計劃旅遊
Tell your boss you deserve a higher bonus and list reasons why // 向老闆要求更高花紅,並列出一堆原因
Throw a party with your colleagues // 開個派對請同事玩
You've received a project that you don't have the time to do. You send it to over to your team to complete and… // 剛收到一個計劃書,但你預計自己未能在限期前完成,所以你轉發了給團隊,並…
Provide clear instructions on how the project needs to be done // 給予清晰指示,提出可行方案
Give them the freedom to complete the project the way they see fit // 給他們自由度,用自己想試的方法
Request that the project is done by the end of the week // 要求他們在周末前完成計劃
Highlight the need to collaborate together to complete the project // 提出最需要他們幫忙的地方,跟他們一起合作完成
You've decided you want a job change, you… // 你決定要轉工,你會…
Start a new business //自己創業
Consider becoming a university guest lecturer to share your experiences // 考慮作大學講師,向學生分享經驗
Write a book on business leadership // 出版一本有商業領導的書籍
Apply for a CEO position at a different company // 向不同企業提交CEO的申請
Your motto is: // 你的座右銘是…
€�The higher the risk, the greater the reward” // 「富貴險中求」
€�Teamwork makes the dream work” //「團隊齊心,夢想成真」
€�Think before you speak” //「三思而後行」
€�Make it happen” //「勇往直前」
{"name":"What Type of CEO Are You? 你屬於哪一種類型的 CEO?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Your closest friends would describe you as… \/\/ 你最好的朋友會形容你為…, It’s time for lunch. You… \/\/ 午飯時間到了,你會怎樣決定進餐地方?, Your team sends you an email with their project proposal and asks whether to move forward. You respond with: \/\/ 同事發了他們的計劃書給你,問你應否進行計劃,你會回應…","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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