Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 18 Jun 20
[2006.09392] I. C. Fulga, Yuval Oreg, Alexander D. Mirlin et al.: Temperature enhancement of thermal Hall conductance quantization
[2006.09397] Vanja Marić, Fabio Franchini, Domagoj Kuić et al.: The Frustration of being Odd: Resilience of the Topological Phases
[2006.09412] Shifeng Cui, B. Grémaud, Wenan Guo et al.: Nonlinear two-photon Rabi-Hubbard model: superradiance and photon/photon-pair Bose-Einstein condensate
[2006.09421] Vishnu Raghuraman, Yang Wang, Michael Widom: An averaged cluster approach to including chemical short range order in KKR-CPA
[2006.09424] Ovidiu I. Patu: Non-equilibrium dynamics of the anyonic Tonks-Girardeau gas at finite temperature
[2006.09426] Carlos A. Plata, David Guéry-Odelin, Emmanuel Trizac et al.: Building an irreversible Carnot-like heat engine with an overdamped harmonic oscillator
[2006.09444] Joshua Sanchez, Paul Malinowski, Joshua Mutch et al.: The spontaneous elastoresistivity coefficient within the nematic ordered phase of iron pnictides
[2006.09456] Y. Kolumbus, A. Zalic, N. Fardian-Melamed et al.: Crystallographic orientation errors in mechanical exfoliation
[2006.09459] Artem Odobesko, D. Di Sante, A. Kowalski et al.: Observation of tunable single-atom Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states
[2006.09465] Kyle R. Lennon, Michela Geri, Gareth H. McKinley et al.: Medium Amplitude Parallel Superposition (MAPS) Rheology, Part 2: Experimental Protocols and Data Analysis
[2006.09468] Juliette Slootman, Victoria Waltz, C. Joshua Yeh et al.: Quantifying and mapping covalent bond scission during elastomer fracture
[2006.09469] Matthew Wampler, Peter Schauss, Eugene B Kolomeisky et al.: Quantum wakes in lattice fermions
[2006.09482] Andreij C. Gadelha, Douglas A. A. Ohlberg, Cassiano Rabelo et al.: Lattice dynamics localization in low-angle twisted bilayer graphene
[2006.09495] J. Herbrych, G. Alvarez, A. Moreo et al.: Block orbital-selective Mott insulators: a spin excitation analysis
[2006.09515] Morad Ebrahimkhas, Mohsen Hafez-Torbati, Walter Hofstetter: Lattice Symmetry and Emergence of Antiferromagnetic Quantum Hall States
[2006.09524] Alan Hwader Chu, Bradlee Beauchamp, Deesha Shah et al.: Hybrid Magneto Photonic Material Structure for Plasmon Assisted Magnetic Switching
[2006.09548] Bi-Xia Wang, Hong Zheng, E. Krivyakina et al.: Synthesis and characterization of bulk Nd1-xSrxNiO2 and Nd1-xSrxNiO3
[2006.09551] Lorenzo Caprini, Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi: Time-dependent properties of interacting active matter: dynamical behavior of one-dimensional systems of self-propelled particles
[2006.09569] M.L. Savchenko, D.A. Kozlov, Z.D. Kvon et al.: Weak antilocalization in partially relaxed 200-nm HgTe films
[2006.09578] Mian Li, XinLiang Li, Guifang Qin et al.: Halogenated MXenes with Electrochemically Active Terminals for High Performance Zinc Ion Batteries
[2006.09592] James D Sartor, Sean A. Ridout, Eric I. Corwin: Towards exact descriptions of scaling prefactors in finite dimensional jamming
[2006.09598] Cong Son Ho, Zhuo Bin Siu, Seng Ghee Tan et al.: Zitterbewegung-mediated RKKY coupling in topological insulator thin films
[2006.09602] Constantine Yannouleas, Uzi Landman: Few ultracold spinor fermionic atoms with contact interaction in rotating traps: Probing spinfull fractional quantum-Hall-effect physics in the lowest La...
[2006.09612] Zhuoliang Ni, K. Wang, Y. Zhang et al.: Giant topological longitudinal circuarly photogalvanic effect in the chiral multifold semimetal CoSi
[2006.09617] Cong Son Ho, Weilong Kong, Ming Yang et al.: Tunable spin and orbital polarization in SrTiO3-based heterostructures
[2006.09619] Masaki Saito, Takuya Sekikawa, Yoshiaki Ono: Electronic States of Al-Mg-Zn Quasicrystal and Its Approximant based on the First-Principles Calculations
[2006.09624] Ding-Fu Shao, Jun Ding, Gautam Gurung et al.: Interfacial crystal Hall effect reversible by ferroelectric polarization
[2006.09633] Tao Deng, Cheng Chen, Hao Su et al.: Electronic structure of a Si-containing topological Dirac semimetal CaAl2Si2
[2006.09644] Cong Son Ho, Mansoor B. A. Jalil, Seng Ghee Tan: Sustainable spin current in the time-dependent Rashba system
[2006.09651] Andrew M. Parks, Guilmot Ernotte, Adam Thorpe et al.: Wannier quasi-classical approach to high harmonic generation in semiconductors
[2006.09653] Birender Singh, M. Vogl, S. Wurmehl et al.: Coupling of lattice, spin and intra-configurational excitations of Eu3+ in Eu2ZnIrO6
[2006.09671] Ryo Matsumoto, Mari Einaga, Shintaro Adachi et al.: Electrical transport measurements for superconducting sulfur hydrides using boron-doped diamond electrodes on beveled diamond anvil
[2006.09673] Koji Kobashi: Configurations of the third nearest-neighbor molecules forming a vacancy wall and an addition of a CO2 molecule in the vacancy of solid CO2 at T = 0, 100, and 200 K studied by M...
[2006.09713] Leila Abbaspour, Stefan Klumpp: Enhanced diffusion of a tracer particle in a lattice model of a crowded active system
[2006.09725] Francesco Arceri, François P. Landes, Ludovic Berthier et al.: Glasses and aging: A Statistical Mechanics Perspective
[2006.09737] Liyuan Li, Lina Chen, Ronghua Liu et al.: Electrical excitation and manipulation of spin-waves in spin Hall Nano-Oscillators
[2006.09748] Nicolai Lang, Hans Peter Büchler: Entanglement Transition in the Projective Transverse Field Ising Model
[2006.09753] Thomas Tuloup, Raditya Weda Bomantara, Ching Hua Lee et al.: Nonlinearity induced topological physics in momentum space and real space
[2006.09757] K. Zberecki: Magnetic properties of two-dimensional M$_2$N$_3$ (M-metal, N=S,Se,Te) compounds
[2006.09758] A. Kievsky, A. Polls, B. Juliá-Díaz et al.: From few to many bosons inside the unitary window: a transition between universal to non-universal behavior
[2006.09760] Miguel A. Caro, Gábor Csányi, Tomi Laurila et al.: Machine-learning-driven simulated deposition of carbon films: from low-density to diamond-like amorphous carbon
[2006.09767] Qin Xu, Lawrence A. Wilen, Katharine E. Jensen et al.: Viscoelastic and poroelastic relaxations of soft solid surfaces
[2006.09771] Abdelaali Boudjemaa, Nadia Guebli, Mohammed Sekmane et al.: Breathing modes of repulsive polarons in Bose-Bose mixtures
[2006.09775] Sebastian Bachus, Ilia A. Iakovlev, Yuesheng Li et al.: Field evolution of the spin-liquid candidate YbMgGaO$_4$
[2006.09782] O. Patsahan, A. Meyra, A. Ciach: Correlation functions in mixtures with energetically favoured nearest-neighbours of different kind: a size-asymmetric case
[2006.09784] Hiroshi Shimahara: Vestigial Van Hove singularity and higher-temperature superconducting phase induced by perpendicular uniaxial pressures in quasi-two-dimensional superconductors
[2006.09793] Marko Znidaric: Weak integrability breaking: chaos with integrability signature in coherent diffusion
[2006.09799] Zahra Golsanamlou, Luca Sementa, Teresa Cusati et al.: Theoretical Analysis of a Two-Dimensional Metallic/Semiconducting Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide NbS2//WSe2 Hybrid Interface
[2006.09803] A.O. Denisov, A.V. Bubis, S.U. Piatrusha et al.: Heat-mode excitation in a proximity superconductor
[2006.09806] O. V. Kibis, M. V. Boev, V. M. Kovalev: Light-induced bound electron states in two-dimensional systems: Contribution to electron transport
[2006.09812] Itai Keren, Tom Dvir, Ayelet Zalic et al.: Quantum-Dot Assisted Spectroscopy of Degeneracy-Lifted Landau Levels in Graphene
[2006.09820] Thomas P. Billam, Kate Brown, Ian G. Moss: Simulating cosmological supercooling with a cold atom system
[2006.09827] Marc Dvorak, Patrick Rinke: A balanced treatment of static and dynamic correlation in free- and Mg-porphyrin
[2006.09834] Chenxiao Zhao, Jin Qin, Bing Xia et al.: Combining quantum spin hall effect and superconductivity in few-layer stanene
[2006.09839] N. Vidal-Silva, E. Aguilera, A. Roldán-Molina et al.: Magnon Polarons induced by a magnetic field gradient
[2006.09861] Huan-Kuang Wu, Wei-Lin Tu: Competing quantum phases of hard-core boson with tilted dipole-dipole interaction
[2006.09867] A. Kh. Bikulov, A. P. Zubarev: Mathematical description of experiments on the kinetics of CO binding to myoglobin
[2006.09915] Abdelmalek Boumali, Fadila Serdouk, Samia Dilmi: Reply on Comments on Superstatistical properties of the one-dimensional Dirac oscillator by Abdelmalek Boumali et al
[2006.09923] Tiago dos Santos Junior, Carolina Ierck Pereira, Roger Goncalves et al.: Amino acid-driven hydrophobization of alumina and production of particle stabilised foams in a broader pH range
[2006.09937] Yongxin Zeng, A.H. MacDonald: Electrically Controlled Two-Dimensional Electron-Hole Fluids
[2006.09951] Roberto Rosati, Samuel Brem, Raül Perea-Causín et al.: Temporal evolution of low-temperature phonon sidebands in WSe$_2$ monolayers
[2006.09953] D. Soriano, J. L. Lado: Exchange-bias controlled correlations in magnetically encapsulated twisted van der Waals dichalcogenides
[2006.09964] Karin Kleiner, Claire A. Murray, Cristina Grosu et al.: On the microscopic origin of reversible and irreversible reactions of LiNixCoyMnx cathode materials: Ni-O hybrid bond formation vs. cat...
[2006.10001] Rama K. Vasudevan, Maxim Ziatdinov, Lukas Vlcek et al.: Investigating phase transitions from local crystallographic analysis based on machine learning of atomic environments
[2006.10010] Sagar Ghorai, Ridha Skini, Daniel Hedlund et al.: Field induced crossover of magnetic interaction and direct measurement of the magnetocaloric properties of La0.4Pr0.3Ca0.1Sr0.2MnO3
[2006.10019] Matheus Rosa, Massimo Ruzzene, Emil Prodan: Topological Gaps by Twisting
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 18 Jun 20","img":""}
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