How was your adolescence directly influenced by your family, gender, beliefs and the media and how has this changed across generations?

A group of diverse teenagers engaging with different media and discussing their experiences, showcasing influences from family, gender, and beliefs in a vibrant setting.

Influences on Adolescence: A Generational Survey

Explore the multifaceted influences on adolescence through a comprehensive survey that examines how family, gender, beliefs, and media shape experiences. This quiz is designed to gather insights from different generations, highlighting how societal changes have affected youth.

  • Share your unique experiences
  • Understand the role of various social factors
  • Participate in research that may influence future generations
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ReflectiveStar257
The purpose of this questionnaire is to investigate how one’s experiences in adolescences are influenced by social and personal factors including family, gender, beliefs and the media and how these agents of socialisation and their impact may have changed across generations.
All data gathered in this questionnaire will be kept confidential and used only for research purposes.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to investigate how one’s experiences in adolescences are influenced by social and personal factors including family, gender, beliefs and the media and how these agents of socialisation and their impact may have changed across generations.
All data gathered in this questionnaire will be kept confidential and used only for research purposes.
Which generation do you belong to? (Tick one box)
Silent Generation (1925-1945)
Generation Y (1980-1994)
Baby Boomers (1946-1964)
Generation Z (1995-2010)
Generation X (1965-1979)
€˜My family was very important to me during my adolescence.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Significantly Important
Beliefs can come from one’s own experience and reflection, or from what one is told by others. What values and beliefs do you uphold? (Can pick more than one)
Religious – the belief in a religion’s central articles of faith.
Political – beliefs or activities relating to the policies, structure, composition, role, obligations, purposes or activities of government.
Philosophical – a non-religious belief and includes things like humanism, secularism and atheism. Something can be a philosophical belief if you strongly and genuinely believe in it and it concerns an important aspect of human life and behaviour.
Please Specify:
How did these beliefs influence your decision-making during your adolescence?
What gender do you identify as?
Please Specify:
Do you feel that your gender had a significant influence on your decisions and experiences in adolescence?
Not Significant
Somewhat Significant
Very Significant
Extremely Significant
Explain how your gender did/did not influence these decisions and experiences?
Which of the following types of media were prominent influences during your adolescence? (Tick all that apply).
Print media (Newspapers, magazines, books, flyers)
Broadcast media (TV, radio, movies)
Internet media (Social networks/websites, online forums, podcasts)
Out Of Home (OOH) media (billboards, posters, mall advertising, wrapped vehicles, food packaging, advertising in public transport, etc)
On a scale of 1 to 5, how significantly did these types of media influence your decisions and experiences in adolescence? (1 meaning non-significantly, 5 meaning very significantly)
Print media (Newspapers, magazines, books, flyers)
Broadcast media (TV, radio, movies)
Internet media (Social networks/websites, online forums, podcasts)
Out Of Home (OOH) media (billboards, posters, mall advertising, wrapped vehicles, food packaging, advertising in public transport, etc)
{"name":"How was your adolescence directly influenced by your family, gender, beliefs and the media and how has this changed across generations?", "url":"","txt":"Explore the multifaceted influences on adolescence through a comprehensive survey that examines how family, gender, beliefs, and media shape experiences. This quiz is designed to gather insights from different generations, highlighting how societal changes have affected youth.Share your unique experiencesUnderstand the role of various social factorsParticipate in research that may influence future generations","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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