Microbiology Terminology 8&9: disease and immunity

Fungal infection of the skin by a dermatophyte
Gram -ve coccobacillus - cause of whooping cough
Acid fast rod- cause of tuberculosis
Bacterial Cause of stomach ulcers and cancers
Lack of resistance to a disease
Ability to ward off a disease
Immune defence against any pathogen
Resistance to a specific pathogen
Enzyme appears in perspiration, tears, saliva that can lyse bacteria cell walls
Cytotoxin that is toxic to leukocytes
Toxin that can kill phagocytes
Non specific immune functions that protect against pathogens
Substance that causes body to produce antibodies or sensitised T-cells
Proteins made in response to an antigen
Immunity developed during a lifetime
Antibodies produced by B-Cells
Type of immunity that involves T-cells
Another word for immunoglobulins
Antibodies and lymphocytes produced in reaction to antigens entering the body
Antibodies from mother to foetus via placenta and milk
Antibodies produced in response to vaccines
Preformed antibodies injected for diseases such as rabies
{"name":"Microbiology Terminology 8&9: disease and immunity", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Fungal infection of the skin by a dermatophyte, Gram -ve coccobacillus - cause of whooping cough, Acid fast rod- cause of tuberculosis","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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