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Veterans Day Trivia - Test Your Veterans Day Knowledge

What was the name of this holiday prior to being changed to Veterans Day?
Armistice Day
Flag Day
Constitution Day
Bill of Rights Day
Why was the date of November 11th chosen as Veterans Day?
November 11th marked the end of WWII
November 11th marked the end of WWI
November 11th marked the beginning of the Civil War
November 11th marked the beginning of the Revolutionary War
How many Veterans are over the age of 65?
6.7 Million
3.8 Million
7.4 Million
9.2 Million
Where do official Veterans Day ceremonies take place each year?
Vietnam Memorial
Washington Monument
Tomb of The Unknowns
The White House Rose Garden
How many veterans are there currently in the United States?
14.8 Million
18.5 Million
21.6 Million
22.3 Million
{"name":"Veterans Day Trivia - Test Your Veterans Day Knowledge", "url":"","txt":"What was the name of this holiday prior to being changed to Veterans Day?, Why was the date of November 11th chosen as Veterans Day?, How many Veterans are over the age of 65?","img":""}

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