Jumps Starters, Jumper Leads and 24 volt

What tools and equipment has WFR provided for jump starting vehicles? (3)
NOCO Jump Pack
Woollen Jumper
Jumper Cables
Lithium Battery Taser
Solar Panel and Charge Controller
Jumping Jacks
When using Jumper Leads, What sequence should you connect the leads. (1)
It doesn't matter, any cable will do
Positive cable to negative battery terminal and vice versa.
Customer battery positive and negative then WFR vehicle negative and positive terminal last.
WFR vehicle both positive and negative then the customers negative battery terminal and Alternator positive
Positive to Positive, Negative to WFR engine block
Connect both leads to the customer's vehicle first then connect the other ends together last
Can you jump start cars at a service station? (2)
yes, just make sure they don't see you
No, the vehicle must be relocated
Yes, if the vehicle is not located on the forecourt, or near a bowser or near any hazardous area
Yes, the jumper leads have spike protection that will prevent sparks
Only at the bowser as the fuel vapour in this area is above the upper explosive limit.
How long should a vehicle be left running after a jump start? (1)
How are battery's connected in a 24 volt system? (1)
In paralell
In series
In tandem
connected with 24 volt wires
Using the above picture, where will you connect jump packs or leads to jump-start this truck.? (1)
Positive of jump pack to Positive Battery A and Negative of jump pack to Negative Battery B
One jump pack on Battery A and the other jump pack on Battery B
Jumper leads from WFR ute to the positive of battery A and the chassis
Trucks cannot be jump started without a 24 volt jump pack
What Safety items must be considered? (5)
All tank vents and levers must be closed
Jump packs must not be stored in the rear canopy
Jump packs must not be used to start trucks
Do not over crank engines
Jump packs must be secured within the Cabin of the WFR vehicle
Children must not travel in a vehicle that has been jump started
Jump packs must be switched of when connecting and disconnecting
Jumper leads must be used when jump starting at service stations
{"name":"Jumps Starters, Jumper Leads and 24 volt", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QACHCPKBM","txt":"Name:, What tools and equipment has WFR provided for jump starting vehicles? (3), When using Jumper Leads, What sequence should you connect the leads. (1)","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/67-2937831/24-volt.png?sz=1200"}
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