Northgate Playground Supervision Quiz

When can you allow a class of students to transition alone?
To lunch
Coming In from recess
To the library
To PCP (PE or Art)
None of the above
When is it appropriate to strike up a conversation with another staff member on the duty? (Mark all that apply)
To initiate a social conversation
Updates on a student
To switch out a staff member on duty because they are being called to the office
Check up on a staff member because they've had a hard day
There is an emergency on the playground
Mark all the apply: Which general playground rules have the students been taught?
Stay inside red lines
Keep toys and balls from home at home
When bell rings, stop playing and line up
School rules only
When you have a problem, go and tell your class teacher right away.
Use of cell phones are best on the playground for (mark all that apply).
Check the time
Calling the office for an emergency
Check your non-work text messages
Make a quick call
School-wide expectations are taught in the classrooms. This is an example of what tiered intervention?
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
The amygdala is the brain's social emotional response system
A playground supervisor's ability to ensure safety of students include
Being physical close to groups of student
Ensure that you have the majority of the playground within your sight
Scan the playground constantly
Look out and monitor for crowds
Strategically position self to see the entire class line during transitions
Engage in games with children through the duration of your duty
If you are on duty, ensure that you have the following:
Trauma informed practices emphasize Active Supervision with 3 main targets (Mark all that apply))
When on the playground, our school counselor (Dan's) role is what type of Tiered intervention?
Tier 1 (all student - school-wide intervention)
Tier 2 (specific group of students - targeted intervention)
Tier 3 (one student - intensive intervention)
{"name":"Northgate Playground Supervision Quiz", "url":"","txt":"When can you allow a class of students to transition alone?, When is it appropriate to strike up a conversation with another staff member on the duty? (Mark all that apply), Mark all the apply: Which general playground rules have the students been taught?","img":""}
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