Please give us your first thoughts. No worries about your personal answers, we will use the input to see what drives us as an organization, not you as a person. We will make a chart or a word-cloud before Thursday.
So please hurry. Thank you for taking the three minutes today or tomorrow.
Best regards,
Management team Academy for Tourism
PS; The survey is in English but with a touch of Dutch... You'll see...
Yes, I understand. Let's go!
Don't like it, but I'll start anyway..
1. Working with the Tourism industry... (Please select one answer only)
Is important to our students
Gives me useful input for our education (geeft mij waardevolle input)
2. Working with the Tourism industry... (Please select one answer only).
Takes me a lot of time and usually I don't hear anything new (tijdvreter)
Drives me, I would not want to work without (geeft mij energie)
3. I believe students need... (Please select one answer only)
A lot of guidance and instructions, certainly in the first year (duidelijkheid)
To steer themselves, and we should teach them a.s.a.p. (zelfsturing)
4. Students appreciate our... (Please give your thoughts, like knowledge, network...)
5. What's more important to you? (Please select one answer only))
Cooperation with colleagues (samenwerking)
Being independent (zelfstandigheid)
6. Teaching, lecturing and coaching... (You can select multiple anwers and add if you like)
Gives meaning (is betekenisvol) and reward (waardering)
Makes me creative, and challenges me (vraagt uitdaging en creativiteit)
Provides variety (afwisseling)
Please Specify:
7. Respect is...(You can select multiple anwers and add if you like).
Listen to each other (luisteren)
Showing empathy (empathie)
Accept diversity (accepteren van diversiteit)
Please Specify:
8. To respect me, I expect my colleagues to.....(You can select multiple anwers and add if you like).
Live their agreements (afspraak is afspraak)
Show up in time for once (op tijd komen)
Stop the gossip (niet roddelen)
Please Specify:
9. Professional behaviour is... (You can select multiple anwers and add if you like).
Being able to reflect (persoonlijke reflectie)
Being curious about feedback & results (nieuwsgierig zijn naar feedback)
Being able and feeling save to give feedback (aanspreekcultuur)
Being result & purpose driven (resultaatgerichtheid)
Please Specify:
{"name":"What drives you ?", "url":"","txt":"What's important to you? Please show us what drives you, to determine what drives us?","img":""}