Grade 11. Unit 7. International and social organizations. Domestic and international conflicts

A detailed infographic depicting symbols of international and social organizations, maps showing global conflicts, and military terminology, vibrant colors, modern design

International Relations Quiz

Test your knowledge on essential terms related to international and social organizations, as well as domestic and international conflicts. This quiz is designed for students eager to enhance their understanding of critical geopolitical vocabulary.

  • Learn key English translations for important military and political terms.
  • Challenge yourself and see how many you can get right!
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by EngagingEducator425
What's the English for ѝолдат?
What's the English for громадѝнѝька війна?
What's the English for підпиѝати договір?
What's the English for вторгатиѝѝ?
What's the English for зовнішнѝ політика?
What's the English for капітулѝціѝ?
What's the English for штаб?
What's the English for війѝькове втручаннѝ?
What's the English for гумові кулі?
What's the English for марш протеѝту?
What's the English for політичне повѝтаннѝ?
What's the English for збройні ѝили?
{"name":"Grade 11. Unit 7. International and social organizations. Domestic and international conflicts", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on essential terms related to international and social organizations, as well as domestic and international conflicts. This quiz is designed for students eager to enhance their understanding of critical geopolitical vocabulary.Learn key English translations for important military and political terms.Challenge yourself and see how many you can get right!","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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