H-hewwo;; anyabody there??

Create an image of a diverse group of gamers enthusiastically discussing video games and consoles in a fun, vibrant atmosphere, with various gaming elements in the background.

Discover Your Gamer Personality!

Are you a passionate gamer or someone who plays casually? Take this engaging quiz to explore your gaming preferences, personality traits, and values. With 25 intriguing questions, you’ll uncover insights about yourself that might just surprise you!

  • Learn what console suits you best.
  • Understand how you manage stress.
  • Find your values and what you seek in relationships.
25 Questions6 MinutesCreated by PlayingStar47
What is your preferred console?
Portable console
Home console
I use a lot of both.
Don’t really play a lot of video games.
Reactions to stress
I try to ignore it but it can lead me to blow up and lash out at people
I need to take some time away from people to find a healthy way to blow off steam
It helps to be around people I care about. (Especially if I am given the chance to vent)
I repress that shit lol
What if your favorite time of day?
How well do you usually sleep?
I think a better question is how well I wake up. (The answer is: Not very well).
I sleep okay. It can hard falling asleep, and I don’t get many hours. But it’s always enough to get me through the day.
I sleep very well. I always wake up feeling refreshed, eager to start the day!
I don’t sleep well.
What attributes do you find attractive in a person?
I like someone who can stand up for themselves and is not afraid to speak out. It’s nice when someone doesn’t bend over backwards for others.
I like someone who inspires me to be a better person just through example. A nice smile doesn’t hurt either. (The best smile can make you feel right at home.)
I like people who are similar to me and can understand my experiences.
Someone who can reel me back in when I go a bit too far.
I don’t really have a type.
Can you imagine yourself going down another path in life?
I can’t imagine being on any path other than the one I’m on right now.
It’s hard to say. There are so many options to choose from. Surely I’d be happy in more than one, and that’s all I could really hope for.
I’m not even sure what I want to do with my life now.
I have a few ideas of what kind of life I would have had I not made the choices that I did.
I am confident in the path I am on and do not care to think about other possibilities.
Pick 2 series (I can't enforce how many you pick but please just pick two I'm trusting you)
Legend of Zelda
Your values make up your self-concept. They shape the way you view and interact with the world. Someone dear to you has betrayed those morals. What is your response?
I will stick by the people I love even if it seems they are straying too far from what I believe in. I want to believe I can make them see the error in their ways.
There are things in this world that need to be changed, and not even a loved one can stop me from fighting for the future I believe in.
If I feel they can be helped, I will reach out. But there is only so much a person can do to change. If I feel they cannot be helped, I will cut them out of my life.
Do you consider yourself to be polite?
I am polite as I need to be.
I am more polite than the average person.
I am not as polite as the average person. However, I would still consider myself to be polite.
I tend to not be very polite at all.
What trait do you find to be most deplorable?
How do you fare in group projects?
I take over and hand everyone their roles. I try to make sure they follow through with their work so the project is completed as fast as possible without compromising its quality.
I wait to see if someone will take the leader position. If no one steps up, I will.
I do my work. If other people in the group fail to complete their parts, then that’s their problem. I can always go to the professor and complain about it then.
I do the work expected of me and may get frustrated if I feel my teammates are not producing the work they should. I may begin to take over because I want everything to be perfect. This is my grade too.
How do you show affection? (Choose Two...Again can't enforce but please be honest)
Physical affetion
Quality time
Acts of service
I don’t think I’m a very good person.
I know I’m not perfect, there’s a lot I could improve. But I’m not awful. I’m just trying my best.
I am (more or less) confident with who I am.
I am completely confident with who I am.
Regardless of how you feel about lying, are you a good liar?
Do you believe everyone has a chance to be redeemed?
Most people do
Not all people, but some
No one can truly be redeemed
Would you rather a story end with a happy hero and an escaped villain? Or an unhappy hero and a villain who receives the proper punishment for their crimes?
The hero is happy
The villain gets due vigilance
Although you are not involved, you have information that could end a conflict and help someone. Do you share this information?
Yes. I would not hesitate.
It would take be some time to work up the courage, but I would ultimately get involved because I don’t want more people getting hurt in the long run.
No. I’d be too scared to get involved.
No. It’s not my business, I’m not obligated to get involved.
No, I would not get involved unless I had some vested interested in the people in conflict, or the issue itself.
If the only way to get rid of someone truly evil was through murder, would you do it assuming you risk facing charges?
Yes. If they are truly evil, I am willing to suffer for the greater good.
Only if I was sure I would not get caught.
No. I do not think I could go through with killing someone, no matter how evil they are.
Do you feel you have good self-control?
The world
Is a cruel place. Nothing can change that.
Is a cruel place. But I believe that can be changed.
Is a beautiful place. We just hear more about the awful things that happen because they are irregular occurrences. We even bring them up because we are distraught that they happened.
Is a beautiful place. But that beauty is fragile and must be protected.
Just is. It can be so many things to so many people. It just depends on your perspective.
Out of the following, most people would critic you for being
How do you view your responsibilities?
I take my responsibilities very seriously. It is important to me that I complete the task, especially if there are people relying on me. I will make sure that everything is done well, and that I go above and beyond in my efforts.
I take my responsibilities moderately seriously. I’ll complete a task given to me, but I do not care about the quality of my work unless I am passionate about the content.
I will not take my responsibilities seriously unless I am passionate about the content. If I am not, you can expect me to not complete the task. There are better ways to spend my time.
I will only complete a task if I am passionate about it, or if I am doing a favor for someone who is dear to me. If it is a random task, I may not do it at all.
What do you fear
Blood. I am squeamish and sensitive to those things.
Failure. I can’t stand to think that I might not be good enough.
Change. I like the way things are and do not want them to change. (*This is for intimate life. It specifically has to do with where you are at the moment, the relationships you are, etc;)
The present. I am deeply disturbed by the current state of world affairs and politics.
Loss. It is one of the longest and hardest processes to go through.
Long term goal in life
To be recognized for being great at something
I just want to be happy
I want to change the world
I’m unsure of my goals
Fighting tactic
Jump right in. I’m a rather impulsive fighter who lets their emotions get the best of them.
Defend, assess, disarm
I do not go into a fight unless I am sure I can win. I may delay a fight to make sure I get everything I need to ensure I have the upperhand.
Rely on instinct. I analyze and adapt as I go.
I get a general idea of what I’m up against and then hope for the best.
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