Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Tue, 21 Jul 20
[2007.09150] Alessandro Granelli, Kristian Moffat, Yuber Perez-Gonzalez et al.: ULYSSES: Universal LeptogeneSiS Equation Solver
[2007.09158] C. S. Fong, T. Gregoire, A. Tonero: Testing quasi-Dirac leptogenesis through neutrino oscillations
[2007.09164] Tanjona R. Rabemananjara: Phenomenology of combined resummation for Higgs and Drell-Yan
[2007.09252] Howard Baer, Vernon Barger, Shadman Salam et al.: The LHC higgsino discovery plane for present and future SUSY searches
[2007.09283] Eduardo Folco Capossoli, Miguel Angel Martín Contreras, Danning Li et al.: Proton Structure Functions from an AdS/QCD model with a deformed background
[2007.09612] Sacha Davidson, Yoshitaka Kuno, Yuichi Uesaka et al.: Probing $μe γγ$ contact interactions with $μ\to e$ conversion
[2007.09621] Peng-Yu Niu, Jean-Marc Richard, Qian Wang et al.: Hyperon Weak Radiative Decay
[2007.09648] Matthew De Angelis, Jeffrey R. Forshaw, Simon Plätzer: Resummation and simulation of soft gluon effects beyond leading colour
[2007.09681] Hemza Azri, Adil Jueid, Canan Karahan et al.: Affine gravitational scenario for dark matter decay
[2007.09697] Xiao-Yun Wang, Qing-Yong Lin, Hao Xu et al.: Discovery potential for the LHCb fully-charm tetraquark $X(6900)$ state via $\bar{p}p$ annihilation reaction
[2007.09722] Daohan Wang, Lei Wu, Mengchao Zhang: Hunting for top partner with a new signature at the LHC: single production & pair production
[2007.09744] G.S. Ramos, M.V.T. Machado: Determination of entanglement entropy in elastic scattering using model-independent method for hadron femtoscopy
[2007.09750] A.B. Arbuzov, U.E. Voznaya, T.V. Kopylova: On the scale hierarchy in radiative symmetry breaking
[2007.09772] B.G. Zakharov: Updated analysis of jet quenching at RHIC and LHC within the light cone path integral approach
[2007.09813] Marco Bonetti, Erik Panzer, Vladimir A. Smirnov et al.: Two-loop mixed QCD-EW corrections to \boldmath $gg \to Hg$
[2007.09832] Aiichi Iwazaki: A New Method for Detecting Axion With Cylindrical Superconductor
[2007.09894] Jongkuk Kim, Takaaki Nomura, Hiroshi Okada: A radiative seesaw model linking to XENON1T anomaly
[2007.09897] Chao-Qiang Geng, Chia-Wei Liu, Tien-Hsueh Tsai: Nonleptonic two-body weak decays of $Λ_b$ in modified MIT bag model
[2007.09929] Alex Meistrenko, Hendrik van Hees, Carsten Greiner: Kinetics of the chiral phase transition in a quark-meson $σ$-model
[2007.09981] Junjie Cao, Xiaokang Du, Zhuang Li et al.: Explaining The XENON1T Excess With Light Goldstini Dark Matter
[2007.10063] L. Ma. Y. G. Ma, S. Zhang: Anisotropy fluctuation and correlation in central $α$-clustered $^{12}$C+$^{197}$Au collisions
[2007.10140] Aakriti Bagai, Shivali Kaundal, Gulsheen Ahuja et al.: Going beyond the minimal texture of quark mass matrices in the era of precision measurements
[2007.10176] Zhan Bai, Lei Chang, Jingyi Chao et al.: Mass-dependence of pseudocritical temperature in mean field approximation
[2007.10211] Ajaharul Islam, Michael Strickland: Bottomonium suppression and elliptic flow from real-time quantum evolution
[2007.10255] Yu.A.Simonov: Strong decays with the boost-corrected wave functions
[2007.10311] Fuminobu Takahashi, Masaki Yamada, Wen Yin: What if ALP dark matter for the XENON1T excess is the inflaton
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Tue, 21 Jul 20","img":""}
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