Emergency Obstetric Conditions Quiz
Test your knowledge on emergency obstetric conditions and their management in this comprehensive quiz designed for healthcare professionals. This quiz will help you assess your understanding and enhance your skills in providing critical care during obstetric emergencies.
- Explore essential questions related to complications like ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa, and eclampsia.
- Ideal for nurses and medical staff seeking to deepen their expertise.
1) What is the meaning of term emergency obstetric conditions?
An obstetric emergency may arise at any time during pregnancy
An obstetric emergency may arise at any time during pregnancy, labour and birth
An obstetric emergency may arise only on labour
An obstetric emergency may arise only after delivery
2. Why knowledge on emergency obstetric conditions and its management is essential among staff nurses ?
To take immediate management
To prevent further complications
To provide quality of care
All the above
3. What are the benefits of knowing about emergency obstetric condition and its management among staff nurses?
To reduce the maternal & newborn mortality and morbidity rate
To enhance preparedness to server at any time
Both a & b
None of the above
4. What is the main role of nurse in case of ectopic pregnancy?
To Identify early signs & complications
Prescribing medications
Administering I.V fluids
Providing psychological support
5. What is the medical management of ectopic pregnancy which drugs are commonly used?
Calcium gluconate
Magnesium sulfate
6. What kind of immediate surgical concern for ruptured ectopic pregnancy nurse have to follow along with health team
Immediate shifting of patient to the O.T
Administering medications
Fluid therapy
All the above
7. What is the commonest surgical procedure used to treat unrupture tubal pregnancy?
Total hysterectomy
Electrical catheterization
8. What is placenta Previa as emergency obstetric condition?
When the placenta is not implanted over the lower uterine segment
When the placenta is implanted partially (or) completely over the lower uterine segment
The placenta is implanted above the upper uterine segment
The placenta is implanted below the upper uterine segment
9. What type of position mother to sleep in case of placenta Previa?
Sleep on left side
Supine position
Knee chest position
None of the above
10. When Nurse has to alert in case of suspected placenta Previa
Abdominal pain
Painless apparently causes vaginal bleeding
11. Which type of delivery can conduct in case of placenta Previa?
Vaginal delivery
Cesarean section
Induction of labour
All the above
12. What are the preventive measures for Abruption placentae?
Early detection & effective therapy
Correction of anemia during antenatal period
Both a & b
Checking vital signs
13. What is the main role of staff nurse in case of Abruptio placenta?
Blood is sent for hematocrit estimation
Ringer’s solution dip is started
Close monitoring of maternal & fetal condition
All the above
What is the value of proteinuria in case of serve pre-eclampsia in a 24 hrs. Period?
Which is the drug of choice for Eclampsia?
Calcium channel blockers
Magnesium sulfate
What is the prophylactic measures for prevention of pre-eclampsia?
Regular antenatal check up
Calcium supplementation
All the above
17. Which drug is withheld following the delivery of the anterior shoulder in case of Pre-eclampsia?
18. What is the Nursing management in Pre-eclampsia?
Check the signs of edema, blood pressure and proteinuria
Prevent complications
Both a & b
Fluid therapy
19. What is the pre-mature rupture of membrane?
Spontaneous rupture of membrane any time after 37 weeks of pregnancy
Spontaneous rupture of membrane any time beyond 28th weeks of pregnancy
Rupture of membrane at any time after 30 weeks of pregnancy
None of the above
20. Which antibiotics are given to minimize maternal & perinatal risks of infection?
21. What is the primary role of nurse in case of amniotic fluid embolism?
Checking vital signs
Administer oxygen therapy
Administer I.V. Fluids
Administer Medications
22. What is the additional role of staff nurse in case of AFE
Administer FFP
Transfuse of platelets
Maintaining vital sings
All the above
23. What is rupture of the uterus?
Disruption in the continuity of all uterine layers at any time beyond 28 weeks of pregnancy
Disruption in the continuity of endometrium layer
Disruption in the continuity of myometrium layer
Disruption in the continuity of endometrium and serosa layer
24. What is the surgical management of rupture of uterus?
25. What is the treatment modalities of conservative approach for placenta accrete?
Uterine artery embolization
Dilation and curettage
All the above
26. What is the surgical management of placenta accrete?
27. When the cord is lying inside the vagina (or) outside the vulva following rupture of the membrane is called as?
Cord prolapse
Occult prolapse
Cord presentation
Occult presentation
28. What is the Nurse role in case of cord prolapse if vaginal delivery is not possible?
Bladder filling
Lift the presenting part of the card
Both a & b
Administer I.V. fluids
29. What is shoulder dystocia?
Difficulties encountered in the delivery of trunk
Difficulties encountered in the delivery of head
Difficulties encountered in the delivery of shoulder
Difficulties encountered in the delivery of face
30. Which of the following maneuvers is not used for the managementof shoulder dystocia?
MC Roberts maneuver
Supra pubic pressure
Woods cork screw maneuver
Maurice au smellie veit maneuver
31. What would the estimated blood loss to be considered as a postpartum hemorrhage?
550 ml
600 ml
1000 ml
1500 ml
32. When hemorrhage occurs within 24 hrs following the birth of the baby is called?
Primary hemorrhage
Secondary hemorrhage
Third stage hemorrhage
True postpartum hemorrhage
33. Which medication is used after second stage of labour in case postpartum hemorrhage?
34. What are all the surgical methods to control postpartum hemorrhage
Ligation of uterine arteries
Ligation of the ovarian and uterine artery anastomosis
Both A & B
None of the above
35. What is the main function of staff nurse in case of postpartum hemorrhage
Observe for complications
Check the amount of bleeding
Monitor vital signs
All the above
36. What is postnatal blues
It is a transient state of mental illness observed 4-5 days after deliver & it lasts for few days
Mental illness observed in antenatal period
Mental illness observed in labour
All the above
37. What is the Nurse role in case of postnatal blues
Psychological support
Administering medications
Administering I.V fluids
To prevent further complications
38. What is the management of postpartum depression
Prescription medications
Self care
All the above
39. What is the additional role of nurse in case of postnatal depression
Providing supportive & emotional therapy
Self-care & psychological therapy
Both a & b
None of the above
40. What is postpartum depression
Depression during pregnancy
Depression after child birth
Depression due to breast feeding
None of the above
{"name":"KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONNAIRES", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on emergency obstetric conditions and their management in this comprehensive quiz designed for healthcare professionals. This quiz will help you assess your understanding and enhance your skills in providing critical care during obstetric emergencies.Explore essential questions related to complications like ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa, and eclampsia.Ideal for nurses and medical staff seeking to deepen their expertise.","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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