Jewish News Quiz: May 5, 2023

What accommodation did King Charles make for Britain's chief rabbi ahead of his coronation planned for Shabbat Saturday?
Held a special reception with Jewish leaders to make up for the Shabbat conflict
Moved the interfaith portion of the ceremony to after sundown
Invited the rabbi to sleep at his home so he could get to the venue without using electricity
Signed a royal endorsement declaring Westminster Abbey a secular space for the duration of the ceremony so that the rabbi could enter under halachic law
Israeli's 75th anniversary celebrations highlighted what change to the country's flag?
It's being used less in progressive spaces in Israel because of its associations with right-wing Zionism
It's becoming a symbol of the protest against the judicial overhaul
A version of the flag with a slightly different shade of blue is being rolled out
Flags with poles are increasingly being prohibited at official events as a security measure
A new study seeks to understand why Ashkenazi Jews are more prone to stomach problems. How much more likely are they to develop inflammatory bowel disease than other people?
2-4 times as likely
6-8 times as likely
15-20 times as likely
30-40 times as likely
The red cudweed has become a symbol of Israel's Memorial Day. What name is it known by?
Bleeding Hasidim
Maccabees’ blood
Royal cardinal
Soldiers' poppy (despite not being a poppy)
Which tactic did protesters use to disrupt Jewish Federations of North America’s conference in Israel?
Clogging the proceedings by weaponizing a parliamentary rule to repeatedly introduce a resolution condemning the judicial overhaul
Shaking groggers (the noisemakers used on Purim) to drown out speakers
Blockading a highway to prevent conference speakers from reaching the venue
Placing fake orders to disrupt a food delivery company that was a corporate sponsor of the conference
The pending Supreme Court case Groff v. DeJoy deals with what issue of pertinence to Jews?
Whether private religious schools can kick out LGBTQ+ students
Whether religious institutions can engage in political activity while remaining tax-exempt
Whether public schools can require students to take off their kippahs
Whether employers must accommodate Shabbat observance
What was different about the Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature this year?
It was awarded for a work in Hebrew for the first time
It was awarded for a work in Yiddish for the first time
It was not awarded in a protest against the judicial overhaul in Israel
It was awarded to an author with dual Israeli-Palestinian heritage
Which prominent Jewish individual was recently revealed to have had meetings scheduled with billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein?
Jared Kushner
Jon Stewart
Dustin Hoffman
Noam Chomsky
{"name":"Jewish News Quiz: May 5, 2023", "url":"","txt":"Please enter your email address, What accommodation did King Charles make for Britain's chief rabbi ahead of his coronation planned for Shabbat Saturday?, Israeli's 75th anniversary celebrations highlighted what change to the country's flag?","img":""}
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