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New submissions in physics on Thu, 1 Apr 21
[2103.16574] Kaley Brauer: "I'll Finish It This Week" And Other Lies
[2103.16665] Giovanni Di Giannatale, Daniele Bonfiglio, Susanna Cappello et al.: Prediction of temperature barriers in weakly collisional plasmas by a Lagrangian Coherent Structures computational tool
[2103.16667] Jasper P. Fried, Jacob L. Swett, Binoy Paulose Nadappuram et al.: Understanding Electrical Conduction and Nanopore Formation During Controlled Breakdown
[2103.16668] Pablo de Castro, Tiago Araújo Lima, Fernando Parisio: Spinning rigid bodies driven by orbital forcing: The role of dry friction
[2103.16737] Megan Mansfield, Darryl Seligman: I Knew You Were Trouble: Emotional Trends in the Repertoire of Taylor Swift
[2103.16738] Jianqi Xi, Cheng Liu, Dane Morgan et al.: Deciphering water-solid reactions during hydrothermal corrosion of SiC
[2103.16740] Junsong Peng, Zihan Zhao, Sonia Boscolo et al.: Breather molecular complexes in a passively mode-locked fibre laser
[2103.16743] Y. Muniz, C. Farina, W. J. M. Kort-Kamp: Casimir forces in the flatland: interplay between photo-induced phase transitions and quantum Hall physics
[2103.16751] Mingjie Chen, Long Wen, Dahui Pan et al.: Full-color nanorouter for high-resolution imaging
[2103.16769] Sheng Luo, Huai-Bin Zheng, Wan-Ting Xu et al.: Temporal and spatial superbunching effects from apair of modulated distinguishable classical light
[2103.16778] Weijie Sun, Ryan M. Dewey, Sae Aizawa et al.: Review of Mercury's Dynamic Magnetosphere: Post-MESSENGER Era and Comparative Magnetospheres
[2103.16780] Nairita Pal, Rashmi Ramadugu, Prasad Perlekar et al.: Ephemeral Antibubbles: Spatiotemporal Evolution from Direct Numerical Simulations
[2103.16802] Bo Jin, Simon J. Illingworth, Richard D. Sandberg: Optimal sensor and actuator placement for feedback control of vortex shedding
[2103.16813] Fang Yan, Xiaojie Chen, Zhipeng Qiu et al.: Cooperator driven oscillation in a time-delayed feedback-evolving game
[2103.16830] G. Sharma, K. Deka, R. Paul et al.: Experimental study on controlled production of two-electron temperature plasma
[2103.16839] S. J. Jackson, D. Stevens, H. Power et al.: A boundary element method for the solution of finite mobility ratio immiscible displacement in a Hele-Shaw cell
[2103.16876] J. Y. Che, C. Chen, S. Wang et al.: Measuring Coulomb-Induced Ionization Time Lag with a Calibrated Attoclock
[2103.16885] Soumya Chatterjee, Prashant Sharma, D. Mitra et al.: Exploring a novel model for projectile charge state distribution inside a solid-target
[2103.16891] Henrik Wolf, David-Maximilian Storch, Marc Timme et al.: Spontaneous symmetry breaking in ride-sharing adoption
[2103.16900] JUNO Collaboration: Angel Abusleme, Thomas Adam, Shakeel Ahmad et al.: The Design and Sensitivity of JUNO's scintillator radiopurity pre-detector OSIRIS
[2103.16914] Mathijs Janssen: Transmission line circuit and equation for an electrolyte-filled pore of finite length
[2103.16916] E. Galiffi, M.G. Silveirinha, P. A. Huidobro et al.: Photon localisation and Bloch symmetry breaking in luminal gratings
[2103.16922] Xing Zhang, Hui Yang, Yunyan Zhang et al.: Design of High-Quality Reflectors for Vertical Nanowire Lasers on Si
[2103.16945] Fernando Temprano-Coleto, Scott M. Smith, François J. Peaudecerf et al.: Slip on three-dimensional surfactant-contaminated superhydrophobic gratings
[2103.16959] T. Geng, H. Liu, F. Dias: Solitary-wave loads on a three-dimensional submerged horizontal plate: Numerical computations and comparison with experiments
[2103.16962] Lénárd Gulyás Oldal, Peng Ye, Zoltán Filus et al.: All-optical experimental control of high harmonic photon energy
[2103.16963] Muyuan Liu, Yiren Yang, Hao Chen: A turbulence model based on deep neural network considering the near-wall effect
[2103.16964] Joshua T. Y. Tse, H. C. Ong: Quality factor and field enhancement of plasmonic surface lattice resonances
[2103.16983] Mario Ferraro, Fabio Mangini, Mario Zitelli et al.: Femtosecond nonlinear losses in multimode optical fibers
[2103.16987] M. F. O. Yahya, F. Kocak: Determination of Position Resolution for LYSO Scintillation Crystals using Geant4 Monte Carlo Code
[2103.17010] Andrea Piccolroaz, Daniel Peck, Michal Wrobel et al.: Energy Release Rate, the crack closure integral and admissible singular fields in Fracture Mechanics
[2103.17011] Yi-Chen Lin, Rafael Roa, Joachim Dzubiella: Electrostatic reaction inhibition in nanoparticle catalysis
[2103.17016] Zebo Zheng, Jingyao Jiang, Ningsheng Xu et al.: Controlling and focusing of in-plane hyperbolic phonon polaritons in α-MoO3 with plasmonic antenna
[2103.17035] Kevan Bell, Lyazzat Mukhangaliyeva, Layla Khalili et al.: Hyperspectral Absorption Microscopy Using Photoacoustic Remote Sensing
[2103.17038] Mahmudul Hasan, Miftahur Rahman: Development Of A Low Cost System For Lifting Related Injury Analysis
[2103.17052] Francisco Suzuki-Vidal, Thomas Clayson, Chantal Stehlé et al.: First radiative shock experiments on the SG-II laser
[2103.17056] Andrea Tosatto, Xavier Martínez Beseler, Jacob Østergaard et al.: North Sea Energy Islands: Impact on National Markets and Grids
[2103.17057] Douglas Scott: Science Spoofs, Physics Pranks and Astronomical Antics
[2103.17058] Eve Armstrong, Chester: My cat Chester's dynamical systems analysyyyyy7777777777777777y7is of the laser pointer and the red dot on the wall: correlation, causation, or SARS-Cov-2 hallucination?
[2103.17068] Esther Renner, Max Koeppel, Bernhard Schmauss: Detection of Moving Targets using Coherent Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry
[2103.17077] Nathan Harkema, Coleman Cariker, Eva Lindroth et al.: Autoionizing Polaritons in Attosecond Atomic Ionization
[2103.17079] Michael B. Lund: The Existential Threat of Future Exoplanet Discoveries
[2103.17101] Istvan Angeli: The quest for the proton charge radius
[2103.17113] Adam L. Hammond, Hui Meng: Particle Radial Distribution Function and Relative Velocity Measurement in Turbulence at Small Particle-Pair Separations
[2103.17153] Jeffery C. Chancellor, Craig Nowadly, Jacqueline P. Williams et al.: Everything You Wanted to Know About SpaceRadiation but Were Afraid to Ask
[2103.17160] Sebastian De Haro: Noether's Theorems and Energy in General Relativity
[2103.17173] Jing Zuo, Haolong Jia, Chao Geng et al.: Deep learning piston aberration control of fiber laser phased array by spiral phase modulation
[2103.17179] Maryam Yousefi, Daniel Necesal, Toralf Scharf et al.: Structured light engineering using a photonic nanojet
[2103.17197] Steffen Frey, Stefan Scheller, Nikolaos Karadimitriou et al.: Visual Analysis of Two-Phase Flow Displacement Processes in Porous Media
[2103.17208] Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, D. B. Graham, A. Vaivads et al.: Density Fluctuations Associated with Turbulence and Waves: First Observations by Solar Orbiter
[2103.17210] Lukas Jelinek, Mats Gustafsson, Miloslav Capek et al.: Fundamental Bounds on the Performance of Monochromatic Passive Cloaks
[2103.17222] Quynh M. Nguyen, Joanna Abouezzi, Leif Ristroph: Early turbulence and pulsatile flows enhancediodicity of Tesla's macrofluidic valve
[2103.17237] Curtis R. Menyuk, Joshua T. Young, Jonathan Hu et al.: Accurate and Efficient Modeling of the Transverse Mode Instability in High Energy Laser Amplifiers
[2103.17238] Piotr Bartman, Sylwester Arabas, Kamil Górski et al.: PySDM v1: particle-based cloud modelling package for warm-rain microphysics and aqueous chemistry
[2103.17241] Juste Raimbault: A multiscale model of urban morphogenesis
[2103.17244] Nikita Stroev, Natalia G. Berloff: XY Neural Networks
[2103.17248] Joseph R. Smith, Chris Orban, Nashad Rahman et al.: A Particle-In-Cell Code Comparison for Ion Acceleration: EPOCH, LSP, and WarpX
[2103.17257] Saeed Lotfifard: Teaching Electrical Model of Power Transformers to Undergraduate Students: Magnetic Circuit Approach
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Thu, 1 Apr 21","img":""}
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