The Need for Affiliation
The relationship between self-esteem and interpersonal trust defines your attachment style.
Desire to make and keep close personal relationships. Those with close friendships have better psychical and psychological health than those without. The brain may register social pain as it does physical pain.
The extent to which we believe that people are trustworthy and reliable.
Desire to make and keep close personal relationships. Those with close friendships have better psychical and psychological health than those without. The brain may register social pain as it does physical pain.
The extent to which we believe that people are trustworthy and reliable.
The relationship between self-esteem and interpersonal trust defines your attachment style.
Attachment Styles
The extent to which we believe that people are trustworthy and reliable.
The relationship between self-esteem and interpersonal trust defines your attachment style.
Desire to make and keep close personal relationships. Those with close friendships have better psychical and psychological health than those without. The brain may register social pain as it does physical pain.
Four attachment styles - Secure
High in self-esteem and IPT – 70% of babies.
Low in self-esteem and IPT.
High self-esteem and low IPT.
Low self-esteem and high IPT.
Four attachment styles - Fearful-avoidant
Low self-esteem and high IPT.
High in self-esteem and IPT – 70% of babies.
Low in self-esteem and IPT.
High self-esteem and low IPT.
Four attachment styles - Preoccupied
High in self-esteem and IPT – 70% of babies.
High self-esteem and low IPT.
Low self-esteem and high IPT.
Low in self-esteem and IPT.
Four attachment styles - Dismissive
Low self-esteem and high IPT.
High in self-esteem and IPT – 70% of babies.
High self-esteem and low IPT.
Low in self-esteem and IPT.
The more we come into contact with something, the more we will like it (unless our first impression is a negative one!). Remember repeated commercials! Mere exposure and proximity → interaction = key to attraction. With the internet interaction can come without exposure/proximity.
Attractiveness affects all sorts of things, including how much money we earn. Men vs. women? Standards of beauty are quite similar across many cultures. This may indicate a "hardwiring" of what we find attractive as human beings.
Mere exposure, and interaction. Is the physical closeness between two individuals. Leads to more repeated contacts and mutual attraction.
Refers to both romantic and social attraction.
Mere exposure, and interaction. Is the physical closeness between two individuals. Leads to more repeated contacts and mutual attraction.
Attractiveness affects all sorts of things, including how much money we earn. Men vs. women? Standards of beauty are quite similar across many cultures. This may indicate a "hardwiring" of what we find attractive as human beings.
Refers to both romantic and social attraction.
The more we come into contact with something, the more we will like it (unless our first impression is a negative one!). Remember repeated commercials! Mere exposure and proximity → interaction = key to attraction. With the internet interaction can come without exposure/proximity.
Mere exposure
Mere exposure, and interaction. Is the physical closeness between two individuals. Leads to more repeated contacts and mutual attraction.
Attractiveness affects all sorts of things, including how much money we earn. Men vs. women? Standards of beauty are quite similar across many cultures. This may indicate a "hardwiring" of what we find attractive as human beings.
The more we come into contact with something, the more we will like it (unless our first impression is a negative one!). Remember repeated commercials! Mere exposure and proximity → interaction = key to attraction. With the internet interaction can come without exposure/proximity.
Refers to both romantic and social attraction.
The Impact of Physical Attractiveness
Refers to both romantic and social attraction.
Attractiveness affects all sorts of things, including how much money we earn. Men vs. women? Standards of beauty are quite similar across many cultures. This may indicate a "hardwiring" of what we find attractive as human beings.
The more we come into contact with something, the more we will like it (unless our first impression is a negative one!). Remember repeated commercials! Mere exposure and proximity → interaction = key to attraction. With the internet interaction can come without exposure/proximity.
Mere exposure, and interaction. Is the physical closeness between two individuals. Leads to more repeated contacts and mutual attraction.
Physical beauty
Is the easiest thing to spot in social interactions. Remember "beautiful is good" stereotype? Do people become more attractive when the bar/club closing time approaches?
Long-term relationships are most likely to form with: Those who share our similar attributes. Those who are similar to us in physical attractiveness.
We aren’t attracted to similarity, but we are repulsed by dissimilarity.
If we find out that someone likes us, we tend to like them back. It is not an absolute rule.
Matching hypothesis
If we find out that someone likes us, we tend to like them back. It is not an absolute rule.
We aren’t attracted to similarity, but we are repulsed by dissimilarity.
Long-term relationships are most likely to form with: Those who share our similar attributes. Those who are similar to us in physical attractiveness.
Is the easiest thing to spot in social interactions. Remember "beautiful is good" stereotype? Do people become more attractive when the bar/club closing time approaches?
Repulsion hypothesis
If we find out that someone likes us, we tend to like them back. It is not an absolute rule.
Is the easiest thing to spot in social interactions. Remember "beautiful is good" stereotype? Do people become more attractive when the bar/club closing time approaches?
We aren’t attracted to similarity, but we are repulsed by dissimilarity.
Long-term relationships are most likely to form with: Those who share our similar attributes. Those who are similar to us in physical attractiveness.
Long-term relationships are most likely to form with: Those who share our similar attributes. Those who are similar to us in physical attractiveness.
Is the easiest thing to spot in social interactions. Remember "beautiful is good" stereotype? Do people become more attractive when the bar/club closing time approaches?
We aren’t attracted to similarity, but we are repulsed by dissimilarity.
If we find out that someone likes us, we tend to like them back. It is not an absolute rule.
The Role of Gender
Evolutionary theory looks at mate preference and reproductive potential. Are men more "into" beauty because it signals fertility? Are women more into men with "stuff" because they are better providers? Men and women are both interested in "healthy and wealthy mates."
A state of intense longing for union with one’s partner. Is highly related to increased physical arousal. Excitation transfer.
Feeling affection for someone when your lives are intertwined. More stable and calm.
Passionate love
Feeling affection for someone when your lives are intertwined. More stable and calm.
Evolutionary theory looks at mate preference and reproductive potential. Are men more "into" beauty because it signals fertility? Are women more into men with "stuff" because they are better providers? Men and women are both interested in "healthy and wealthy mates."
A state of intense longing for union with one’s partner. Is highly related to increased physical arousal. Excitation transfer.
Companionate love
Evolutionary theory looks at mate preference and reproductive potential. Are men more "into" beauty because it signals fertility? Are women more into men with "stuff" because they are better providers? Men and women are both interested in "healthy and wealthy mates."
Feeling affection for someone when your lives are intertwined. More stable and calm.
A state of intense longing for union with one’s partner. Is highly related to increased physical arousal. Excitation transfer.
The decision to be in love and to stay in love.
Physical attraction and sexual consummation.
Feelings of closeness and connectedness.
Physical attraction and sexual consummation.
Feelings of closeness and connectedness.
The decision to be in love and to stay in love.
Feelings of closeness and connectedness.
Physical attraction and sexual consummation.
The decision to be in love and to stay in love.
Social exchange theory
Exchange – strict reciprocity is expected. Communal –mutual responsiveness is expected.
The more resources we put into a relationship, the higher our commitment.
Relationships are the best when we give as much as we get, and get as much as we give.
Maximizing benefits and minimizing costs.
Equity theory
Relationships are the best when we give as much as we get, and get as much as we give.
The more resources we put into a relationship, the higher our commitment.
Maximizing benefits and minimizing costs.
Exchange – strict reciprocity is expected. Communal –mutual responsiveness is expected.
The investment model
The more resources we put into a relationship, the higher our commitment.
Maximizing benefits and minimizing costs.
Exchange – strict reciprocity is expected. Communal –mutual responsiveness is expected.
Relationships are the best when we give as much as we get, and get as much as we give.
Exchange and communal relationships
Maximizing benefits and minimizing costs.
Exchange – strict reciprocity is expected. Communal –mutual responsiveness is expected.
Relationships are the best when we give as much as we get, and get as much as we give.
The more resources we put into a relationship, the higher our commitment.
Either choose to end things or work to make them better.
Is an expected and often healthy part of a relationship.
Just wait it out and hope it improves. Ending a relationship, while painful, can bring valuable growth potential.
Negative attributional style – when we automatically explain a partner’s actions in negative ways.
The impact of attributions
Is an expected and often healthy part of a relationship.
Either choose to end things or work to make them better.
Negative attributional style – when we automatically explain a partner’s actions in negative ways.
Just wait it out and hope it improves. Ending a relationship, while painful, can bring valuable growth potential.
Active responses to problems
Negative attributional style – when we automatically explain a partner’s actions in negative ways.
Just wait it out and hope it improves. Ending a relationship, while painful, can bring valuable growth potential.
Is an expected and often healthy part of a relationship.
Either choose to end things or work to make them better.
Passive responses
Either choose to end things or work to make them better.
Is an expected and often healthy part of a relationship.
Just wait it out and hope it improves. Ending a relationship, while painful, can bring valuable growth potential.
Negative attributional style – when we automatically explain a partner’s actions in negative ways.
Sexual consent
Any involuntary sexual act in which a person is coerced or physically forced to engage against their will, or any non-consensual sexual touching.
Age limit + agreement.
Sexual assault
Age limit + agreement.
Any involuntary sexual act in which a person is coerced or physically forced to engage against their will, or any non-consensual sexual touching.
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