A serene and calming landscape representing mental well-being, with soft colors and elements like trees and a tranquil water body. Include subtle hints of news and social media icons in the background, symbolizing the balance between information and relaxation.

MIND CONTROOOOLL: A Quiz on Mental Resilience

Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed by the news and social media? This quiz will help you understand how information overload affects your mental health and what you can do about it. Test your knowledge on topics like anxiety, social connectivity, and the impact of news consumption.

  • Learn about mental resilience.
  • Understand the effects of social isolation.
  • Discover practical strategies for well-being.
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CalmMind2022
We can become addicted to having the news on because it ...
Those newscasters seem so smart
Rewards us with information in a random way
it provides information in a confusing new reality
Every minute we watch the news our ...
Relaxation system becomes depleted
brain shrinks a little
brain is sensing threat
The term "crowding out" refers to reducing one mental state - say anxiety - by ...
looking specifically for a crowd and enjoying being among them
hanging out with other humans
Filling your mind with something else
Steve's recommended activity for crowding out anxiety is ...
singing karaoke
playing poker with your friends
Hanging out on facebook
Connecting deeply with our "real" social networks ...
Insulates us from stress
isn't necessary for mental health, surface social interactions are enough
is something you can do if you're just looking for ways to spend your time
At this time the optimal thing to do is ...
maximize both physical distance and social connectivity
maximize physical distance but strengthen social connectivity
minimize both physical distance and social connectivity
The nervous system that kicks in when we sense threat is called the ...
parasympathetic nervous system
central nervous system
sympathetic nervous system
The best way to shut down the anxiety response is to ...
Tell yourself "don't be anxious!"
watch more news
Learn how to relax your body and mind
Your ultimate ability to invoke relaxation when your anxious will depend primarily on ...
how often you practice, first with the guided relaxation and eventually without it
Your age, its easier for young people
how much sleep you've been getting
When listening to the guided relaxation audio recording your mind should be ...
Actively engaged, attending to what relaxation feels like
Passively listening until you drift off to sleep
Thinking about something else relaxing
During this crises, its best for our mental health if we have an ...
External locus of control
Complete loss of control
Internal locus of control
The best leaders, the ones that make us feel most safe, tend to be ...
Calmly indecisive
Calmly decisive
Neurotically decisive
Research examining the effects of solitary confinement in jail settings suggest that prolonged exposure can lead one to ...
Lose their sense of identity
Lose their memory
Become especially hungry for social interaction
Prolonged social isolation often leads to ...
Enhancements of mood
Social anxiety, depression, and other varieties of mental unwellness
An enhanced immune response
{"name":"MIND CONTROOOOLL", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed by the news and social media? This quiz will help you understand how information overload affects your mental health and what you can do about it. Test your knowledge on topics like anxiety, social connectivity, and the impact of news consumption.Learn about mental resilience.Understand the effects of social isolation.Discover practical strategies for well-being.","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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