The propagation is from a source (radio transmitter) to a load (radio receiver) where wave propagation is carried out through free space. The separation between the source and the load could be very large e.g. Thousands of kms as in cellular communication or small (few kms) as in microwave communication within a city. This type of wave propagation is called ______.
A. Guided wave propagation
B. Unguided wave propagation
C. Wave propagation
D. T-Line propagation
In some applications the information has to be conveyed from one point to the other through connecting wires. Telephone lines from a telephone subscriber to the telephone exchange or vice versa. Connection between a radio transmitter and its antenna or a connection between an antenna and a radio receiver. This type of propagation is called _______.
A. Guided wave propagation
B. Unguided wave propagation
C. Wave propagation
D. T-Line propagation
A _____ is a conductive method of guiding electrical energy from one place to another. It is employed not only to transmit energy, but also as circuit elements like inductors, capacitors, resonant circuits, filters, transformers and even insulators at very high frequencies. Also used as measuring devices and as an aid to obtain impedance matching.
A. series LC
B. Resonant circuit
C. Transmission line
D. Transmission medium
The nature of transmission line and its performance depends upon:
A. The amount of power to be transmitted
B. The frequencies involved
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
Transmission lines are categorized as:
A. Power lines
B. Communication lines
C. Balance lines
D. both A and B
Lines used for transmission of large quantities of power over a fixed frequency.
A. Power lines
B. Communication lines
C. Balance lines
D. both A and B
Used for transmission of small quantities of power over a band of frequencies.
A. Power lines
B. Communication lines
C. Balance lines
D. both A and B
These lines are the parallel conductors open to air. The conductors are separated by air as the dielectric are rigidly supported by cross arms put at a certain height from ground by means of galvanized iron poles or any other structure.
A. Open wire lines
B. Coaxial type
C. Waveguide
D. Parallel transmission lines
Electrical energy propagating through transmission lines set up electric fields between line conductors. These fields are at right angles to each other and to the direction of propagation which is along the length of the line. This type of energy transmission is known as
A. Longitudinal wave
B. Metallic wave
D. All of the choices
The radiation loss in an open two wire line is made negligible by employing a circular cylindrical conductor of smaller diameter placed coaxially inside another hollow conductor larger diameter and of certain thickness. Here the inner tube is separated and insulated from the outer conductor by a dielectric medium which may be solid or gaseous. The resulting structure is called:
A. Open wire lines
B. Coaxial type
C. Waveguide
D. Parallel transmission lines
The electromagnetic wave is guided between the two tubes and the outer conductor acts as a shield to prevent leakage of signal from inside to outside and vice versa. The mode of wave propagation inside the coax is ______.
D. Any of the choices
Which of the following is not a type of coax?
A. Flexible Coax
B. Semi-rigid cables
C. Rigid cables
D. None of the choices
Use copper braided outer conductor, a thin center conductor and a low loss solid or foam polyethylene (PE) dielectric.
A. Flexible Coax
B. Semi-rigid cables
C. Rigid cables
D. None of the choices
Have solid dielectric and use thin outer conductor so that it could be bent for convenience while laying cables
A. Flexible Coax
B. Semi-rigid cables
C. Rigid cables
D. None of the choices
Have solid dielectric made of Teflon (PTFE). The space inside the tubes is essentially air with PTFE separating plugs at regular intervals.
A. Flexible Coax
B. Semi-rigid cables
C. Rigid cables
D. None of the choices
The coax can be used up to for transmitting large signal powers.
A. 3 kHz
B. 3 MHz
C. 3 GHz
D. 30 MHz
Beyond the frequency limit of the transmission of electromagnetic waves along the coax becomes difficult due to losses that occur in the solid dielectric needed to support the conductors, losses in conductors is due to ______.
A. Dielectric heating
B. Radiation loss
C. Skin effect
D. Miller effect
A transmission line consisting of a suitable shaped hollow conductor which may be filled with a dielectric material and is used to guide the EM waves of UHF propagated along its length.
A. Open wire lines
B. Coaxial type
C. Waveguide
D. Parallel transmission lines
The loss in a waveguide will be _____ coax.
A. Less than
B. More than
C. Same as
D. Much more than
Inside a waveguide, the TEM mode:
A. Does exist
B. Does not exist
C. Always exist
D. Is the only mode
Inside a waveguide, the mode/s:
A. Transvers electric
B. Transverse magnetic
C. Transverse electromagnetic
D. both A and B
Which is not an advantage of a waveguide over a coax?
A. Higher power handling capability
B. A simpler mechanical structure which reduces the fabrication cost
C. Lower attenuation per unit length
D. Larger cross-sectional dimensions and a lower usable bandwidth than in a coax
A transmission line where two signal wires are used to propagate electromagnetic waves relative to some fixed potential, usually assumed to be ground.
A. Balance line
B. Unbalance line
C. Twisted pair line
D. Coaxial line
A transmission line where one conductor forms the signal side, while the other is the ground
A. Balance line
B. Unbalance line
C. Twisted pair line
D. Coaxial line
A transmission line has the properties of inductance, capacitance, and resistance just as the more conventional circuits have. Usually, however, the constants in conventional circuits are ____ into a single device or component.
A. distributed
B. lumped
C. propagated
D. confined
Transmission line constants that are spread along the entire length of the transmission line and cannot be distinguished separately.
A. Distributed constant
B. Propagation constant
C. Characteristic impedance
D. Lumped Constants
The amount of inductance, capacitance, and resistance depends on the: 1. Length of the line 2. The size of the conducting wires 3. The spacing between the wires 4. The dielectric (air or insulating medium) between the wires
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 3, 4
C. 2, 3, 4
D. 1, 2, 3, 4
Which of the following is/are transmission line primary constant/s?
A. resistance
B. inductance
C. capacitance
D. All of the choices
When current flows through a wire, magnetic lines of force are set up around the wire. As the current increases and decreases in amplitude, the field around the wire expands and collapses accordingly. The energy produced by the magnetic lines of force collapsing into wire tends keep the current flowing in the same direction. This represents:
A. Resistance of the line
B. Inductance of the line
C. Capacitance of the line
D. All of the choices
Line resistance is expressed as:
A. Ohm per length
B. Ohm per area
C. ohm
D. Volt per ampere
Line inductance is expressed as:
A. Henry per unit length
B. milli-Henry per unit length
C. micro-Henry per unit length
D. pico-Henry per unit length
Line capacitance is expressed as:
A. Farad per unit length
B. milli-Farad unit per length
C. micro-Farad unit per length
D. pico-Farad per unit length
Which of the following are the transmission line secondary constants?
A. Distributed constants
B. Zo
C. Propagation constant
D. both Band C
If the line is infinitely long then the ratio V/I will always produce a constant impedance referred as:
A. Line impedance
B. Characteristic impedance
C. Propagation constant
D. Standing wave ratio
It is the measure of the signal in terms of line attenuation per unit length and phase shift per unit length.
A. Line impedance
B. Characteristic impedance
C. Propagation constant
D. Standing wave ratio
Data compression algorithm that does not preserve information, (i.e the signal is not perfectly reconstructed after decompression)
A. Entropy coding
B. Source coding
C. Huffman coding
D. None of the above
Which of the following is a LOSSY compression algorithm:
C. H.261
D. All of the above
Which of the following is a LOSSLESS compression algorithm:
A. Lempel Ziv
B. Huffman coding
C. Run-length encoding
D. All of the above
An entropy encoding algorithm used for lossless data compression that uses a variable length code table for encoding a source symbol.
A. Lempel Ziv
B. Huffman coding
C. Run-length encoding
D. Hertz coding
The ______ technique assigns shorter codes to symbols that occur more frequently and longer codes to those that occur less frequency.
A. Lempel Ziv
B. Huffman coding
C. Run-length encoding
D. Hertz coding
It is probably the simplest method of compression. It can be used to compress data made of any combination of symbols. It does not need to know the frequency of occurrence of symbols and can be very efficient if data is represented as 0s and 1s.
A. Lempel Ziv
B. Huffman coding
C. Run-length encoding
D. Hertz coding
The general idea behind this method is to replace consecutive repeating occurrences of a symbol by one occurrence of the symbol followed by the number of occurrences.
A. Lempel Ziv
B. Huffman coding
C. Run-length encoding
D. Hertz coding
In this compression, the idea is to create a dictionary of strings used during the communication session. If both the sender and the receiver have a copy of the dictionary, then previously-encountered strings can be substituted by their index in the dictionary to reduce the amount of information transmitted.
A. Lempel Ziv
B. Huffman coding
C. Run-length encoding
D. Hertz coding
The most common and most recognized domain suffix is:
A. .com
B. .edu
C. www.
D. http://
What adjustment is to be done with wavelength or aperture to have constant gain?
A. Aλ = 4π
B. A/λ^2 = 4π
C. λ^2/A = 4π
D. λ/A = 4π
Indicate which of the following reasons for using a counterpoise with antennas is false:
A. Impossibility of a good ground connection
B. Protection of personnel working underneath
C. Provision of an earth for the antenna
D. Rockiness of the ground itself
Indicate which one of the following reasons for the use of a ground screen with antennas is false:
A. Impossibility of a good ground connection
B. Provision of an earth for the antenna
C. Protection of personnel working underneath
D. Improvement of the radiation pattern of the antenna
The amount of incident wave energy reflected from a given surface depends on the nature of the surface and the angle at which the wave strikes the surface. As the angle of incidence increases, the amount of wave energy ______ increases
A. Regenerated
B. Absorbed by the surface
C. Reflected
D. Transmitted
The reflected energy is the greatest when the wave is nearly to the reflecting surface.
A. parallel
B. perpendicular
C. 45 degrees
D. Any of the above
When the incident wave is perpendicular to the surface, more of the energy is _______ into the substance
A. transmitted
B. reflected
C. refracted
D. absorbed
At any incident angle, a mirror reflects _______ of the wave energy.
A. Almost all
B. all
C. none
D. Very little
At any incident angle, a dull, black surface reflects _____.
A. Almost all
B. all
C. none
D. Very little
When the incident wave is perpendicular to the surface, less energy is ______.
A. transmitted
B. reflected
C. absorbed
D. lost
Digital modulation schemes for transmitting sampled and quantized values of an analog message signal.
A. Hybrid Systems
B. Analog Systems
C. Digital Systems
D. Digianal System
The encoder takes a block of k information bits from the source encoder and adds r error control bits, where r is dependent on k and error control capabilities desired.
A. Convolution
B. Delta
C. Correlation
D. Block
In traffic engineering, the average duration of occupancy of a traffic path by a call.
A. Calling rate
B. Traffic rate
C. Holding time
D. User behaviour
Number of calls receiving at an exchange maybe destined to its own exchange or remoted exchange or a foreign exchange
A. Distribution of destination
B. Calling rate
C. User Behavior
D. Holding time
The statistical properties of the switching systems are a function of the behavior of users who encounter call blocking
A. Distribution of destination
B. Calling rate
C. User Behavior
D. Holding time
Continuous 60 minutes interval for which the traffic volume or the number of call attempts is greatest.
A. Busy hour
B. Peak busy hour
C. Time consistent busy hour
D. Call completion rate (CCR)
It is the busy hour each day varies from day to day, over a number of days.
A. Busy hour
B. Peak busy hour
C. Time consistent busy hour
D. Call completion rate (CCR)
The 1 hour period starting at the same time each day for which the average traffic volume or the number of call attempts is greatest over the days under consideration.
A. Busy hour
B. Peak busy hour
C. Time consistent busy hour
D. Call completion rate (CCR)
Based on the status of the called subscriber or the design of the switching system the call attempted may be successful or not.
A. Busy hour
B. Peak busy hour
C. Time consistent busy hour
D. Call completion rate (CCR)
It is an important parameter in deciding the processing capacity of an exchange
A. Call completion rate (CCR)
B. Busy hour call attempts
C. Busy hour calling rate
D. Day to day hour traffic ratio
It is a useful parameter in designing a local office to handle the peak hour. It is the average number of calls originated by a subscriber during the busy hour.
A. Call completion rate (CCR)
B. Busy hour call attempts
C. Busy hour calling rate
D. Day to day hour traffic ratio
Defined as the ratio of busy hour calling rate to the average calling rate for that day.
A. Call completion rate (CCR)
B. Busy hour call attempts
C. Busy hour calling rate
D. Day to day hour traffic ratio
If, for a signal s(t), the energy of the signal is finite, the signal is called:
A. Energy signal
B. Power signal
C. Deterministic
D. Continuous time signal
A signal that have a finite power but may have finite or infinite energy.
A. Energy signal
B. Power signal
C. Deterministic
D. Continuous time signal
Assuming the independent variable „t' to represent time, if s(t) is defined for all possible values of t between its interval of definition (or existence), T1≤ t ≤ T2. Then the signal s(t) is:.
A. Non-deterministic or random signal
B. Power signal
C. Deterministic or random signal
D. Continuous time signal
Noise voltage/current generated by a resistor. Such signals are labeled as:
A. Non-deterministic or random signal
B. Power signal
C. Deterministic or random signal
D. Continuous time signal
If a signal s(t) is defined only for certain values of t over an interval T1st
A. Discrete-time signal
B. Periodic signal
C. Deterministic or random signal
D. Continuous time signal
If s(t) = s(t + T), for entire range of t over which the signal s(t) is defined and T is a constant, s(t) is said to be periodic or repetitive. „T‟ indicates the period of the signal and 1/T is its frequency of repetition.
A. Discrete-time signal
B. Periodic signal
C. Deterministic or random signal
D. Continuous time signal
If the magnitudes of a real signal s(t) over its range of definition, T1< t< T2, are real numbers (there are infinite such values) within a finite range, say, Smin ≤ S(t) ≤ Smax, the signal is:
A. analog
B. digital
C. discrete
D. periodic
Electrons move to E-fields.
A. parallel
B. perpendicular
C. 45 degrees
D. fast
Strongest radiation from accelerating electrons linearly:
A. Back and forth
B. forward
C. backward
D. upward
The orientation of the E-field determines the polarization of the wave because
A. That's perpendicular to magnetic field
B. That's what makes the electrons move (current)
C. That's parallel to the earth's ground
D. None of the above
Antennas transmit & receive radio waves
A. Stronger on transmit
B. Stronger on receive
C. In the same way
D. Antennas transmit only
The ________ shows how antennas distribute energy in space.
A. elements
B. Radiation pattern
C. polarization
D. Beam width
In antenna's, its‟s a place where power is applied:
A. Transmission line
B. coaxial
C. elements
D. Feed point
Angle between the two points at which power is 1/2 that at the peak (-3 dB points)
A. bandwidth
B. Beam width
C. Radiation pattern
D. gain
The ______ measures re-distribution of energy of an antenna.
A. bandwidth
B. Beam width
C. Radiation pattern
D. gain
A 3-element Yagi may have up to _______ gain.
A. 5 dBd
B. 3dBd
C. 2dBd
D. 1 dBd
Oldest and simplest form of antenna:
A. dipole
B. monopole
C. yagi
D. Quarter wave
In a dipole, current is maximum at:
A. ends
B. middle
C. 3/4 the length
D. anywhere
In a dipole, voltage is maximum at:
A. ends
B. middle
C. 3/4 the length
D. anywhere
In a dipole, voltage is minimum at:
A. ends
B. middle
C. 3/4 the length
D. anywhere
For antenna elements, thicker conductors are ________ electrically.
A. shorter
B. The same
C. longer
D. open
In antennas, radiated energy is strongest _______ to an electron‟s motion.
A. parallel
B. perpendicular
C. 45 degrees
D. fast
Electrons move ______ the length of a dipole.
A. along
B. across
C. broadside
D. anywhere
Radiation is strongest _______ to the dipole
A. along
B. across
C. broadside
D. anywhere
_________ is a “bent” dipole.
A. Inverted vee
B. Folded dipole
C. Marconi
D. Inverted tee
Radiation pattern of an inverted vee antenna adds the effect of ground gain from reflections. It can add as much as _____ over free space.
A. 2dB
B. 3dB
C. 4dB
D. 6dB
Ground gain of inverted vee varies with:
A. height
B. With ground conductivity
C. Antenna element length
D. both A and B
Which of the following is/are true about the ground plane antenna?
A. 1 only
B. 1, 2 and 3 only
C. 4 and 5 only
D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
In the broad side of a ground plane antenna:
A. There exist equal radiation
B. There exist nulls
C. There exist unequal radiation
D. Nothing exists
In the axis of a ground plane antenna:
A. There exist equal radiation
B. There exist nulls
C. There exist unequal radiation
D. Nothing exists
A ________ signal is composed of two sinusoidal carriers, each having the same frequency but differing in phase by one quarter of a cycle.
B. Discrete Multi-tone (DMT)
C. 8B/1Q4 PAM5 Encoding
D. Orthogonal modulation
An encoding scheme that is specified in IEEE 802.3ab for use with 1000BASE-T, which uses all four cable pairs for simultaneous transmission in both directions. Each group of eight bits is converted to one transmission of four quinary symbols across four balanced twisted-pairs. Each symbol represents two binary bits.
B. Discrete Multi-tone (DMT)
C. 8B/1Q4 PAM5 Encoding
D. Orthogonal modulation
It is a term used to describe the transmission of signals in one direction only. A simple, but familiar, example of this transmission is a public address system without two way speakers. The signal, which represents the speaker‟s voice, is carried to a number of loudspeakers. There is no path for listeners to respond.
A. Simplex
B. Half Duplex
C. Full Duplex
D. Full/Full Duplex
A term used to describe the transmission of signals in either direction, but only in one direction at a time.
A. Simplex
B. Half Duplex
C. Full Duplex
D. Full/Full Duplex
Which is true about half duplex:
A. 1 only
B.1and 4
C. 1, 2, 3, and 4
D. 2 and 4
________ is a term used to describe the transmission of signals in both directions at the same time.
A. Simplex
B. Half Duplex
C. Full Duplex
D. Full/Full Duplex
The ratio of the capacitance of an insulated conductor to the capacitance of the same conductor uninsulated in the air.
A. Dielectric constant
B. Dielectric strength
C. Dissipation factor
D. Insulation resistance (IR)
The insulation‟s ability to resist the flow of current through it. For inside conductors, it is typically expressed in megohmxkilometer or megohmx1000 feet.
A. Dielectric constant
B. Dielectric strength
C. Dissipation factor
D. Insulation resistance (IR)
The relative power loss in the insulation is due to molecular excitement and subsequent kinetic and thermal energy losses.
A. Dielectric constant
B. Dielectric strength
C. Dissipation factor
D. Insulation resistance (IR)
Measures the maximum voltage that an insulation can withstand without breakdown.
A. Dielectric constant
B. Dielectric strength
C. Dissipation factor
D. Insulation resistance (IR)
Both mutual inductance and capacitance unbalance are affected by the relative length and uniformity of ________.
A. Tight twisting
B. Pair twist
C. length
D. diameter
To minimize crosstalk within a multipair cable, each pair is given a different _____ within a standard range.
A. Twist length
B. Twist tight
C. Twist style
D. Twist number
For twisted pair cable, tend to preserve their shape better in a cable.
A. Loose twists
B. Tight twists
C. Cycle twists
D. Better twists
_______ were introduced as a cost-effective multimode transmitter for Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel. They are also used for 10 Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel and will be considered for future data rates such as 40 Gigabit.
D. Laser Diodes (LDs)
_________ is defined as a recurring disturbance advancing through space with or without the use of a physical medium.
A. Wave motion
C. Light wave
D. photon
It is described as the up and down wave motion that is at right angle (transverse) to the outward motion of the waves.
A. Longitudinal wave motion
B. Parallel wave motion
C. Transverse wave motion
D. Wave motion
{"name":"ESAT COACHING 3", "url":"","txt":"The propagation is from a source (radio transmitter) to a load (radio receiver) where wave propagation is carried out through free space. The separation between the source and the load could be very large e.g. thousands of kms as in cellular communication or small (few kms) as in microwave communication within a city. This type of wave propagation is called ______., In some applications the information has to be conveyed from one point to the other through connecting wires. Telephone lines from a telephone subscriber to the telephone exchange or vice versa. Connection between a radio transmitter and its antenna or a connection between an antenna and a radio receiver. This type of propagation is called _______., A _____ is a conductive method of guiding electrical energy from one place to another. It is employed not only to transmit energy, but also as circuit elements like inductors, capacitors, resonant circuits, filters, transformers and even insulators at very high frequencies. Also used as measuring devices and as an aid to obtain impedance matching.","img":""}
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