APUSH Unit 1

When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
June 4th, 1776
June 4th,1777
July 4th, 1776
July 4th,1777
When was Jamestown established?
What was the winter between 1609 and 1610 called in Jamestown?
Dark Ages
Starving Time
Age of Starvation
The Death of Jamestown
What was the crop brought by John Rolfe that saved Virginia?
What was the Pueblo Revolt of the 1680s?
Spanish colonists in the New World were tired of the heavy taxation by Spain and rebelled against their king, Charles II.
Native American groups united to drive Spanish colonists out of the current-day American Southwest.
Native Americans unite with the Spanish colonists to fight British colonists.
Native Americans unite with the Spanish colonists to fight French colonists.
Who established Rhode Island and the Baptist Church?
Roger Williams
The Dutch
John Rolfe
John Smith
Select all choices that made up the economy of the New England Colonies.
Iron Mining
Ship Building
Whale Oil
Cash Crops
Fur Trade
Slave Trade
When was the Battle of Saratoga?
April 19, 1775
October 17, 1777
April 4th, 1778
October 19,1781
What was Primogeniture?
Marriage between cousins.
First son gets all of parents property.
Loyalty to the mother country.
Inheriting your parents' religion.
What was the Virginia Company of London?
The English monarch's private company, which sold products of the New World to its subjects in England.
John Rolfe's Tobacco business.
A joint-stock company, which sent settlers to the New World.
An attempt by the Colonists to gain representation in Parliament.
What was unique about the state of Maryland in 1649?
It passed the Act of Toleration.
It had banned slavery.
Native Americans lived in its towns along with English settlers
Although it was not an New England Colony, it had a strong prominent fur trade industry.
Which of the following is NOT a Northwest Ordinance?
1784: How to Become a State
1785: Scientific Survey and Setting up of Land Grants
1786: How to Establish Amiable Relationships with Native Americans
1787:New How to Become a State and Enter the Union
Check all that apply to the New England Colonies.
House of Burgess
Diversified Economy
Settled by Families
Settled by Upper Class young men
Ethnically Diverse Population
Religious Dissent
Laws that protect Women's Inheritance
Why was the state of Georgia established?
To act as a buffer state between Native American in Spanish Florida and money-making colonies of the South.
The Puritans sought religious freedom and, thus, established Georgia.
The Baptists sought religious freedom and, thus, established Georgia.
An English joint-stock company established Georgia to grow cotton as a cash crop.
When was Plymouth established?
Which Freedom of the first Amendment stemmed from the Zenger Trial?
Why was the Battle of Saratoga significant?
It was when Cornwallis surrendered to the Revolutionaries.
Led to France forming an alliance with the Colonists.
Britain captures New York
It was the first battle of the Revolutionary War.
Which of the following is NOT a Chesapeake Bay Colony?
North Carolina
Who led the Puritans from England to the New World to establish Boston in 1630?
John Winthrop
James Adams
John White
Samuel Madison
Which individual is famous for being kicked out of Massachusetts for believing women should also vote?
Anne Hutchinson
Roger Williams
Betsy Ross
John White
In what document, did King George III prohibit colonists from crossing the Appalachian Mountains to get to the Ohio River Valley?
Stamp Act
Proclamation of 1763
Proclamation of 1765
Treaty of Paris
The Boston Tea Party was led by the Sons of Liberty to protest the 1773 Tea Act.
James Madison was FOR taking on the debt of Articles of Confederation.
Bacon's Rebellion united the poor whites and black slaves to rise against the Upper Class.
The Virginia Plan wanted to ensure that all states had an equal amount of representatives.
The New Jersey Plan wanted to establish a bicameral legislature based on state population.
Common Sense prompted the Declaration of Independence.
A result of the Seven Years' War was that Britain won Canada.
Which of the following documents was Alexander Hamilton propose?
Federalist #10
Bill of Rights
Assumption Plan
Declaration of Independence
Which of the following is NOT a Federalist?
James Madison
Alexander Hamilton
John Jay
George Mason
What does the Vice President do?
Head of the Supreme Court
Head of Foreign Policy
President of the Senate
President of House of Representatives
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