How Hiker Trash are you?

Never Have I Ever...
In this section you will be asked to honestly assess whether or not each item is something you have done, or would consider doing. I know there are only three answer choices, and your feelings on the following subjects may be complex, but do your best to choose the closest fit. 
Swallowed my toothpaste
Have never, would never
Not yet, but I could see it happening
Yep I have
Eaten food that fell in the dirt
Have never, would never
Not yet, but I could see it happening
Yep I have
Worn an item of clothing so long it got holes
Have never, would never
Not yet, but I could see it happening
Yep I have
Used tape to repair an item of clothing
Have never, would never
Not yet, but I could see it happening
Yep I have
Overcapacitied a hotel room/airbnb
Have never, would never
Not yet, but I could see it happening
Yep I have
Trimmed toenails in front of other people
Have never, would never
Not yet, but I could see it happening
Yep I have
Used the same dish for multiple meals without washing it in between
Have never, would never
Not yet, but I could see it happening
Yep I have
Cowboy camped (slept outside without a tent)
Have never, would never
Not yet, but I could see it happening
Yep I have
Accepted free food/drink from a stranger
Have never, would never
Not yet, but I could see it happening
Yep I have
Have never, would never
Not yet, but I could see it happening
Yep I have
Left dirty fingerprints on a tortilla/bread
Have never, would never
Not yet, but I could see it happening
Yep I have
How Long Could You Comfortably...
In this section you will be asked for how long you think you could *comfortably* go without something. The question is not how long you could survive, but how long you could go without it bothering you. These questions are theoretical, you do not need to have gone as long as your answer before, simply guesstimate how long you think you *comfortably* could. 
How long could you comfortably...go without a shower?
Less than 24 hours
1-2 days
3-4 days
5+ days
How long could you comfortably...go without cell service?
Less than 24 hours
1-2 days
3-4 days
5+ days
How long could you comfortably...wear the same pair of socks?
Less than 24 hours
1-2 days
3-4 days
5+ days
How long could you comfortably...go without shaving (anything)?
Less than 24 hours
1-2 days
3-4 days
5+ days
How long could you comfortably...sleep on the ground?
Less than 24 hours
1-2 days
3-4 days
5+ days
Which of the Following...
In this section, you will be asked a series of multiple choice questions. You should choose answers that most closely match what you have done, or could see yourself doing. 
Where would you do laundry?
In the washer/dryer at my residence
At a laundromat
At a stranger's house
In a sink
In a stream
In which of the following outfits would you go swimming?
In a swimsuit
In my clothes
In random clothes I just bought at a thrift store
In my underwear
In the nude
What would you consider an acceptable option for wiping yourself?
Toilet Paper
A Kula Cloth
A portable bidet
Where would you camp?
Nowhere, I wouldn't camp
My backyard
A campground
The wilderness
A town park
Behind a gas station/restaurant/bar/church with permission
Behind a gas station/restaurant/bar/church on the DL
Which of the following sounds like a decent meal?
A bagel topped with peanut butter and cheddar cheese
Ramen mixed with mashed potatoes
A tortilla wrap with avocado, peanut butter, hot sauce and tuna
Mashed potatoes with cheese and blueberries
Grain/bean/vegetable stew with pieces of whole wheat bread and tortillas mixes in
None of the above
{"name":"How Hiker Trash are you?", "url":"","txt":"Never Have I Ever... In this section you will be asked to honestly assess whether or not each item is something you have done, or would consider doing. I know there are only three answer choices, and your feelings on the following subjects may be complex, but do your best to choose the closest fit., Swallowed my toothpaste, Eaten food that fell in the dirt","img":""}
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