
What are the 6 hallmarks
What is a high growth fraction
What is the M phase of the cell cycle and what drugs work in this phase
What are cycle non-specific drugs
What are the 2 MoAs of anthracyclines/Anti-tumour antibitotics and give 2 examples of these drugs.
Give two examples of adjuvant agents and their roles
What is the role of aromatase inhibitors in chemotherapy treatment
State 3 ways chemotherapy can be administered
State 3 benefits of combination regimens
What is the difference between curative chemotherapy and palliative chemotherapy
What is target therapy and give two examples of TTs
What is the aim of surgery and state 2 additional roles of surgery
What are the 2 ways systemic radiotherapy can be delivered and briefly explain them
What is stem cell transplantation
What is mucositis and how is it managed
State 4 general advices related to radiotherapy and skin toxicity
What is extravasation
What is the MoA of Alkaloids and state 2 examples of drugs in this class
What is the role of monoclonal antibodies in chemotherapy treatment
Explain "Inducers of Apoptosis Target Therapy" and state a drug involved in this
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