LBB Culture

When did the taproom in Greensboro open up?
April 2014
November 2017
October 2018
What is the story behind Little Brother Brewing, in a nutshell? Who is the “little brother”?
What is the Homebrewer Spotlight program, and how does someone become a part of it?
Name a few ways we support local and engage with our community.
What’s the first beer we brewed at Little Brother Brewing?
Gostosa IPA
Civil Rest Hefeweizen
Jim’s Lunch Stout
What is the “Ground Up” beer series?
{"name":"LBB Culture", "url":"","txt":"When did the taproom in Greensboro open up?, What is the story behind Little Brother Brewing, in a nutshell? Who is the “little brother”?, What is the Homebrewer Spotlight program, and how does someone become a part of it?","img":""}

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