Heilzu-blóðfall kafla próf 2

1. Anna knew that increasing physical activity would be beneficial to her health and she felt that she would be able to increase her daily physical activity because of her past experience. Additionally, her family had always been physically active and she knew that they would support her to become more physically active. Which health theory/model is referred to in this example to increase physical activity?
The Transtheoretical Model
Theory of Planned Behaviour
Stages of Change Model
The Health Belief Model
Kynfræðingar hafa rannsakað kynlíf með það að markmiði að:
Upphefja áhersluna á ánægju og minnka skömm
Bjarga hjónaböndum
Komast að því hvað gerist þegar fólk stundar kynlíf
Allir svarmöguleikar eru réttir
Physical activity and health: Which of the following is not true?
Physical activity does improve subjective health status
Physical activity has been shown to improve health in terms of longevity
Physical activity improves a number of chronic illnesses
Physical activity is not an effective treatment approach for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
Physical activity (PA) influences our brain in many ways but what part of the brain does PA have most impact on throughout our lives?
Prefrontal cortex (Fram-ennisbörkinn)
Hypothalamus (Undirstúkuna)
Amygdala (Möndluna)
Hippocampus (Drekann)
Increasing physical activity: Which of the following is not true?
Wearing a step counter can increase daily physical activity
Work based physical activity interventions are a useful way to target a large number of people
Increasing time spent on physical activity at school can increase activity without having negative effect on academic performance
Mass media physical activity campaigns have a large impact on behaviour
Matthew has been working 9-5 job for 5 years and barely stands up when he is working. In his free time he likes to play chess and read books. Matthew has gained a considerable amount of weight the last couple of years. Recently he has felt tired and has decided to go to the doctor. Which of the following is not one of the consequences that the doctor explains might be related to Matthews sedentary behaviour:
Increased insulin sensitivity
Negative effect on blood fat and coagulation
Changed gene activity of skeleton muscles
Decreased energy use
The development of food preferences can be understood in terms of exposure because:
The impact of exposure to new foods is accumulative
An individual only needs to try a food once to change a food preference
it has no relationship to food avoidance
Daily exposure to a food can reduce their food preference
Some problems with the cognitive model approach to eating behaviour include:
Independent variables are conceptually separate from the dependant variables they are being used to predict
The model predicts actual behaviour leaving no variance to be explained by undefined factors
This perspective uses qualitative methods and does not use questionnaires
It assumes behaviour is a consequence of rational thought
Overeating has been suggested as a form of rebellion because:
The greatest form of rebellion is going on a diet
Self-imposed limits such as when on a diet may activate a desire to rebel against these limits
Dieting can lead to feelings of decreased concern with body shape
Overeating is enjoyable
Several treatments have been used to reset disrupted circadian rhythms. Which of the following treatments has the lowest patient burden?
Physical activity treatment
A combination of psychological and physical activity treatment
Psychological treatment
Light treatment
Merktu við þá tölfræði sem snýst ekki um félagsleg norm tengd matarsóun
7 af 10 telja að umræða um matarsóun hafi aukist
Sjö af hverjum tíu reyna að lágmarka matarsóun
Matarsóun skilar sér í 8–10% af hnattrænni losun gróðurhúsalofttegunda
7% fleiri draga núna úr matarsóun vegna umhverfisins samanborið við árið 2015
Hver eru tengsl milli aldurs og notkunar getnaðarvarna?
Yngra fólk notar meira af bæði smokkum og pillunni en eldra fólk
Yngra fólk notar sjaldnar smokka og pillu en eldra fólk
Aldur hefur ekki áhrif á notkun smokka og pillu heldur viðhorf notenda
Yngra fólk notar smokka en eldra fólk pilluna
7. Í ljósi þess að hegðun hefur áhrif á heilsu, hvað er talið hafa skaðleg áhrif á heilsu karla?
Ekki er enn vitað hvað veldur því að karlar lifa skemur en konur
Náttúruval veldur því að karlar deyja frekar af sjúkdómum en konur
Þeir framleiða minna estrógen sem ver okkur fyrir hjarta- og æðasjúkdómum og því deyja þeir frekar af þeim orsökum
Þeir borða óhollara, reykja og drekka meira, stunda frekar áhættu-íþróttir og eiga fleiri bólfélaga auk þess sem þeir leita síður til heilbrigðiskerfisins
What are green nudges?
Positive, green messages to encourage sustainable behaviour
All answers are correct
New and green choices designed to overcome common cognitive biases
Green solutions that make the sustainable choice the easy choice
Associative learning indicates:
All answers are correct
Rewarding eating behaviour can impact food preference
Food can be used as a reward to promote certain behaviour
Food cues can be paired with aspects of the environment
Íbúar sem búa innan miðborgar Stórborgar geta sótt um íbúakort til að geta lagt í gjaldskyld stæði. Íbúakortin kosta 5.000 krónur á mánuði fyrir bensín-/dísilbíla en 2.500 fyrir rafmagnsbíla. Borgarstjórn Stórborgar ákvað nýverið að breyta reglunum um íbúakort þannig að íbúar þurfi að endurnýja kortin á hálfs árs fresti í staðinn fyrir árlega. Ákvörðun borgarstjórnar Stórborgar er dæmi um...
Hvernig hægt er að nota keppnir til að auka samkeppni um bílastæði
Hvernig hægt er að nota ívilnanir til að hvetja fleiri til að nota rafmagnsbíla
Hvernig refsingar eru notaðar sem aðför að einkabílnum
Hvernig hægt er að búa til hindranir sem gera einkabílinn minna aðlaðandi valkost
What chronotype (dægurgerð) is of greatest risk of developing social jet lag (samfélagsþreyta)?
A late chronotype
All chronotypes have the same chances of developing social jet lag
A medium chronotype
An early chronotype
12. The dragons of inaction (drekar aðgerðaleysis) represent psychological barriers, that hold an individual back from doing something, e.g., taking action to deal with climate change. What of the following is not one of the seven dragons?
Discredence towards experts
Perceived risks of change
Comparison with others
Fear of failure
13. Which sleep stage is most important for our immune function?
Which of the following is not included in the description of the Metabolic Syndrom (MetS)?
Elevated fasting blood sugar
Increased blood pressure
Increased HDL cholesterol
Large waist circumference
Poor sleep promotes increased body weight and higher percentage of body fat by triggering:
An increase in both ghrelin and leptin
An increase in ghrelin and a decrease in leptin and cortisol
A decrease in ghrelin and an increase in leptin
An increase in ghrelin and a decrease in leptin
Ragna er 91 árs gömul, býr ein heima hjá sér, er dugleg að hitta fólk og fer leiða sinna gangandi eða á bílnum sínum. Undanfarið hefur hún tekið eftir því að hún er ekki eins snögg að bregðast við þegar hún þarf að stoppa bílinn eða taka af stað á ljósum. Einnig finnst henni hún vera farin að gleyma og nætursvefninn ekki eins góður og hann hefur yfirleitt verið. Hvað af eftirfarandi gæti skýrt þessa breytingu hjá Rögnu?
Allir svarmöguleikar eru réttir
Aldurstengd uppsöfnun prótíns í heila
Röskun í sogæðakerfi heilans (glymphatic system) vegna aldurs
Ónógur svefn dregur úr hugrænni virkni
Which of the following is true about later chronotypes:
Later chronotypes with depression report higher SSRI medication efficacy than early chronotypes
Later chronotypes have a more stable mood
Later chronotypes with depression report lower SSRI medication efficacy than early chronotypes
Having a later chronotype is not considered a risk factor for depression
A role has been suggested for dieting in mood and cognitive changes such as:
Food restriction resulting in increased preoccupation with food
Reduced daily food intake leading to increased ability to concentrate
Self-imposed dieting leading to increased feelings of happiness
Dieting leading to an increase in energy and enthusiasm
What psychological processes may play a role in whether men seek help?
Symptom perception, illness cognitions and social triggers can play a role
Illness cognitions and whether the illness can be ignored
Whether the man has the time and energy to visit a doctor
Only symptom perception dictates if a man seeks help
A sleep disorder which is described by poor control of sleep-wake cycles and involves, for example, abnormal REM sleep is called:
REM sleep disfunction
Það að verða þunguð ung og ákveða að fara í þungunarrof ræðst af ólíkum þáttum. Þættir sem rannsakaðir hafa verið og auka líkur á að þungunarrof verði fyrir valinu frekar en að eignast barn eru:
Að móðir þeirrar þunguðu hafi sögu um þungunarrof
Hærra atvinnustig heimilis og betri einkunnir í skóla
Að eiga kærasta og njóta stuðnings ríkra foreldra
Lagaleg staða þungunarrofs í heimalandinu
What does the acronym EAST stand for?
Easy; Attainable; Social; Timely
Easy; Attainable; Sustainable; Timely
Easy; Attractive; Social; Timely
Easy; Attractive; Sustainable; Timely
Developmental models of eating behaviour have been criticised because:
It explicitly describes the cognitions of the meanings of food
Much of the research in this area has been conducted in the field which means alternative explanations cannot be excluded
It doesn't account for the various different meanings of food such as power and culture
It explores the meanings of the body such as attractiveness
Exercise: Which of the following is not true?
Exercisers have not been shown to differ to non-exercisers in their beliefs about the benefits of exercise
Self-efficacy is an important mediator between intentions to exercise and actual exercise
A lot of exercise is habitual
Pre-contemplators may not exercise because they cannot think of any reason to do so
In the Community-Based Social Marketing approach to change behaviour, four combinations of _____ and _____ are put forward.
A. barriers; social norms
B. benefits; social norms
C. Social norms; marketing approach
Benefits; barriers
Reasons for why woman life longer than men can be many but one of them is not:
Oestrogen can protect against cardiovascular disease
In order to survive childbirth, women need to be stronger than men
Higher neonatal death rate among female vs. Male babies
General higher robustness of females vs. males
{"name":"Heilzu-blóðfall kafla próf 2", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1. Anna knew that increasing physical activity would be beneficial to her health and she felt that she would be able to increase her daily physical activity because of her past experience. Additionally, her family had always been physically active and she knew that they would support her to become more physically active. Which health theory\/model is referred to in this example to increase physical activity?, Kynfræðingar hafa rannsakað kynlíf með það að markmiði að:, Physical activity and health: Which of the following is not true?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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