Chapter 20 History

Alfred Thayer Mahan:
Argued that sea power was essential to national greatness
Thought a canal in Central America was a waste of money
Published his best-known book during the Civil War
Was little known until Roosevelt read his wrok
Mexico's Revolutionary leader who successfully took control of Mexico City in 1911 was quickly ousted by:
Valeriano Weyler
Porfirio Díaz
Victoriano Huerta
Pancho Villa
Francisco Madero
The "yellow peril" was:
A late nineteenth-century style of politically influential journalism
A racially charged description of a perceived threat from Japan
Mosquito-borne disease
A racially charged description of Panama
In a act of terrorism, Spaniards in Cuba blew up the battleship 'Maine'
McKinley was reelected in 1900 despite losing the popular vote to William Jennings Bryan
The United States acquired all of the following as a result of the Spanish-American War EXCEPT:
Puerto Rico
Guantánamo Bay
The Phillipines
As a result of Japan's show of strength in the Russo-Japanese War:
Congress voted to send financial and military aid to Korea to help prevent a Japanese invasion of the Korean peninsula
America was quick to send money and support troops to aid Russia
Americans began to doubt the security of he Philippines
Congress lifted the limitations it had previously set on Japanese immigration
Americans cut a deal with Korea to protect the Open Door
The Platt Amendment did all of the following EXCEPT:
Provide for the American annexation of Cuba
Acknowledge the right of the United States to intervene whenever it saw fit
Prohibit Cuba from impairing it's independence by signing a treaty with a third power
Sharply restrict Cuba's independence
Lead to the establishment of the U.S. Naval base at Guantánamo Bay
Between 1875 and 1890, sugar from Hawaii could enter the United States duty-free
The Boxer Rebellion took place in:
The Philippine-American War became known for:
The absence of civilian casualties
The lack of violence in the conflict
Its brutality and the atrocities committed by both sides
Being the first American defeat in a foreign war
The contributions of Theodore Roosevelt's "Rough Riders"
What is "yellow journalism"?
It was a derogatory insult directed by many Americans toward Japanese journalists in the early twentieth century
It speaks to the use of propaganda in underground newspapers published by the Cuban insurrectionists
It refers to the "scared" journalists who filed their stories from Key West, Florida, during the Spanish-American War
It refers to the practice by many financially struggling newspapers of using recycled, yellowed newsprint during the 1890s depressioin
It refers to sensationalist news coverage that was designed to sell papers and manipulate public opinion
All of the following were locations of campaigns during the Spanish-American War EXCEPT:
Manila Bay
San Juan Hill
Kettle Hill
In 1878, the Samoans signed a treaty with the United States giving the United States:
A thirty-year lease on Pago Pago
All of Samoa, including Wake Island
Total control of the Samoan
A naval base at Pago Pago
Fifty-percent control of the Samoan Islands
Residents of Puerto Rico became citizens of the United States:
Before the Spanish-American War
Nearly two decades after the island was acquired by the United States
As part of the original annexation
By moving to Cuba
Western imperialism in the late nineteenth century was stimulated by all of the following EXCEPT:
An ongoing quest for raw materials
The fear that Bolshevik ideas might advance around the globe
Notions of racial superiority
The desire to Christianize Africa and Asia
An ongoing quest for markets
A major reason that the United States annexed the Philippines despite anti-imperialist opposition in the United States was because:
Anti-imperialist William Jennings Bryan agreed to become the civil governor of the territory
The islands were located very close to China and China's potential markets
The Philippines offered the largest and most developed untapped market in the entire Eastern Hemisphere
Filipino leader Emilio Aguinaldo requested annexation
Americans wanted to avenge their defeat in the Philippine-American War
In order to acquire the Canal Zone, the United States supported Panama's revolt against:
Costa Rica
Woodrow Wilson promised to treat Latin American nations:
As conquered provinces
As he would rogue nations
With a total lack of respect
As he did the Philippines
With equality and honor
Emilio Aguinaldo:
As the martyred leader of the Cuban rebellion
Led the Spanish forces at San Juan Hill
Became the face of resistance in Samoa
Was installed as Cuba's governor in 1898
Was the Filipino rebel leader
The Roosevelt Corollary:
Justified the use of marines in Morocco
Stated that the United States could intervene in the affairs of Latin American countries to forestall the intervention of other powers
Rescinded most of the provisions of the Monroe Doctrine
Justified American intervention in the Far East
Encouraged American bankers to help finance the shaky Latin American governments
The battleship 'Maine':
Exploded in Havana Harbor and fueled calls for war with Spain
Carried arms to the Cuban insurrectionists
Delivered Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders from Tampa to Cuba
Sank the entire Spanish fleet in Manila without a single American loss of life
Disappeared at sea with no trace, but newspaper reporters claimed that Spain had ordered it sunk
Who shouted, "Kill all the gringos"?
Victoriano Huerta
Valeriano Weyler
Porfirio Díaz
Pancho Villa
Francisco Madero
William Randolph Hearst's efforts to manipulate public opinion during the Spanish-American War came to be called "yellow journalism"
John Fiske:
Founded an all-black college in Tennessee
Was a minister who added the sanction of religion to the expansionists' argument
Used Darwinian concepts to show how American expansionism hurt the people of the areas America annexed
Proclaimed the superior character of Anglo-Saxon peoples and instituations
Was one of the earliest government officials to speak out against imperialism
Open Door policy:
Proposed that foreign powers keep China trade open to all nations on an equal basis
Closed Chinese immigration except for spouses and children of men already in America
Allowed a certain number of Japanese immigrants to the United States each year in return for special trading rights with Japan
Allowed Cubans to enter the United States and Americans to enter Cuba freely
Pledged economic aid to struggling Latin American republics
Why did the United States fight a war in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War?
To oust the remaining Spanish forces that had refused to evacuate from the island
To stop Japan from annexing the islands
To defeat the Boxer Rebellion
To quell in insurrection of Filipinos who opposed annexation by the United States
To avenge the Russian surprise attack on Manila
The treaty ending the Spanish-American War:
Provided for Spain to pay to the United States $10,000 for each American solider killed in the war
Provided for Hawaiian autonomy
Said that Spain could keep Guantánamo Bay
Was initially opposed by most Democrats
Was ratified in the Senate over the protests of William Jennings Bryan
The papers of Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst helped invent what became to be known as "green journalism"
Roosevelt's intervention in the Russo-Japanese War:
Resulted in the Treaty of Portsmouth
Involved the use of armed forces without the consent of Congress
Weakened his image around the world
Strained America's relations with Russia
Showed his new power after deploying the Great White Fleet
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