CWB QC Level 1

A high-resolution image of welding equipment with a focus on inspection and quality control, showcasing various welding techniques, visually representing the concepts of welding quality and inspection.

CWB QC Level 1 Quiz

Test your knowledge in welding quality control with our comprehensive quiz. Designed for professionals and students alike, this quiz consists of 137 multiple-choice questions covering various aspects of welding standards, inspection techniques, and defect identification.

Whether you are preparing for certification or just looking to brush up on your skills, this quiz is an excellent resource:

  • In-depth questions on welding processes
  • Insight into inspection methods
  • Enhanced understanding of defect identification
137 Questions34 MinutesCreated by InspectingFlame42
1. Which is not a recommended method for surface cleaning of a part for liquid penetrant examination?
Cleaning with organic solvents
Blasting with shot or dull sand
Cleaning with de-greasers
Use of de-scaling solutions.
Ultrasonic cleaning methods.
2. Which of the following weld defects is most likely to be missed by radiography in a weld?
Slag inclusions
Burn through
3. In the choices given below, metallographic tests would be the least informative with regard to the:
Presence of the non-metallic inclusions
Grain structure in the weld and fusion zone
Ability of the material to withstand repeated fluctuating loads
Extent and structure of the heat affected zone
Number of weld passes
4. In producing a drawing for a scale of 1:50, what would be the distance represented by a distance on the drawing of 6 em?
12 cm
30 cm
50 cm
240 cm
300 cm
5. The mechanical test used to determine the ability of a material to resist failure by brittle fracture requires the use of:
A tensile test specimen
A bend test specimen
A compression test specimen
An impact test specimen
A spectrographic test
6. The cooling rate of a T-joint is:
Less than that in a butt joint
Greater than that in a butt joint
Greater than that in a butt joint only where the carbon equivalent is high
Greater at the mid-section than at the start
Greater at the mid-section than at the finish
7. What are slag and non-metallic inclusions usually caused by?
Moisture in the weld joint
High welding current
Loss of shielding gas
Inadequate interpass cleaning
8. Where deviations from the drawings are warranted the inspector should do which of the following?
Authorize approval of the changes
Obtain official approval for the changes
Reject the work without any further consideration
Stop the work until drawing revisions have been completed
9. With the appropriate electrode, which of the following welding processes can operate with or without a shielding gas?
Electrogas welding process
Gas metal arc welding process
Flux cored arc welding process
Submerged arc welding process
Pulsed gas metal arc welding process
10. If there is inadequate penetration at the root of a double vee groove, which of the following statements best defines the reason for this?
Groove angle exceeds specified amount
Root opening too large
Groove depth too large causing melt through on the second side
Groove angle is too small
Excessive plate thickness
11. The continuous method of magnetic particle inspection means:
Carrying out all the steps in the process without pause
Using DC current
Applying magnetic particles to the weld while the current is flowing in the yoke
Applying magnetic particle to the test surface while current flows from one leg of the yoke through the material to the other leg of the yoke
Precautions must be taken to prevent over-magnetization of the material
12. From the welding problems identified below which one of the five does not fit the pattern established by the other four?
Insufficient throat
Incorrect bevel angle
Loss of shielding gas
Improper fit up
Use of wrong consumable
13. A 10 mm fillet weld has a nominal:
Throat dimension of 10 mm
Area of 10 sq. mm
Leg size of 1 0 mm
Face width of 10 mm
14. Which welding process has an arc drawn between the workpiece and the member being welded to it?
15. When performing liquid penetrant examination, excess penetrant removal comes after which one of the following penetrant steps:
Application of developer
Application of penetrant
Penetrant dwell time
Final surface cleaning
Drying of the material under test
16. Which of the following welding processes uses a non-consumable electrode?
17. The primary use for radiographic and ultrasonic inspection of welds during construction is to:
A) Assess weld quality
Locate areas in procedure test specimens that are sound for destructive testing
Locate defective areas for cut-out
Be used in conjunction with destructive test methods to inspect production welds
18. Which one of the following is a true statement?
A post weld stress relief heat treatment requires a higher temperature than an annealing treatment
A post weld stress relief heat treatment requires a lower temperature than an annealing treatment
Welded pipe assemblies must be heated all over for post weld heat treatment
Post weld heat treatment does not interact with cold-worked zones
Post weld heat treatment does not change the strength
19. When using the GMAW process, the type of transfer depends on which of the following?
Shielding gas
Electrode composition
Electrode size
It depends on all four (4) items listed here
20. The ultrasonic transducer is pressed against the plate of a welded joint. The sound travels longitudinally through the plate to the opposite side. The signal seen on the UT screen that comes from this opposite side of the plate:
Is the initial pulse signal
Is the back reflection signal
Is the front reflection signal
Must be equal in amplitude to any defect signal
Cannot be used for establishing the thickness of the material under test
21. Constant potential power sources with the slope control are used for which type of mode of transfer?
Globular transfer
Spray transfer
Pulsed current transfer
Short circuit transfer
Axial spray transfer
22. The liquid penetrant technique relies for its effectiveness upon the ability of liquid to penetrate openings to the surface due to the phenomenon of:
Crack opening displacement
Material and penetrant viscosity
Capillary action
Liquid fluorescence
Flux leakage
23. The electrode used in flux cored arc welding is a:
Hollow tubular wire containing an inner metal wire
Tubular wire containing flux or other ingredients
Solid wire with an oxide/flux coating
Hand held rod with flux in the core
24. In magnetic particle inspection flux density is:
Of little significance insofar as surface crack detection is concerned
The strength of the magnetizing current
The strength of the magnetic field
Effective only when examining a weld for subsurface defects
The ease with which a ferromagnetic material can be magnetized
25. What is an important feature of a tungsten electrode?
It has a low melting point
It has the ability to penetrate deeply
It has a high melting point
It has stabilizers in its core
It is triple deoxidized
26. A common ultrasonic transducer frequency used for weld inspection is the 2.25 MHz transducer. This means:
It produces a wave form having 2.25 million cycles per hour
That at this frequency it has to be a shear wave transducer producing 25000 cycles per second
Its ability to detect very fine defects is superior to a 1 MHz transducer
It produces 25 million cycles per second
It is ineffective in the longitudinal beam mode when applied to the task of locating laminations in steel plate
27. For the FCAW, GMAW & SAW processes what does an increase in arc length do?
Arc voltage does not change
Decreases the arc voltage drop across the arc
Increases the arc voltage drop across the arc
Amperage is increased
Makes no change to the amperage
28. The purpose of the penetrameter image on a radiograph is to:
Identify film contrast levels
Estimate flaw sizes in a weld
Provide film identification
Judge image quality
Indicate radiation field direction
29. When welding high-manganese steels, which one of the following must be avoided?
Using electrodes with a rutile coating
Welding with D.C. current
Welding with A.C. current
Contact with Argon shielding gas
Inhalation of welding fumes
30. Which one of the following gases does not produce a spray arc transfer with GMAW process?
80% Argon/20% C02
100% Argon
98% Argon/2% Oxygen
Helium rich gases
100% C02
31. For the GTAW process an electrode can carry much higher current without overheating when it is used on:
AC with high frequency
AC with balanced wave
32. Which electrode would be used for all position welding, when severe impact requirements must be met?
33. Select the correct penetrameter thickness for 2% sensitivity when radiographing a weldment 1.25 inches in thickness.
0.012 in
0.015 in
0.025 in
0.030 in
34. A guided root bend test on a weld test specimen would show:
The weld ductility by measuring the difference in distance between gauge marks
Excessive reinforcement
The integrity of the face-weld
Lack of penetration or fusion
HAZ properties
35. Acetylene cannot be used safely at pressures greater than:
103 Kpa (15 psi)
172 Kpa (25 psi)
310 Kpa (45 psi)
552 Kpa (80 psi)
15167 KPa (2200 psi)
36. When assessing radiographic image sensitivity during weld inspection:
Hole-type image quality indicators always provide a more reliable method of assessment
Wire-type image quality indicators always provide a more reliable method of assessment
The type of image quality indicator to be used is dependent upon the type of radiation source
Either standard hole-type or wire-type image quality indicators, when used properly, will provide the necessary tool to carry out valid evaluation of exposure sensitivity
Visual examination of the weld image should predominate over the appearance of the image quality indicator
37. The use of shielding gas pre-purge and post purge in the GTAW process enables:
The easier ionization of the arc gap
The deoxidization of the parent plate in advance of the arc
The welder to "see" the shielding gas flow before the weld commences
The workpiece and the electrode to be protected from oxidization
The workpiece and the torch to be cooled before and after welding
38. Which side of a fillet weld gauge is used for measuring the size of a concave faced fillet weld?
Leg side
Straight side
Throat side
Face side
Toe side
39. In radiographic inspection, the term "film density" is used to describe the:
Lightness or darkness of the image on the film
Weight of the film
Class of the film
% of the welds which are exposed to radiographic inspection
% of his time that the radiographer spends exposing the film
40. The two basic types of stud welding processes are:
Cold and pressure stud welding
Capacitor discharge and arc stud welding
Submerged arc and flux cored stud welding
Flat and horizontal stud welding
Shop and field stud welding
41. When the ultrasonic transducer or probe is in direct contact with the material under test the ultrasonic method is:
The shear wave method
The longitudinal wave method
The transverse wave method
The angle beam technique
Can be any of the above
42. The liquid penetrant inspection method is an effective method for:
Locating incomplete penetration in a double vee groove weld
Detecting very fine indications of porosity beneath the weld surface
Detecting lack of fusion at the root of a groove weld with a backing strip
Locating internal undercutting in groove and fillet welds
Locating very fine surface cracks in the weld cap providing it is clean and not too rough
43. A tension test has been carried out on a weld test specimen. Before the tension test the diameter was 0.505 in. At yield point the diameter was 0.375 in. What is the percent difference?
44. Lamellar tears in weldments are usually found:
In the heat affected zone area
In the root pass
In thin wall fabrications welded with GMAW
In the weld centreline
Anywhere in the weld
45. Select the cutting process that would provide the narrowest heat affected zone when cutting 12.5 mm (0 .5 in) thick carbon steel.
Oxy-acetylene cutting
Air-carbon arc cutting
Oxy-propane cutting
Plasma arc cutting
Laser beam cutting
46. The quantity that is impeded in a slope control circuit is:
47. Which one of the following statements is applicable to welding fumes?
Welding fumes may contain a condensed metallic component
Welding fumes only contain smoke elements (e.g., carbon) caused by surface contaminates
Personnel fume protection devices or appropriate safety equipment are not required while welding on stainless steel
Fumes from welding on galvanized steel are not harmful
Natural dilution ventilation is sufficient to remove fume from the welder's breathing zone
48. When using the gas shielded FCAW process, the gas flow will depend partly on:
Diameter of the contact tip
The distance of the nozzle from the pressure container
Gas pressure and nozzle diameter
The thickness of the material to
49. When welding with the GMAW process, which of the following could change if the welder decides to switch gases?
Transfer characteristics
All four (4) items listed here could change
50. Which one of the following is not the welding inspector's responsibility with respect to weldments requiring repairs?
To see that they are made by qualified welders
To ensure that such weldments are correctly marked in order to indicate the location and nature of repairs
To judge the acceptability of the repaired welds
To ensure that proper welding procedure is followed
To assess the acceptance criteria in the applicable standard to determine if it is suitable for the job
51. A backing gas is used to:
Prevent root burn-through
Reduce root concavity
Support the molten root metal
Prevent root oxide contamination
52. What is the distance from the toe of the weld to the intersection of the horizontal and vertical members in an equal leg concave fillet weld?
Twice the effective throat
The actual throat
The weld size
The leg length
53. Shielding for the molten weld pool in the GMAW process:
May be either gas or flux
Is by flux only
Is by gas only
Is by a combination of electrode core ingredients and gas
Is supplied by the electrode
54. Which welding process uses electrodes that can suffer from "flux breakage"?
FCAW (self-shielded)
FCAW (gas-shielded)
55. A crack perpendicular to the length of the weld is called a:
Transverse crack
Longitudinal crack
Throat crack
Underbead crack
56. Which of the following outlines the elements which generally have the most effect upon Carbon Equivalent and weldability of steel?
Silicon and Nickel
Carbon and Manganese
Sulphur, Nickel and Boron
Chromium and Nickel
Calcium and Nitrogen
57. When the arc is visible in the SAW process it means that the:
Process is working properly
Filler wire has run out
Voltage being used is incorrect
Flux cover has been lost
Final pass is underway
58. An irregular, dense white spot is seen on the radiograph of a weld. Assuming it was caused by the welding process used, which one of the processes below would be responsible?
SMAW process
GTAW process
GMAW process
ST process
ESW process
59. If the root opening is too large on a joint welded from one side only without backing, which of the following is the probable consequence?
It will be difficult to strike an arc
Lack of penetration will occur
An acceptable cap pass would be difficult to obtain
Burn through will occur
The electrode will not access the root
60. Situations may arise where deviations from drawings and specifications covering the job may be necessary. In such cases, the inspector should:
Make a decision based on sound welding inspection techniques
Make a decision based on the co-operation received from the fabrication shop
Tell the fabrication shop what should be done
Obtain official approval from the agency responsible for the design and approval of the work
61. What kind of defect can usually be observed running along the centre line of a weld?
HAZ cracks
Transverse weld metal crack
Solidification crack
Hydrogen blister
Lamellar tear
62. When using magnetic particle inspection method, which of the following would be incorrect with regard to crack detection in a weld cap?
The magnetic field should be transverse to the crack direction
The crack should be transverse to the magnetic lines of force
The electric current for the magnetic field should flow in the direction of the crack
The weld surface should be clean
The magnetic particles must be able to penetrate the crack opening
63. Defective or inadequate weld metal properties include:
Low tensile strength, low hardness, all weld metal tensile test
Hardness tests, poor corrosion resistance, all weld metal tensile test
Low tensile strength, low yield strength, incorrect chemical composition
64. Impact tests are used to measure:
Hardness of a material
Ultimate tensile strength of a material
Ability of a material to store energy
Energy required to fracture a specimen
Load required to fracture a specimen
65. An impact test is used to determine:
Crack size
Cracking rates
66. What are the two main ultrasonic wave forms used in ultrasonic testing?
Shear and perpendicular
Shear and longitudinal
Perpendicular and transverse
Acoustic and magnetic
67. When radiographing a weld in plate material where is the penetrameter usually placed?
On the film side of the test object
On the source side of the test object
Between the intensifying screen and the film
Between the operator and the radiation source
Adjacent to the dosimeter
68. Which one of the choices below would be the best one to help reduce excessive arc blow with SMAW welding?
Switch from AC current to DC current
Switch from DC negative to DC positive
Switch to AC current from DC current
Arc blow does not occur with SMAW welding
Switch to a different electrode
69. Which area of a weld is most susceptible to cracking?
In the covering pass
In a backing weld
In the root pass
In the fill layers
70. The specification for the cutting of a carbon steel plate calls for AAC. This is the acronym for:
Acetylene argon cutting
Air carbon arc cutting
Automated arc cutting
Arc Air Cutting
71. To measure the strength of a welded joint what mechanical test would you prescribe?
A transverse weld tension test
A charpy test
A CTOD test
An all weld metal tension test
A side bend test
72. Arc blow is a phenomenon encountered when welding with what type of power source?
AC with high frequency
All of the above
73. A radiograph taken at a welded joint shows numerous round and elongated dark spots in the weld and in the parent material adjacent to the weld. These indications are likely to be:
Stray arc strikes
Weld spatter
Tungsten inclusions
Chipping hammer marks
Surface porosity
74. The electrode that would be used for SAW is:
75. The term "cleaning action of the arc" when used with the GTAW process refers to:
Oxide removal while welding
Removing grease & dirt from the weld area before welding is started
Inter pass cleaning of the weld
Dipping the electrode in a chemical solvent to ensure cleanliness before welding
Cleaning the electrode tip periodically
76. On an ultrasonic angle beam probe, the index point is:
Checked on a calibration block
Fixed on the probe so that checking is not required
The optimal wavelength frequency of the sound waves
One half the skip distance
77. Which of the following statements is false regarding the radiographic examination of welds?
Both slag and tungsten inclusions appear on a radiograph as dark areas
Porosity or gas pockets in a weld show on the radiograph as a round or slightly elongated dark spots
Internal cracks appear as fine dark lines, either straight or irregular
Weld spatter would look like scattered, light colored spots
Incomplete penetration will show a straight, dark colored line at or near the weld centre-line
78. From the choices below, which one is correct with regard to a qualification test on a pipe assembly:
Welded horizontally at the 3G position
Welded vertically at the 2G position
Welded in the 5G position at 45°
Welded in the 6G position at 45°
Welded in the 4G flat position
79. Which of the following best describes the definition of a defect?
The term defect is used to describe the presence of a material discontinuity or irregularity of sufficient magnitude to warrant rejection based upon requirements of the applicable specification
The term defect is used to describe the presence of a material discontinuity or irregularity that is detectable by inspection in accordance with the requirements of the applicable specification
A defect is any disruption in the normal physical or compositional features of a part
A defect is also defined as a discontinuity
Both a) and c) are correct
80. The amount of weld metal required for a fillet weld:
Increases as the square in leg length
Decreases as the square in leg length
Is inversely proportional to throat size
Is determined by required depth of penetration
Is equal to the actual throat X the leg length
81. The electromagnetic yoke is one of the most commonly used pieces of test equipment to carry out magnetic particle inspection in the field. To locate lack of fusion between the weld and the parent metal at the test surface:
DC current would have to be used with the yoke legs parallel to the weld direction
AC current would have to be used with the yoke legs parallel to the weld direction
Either AC or DC current could be used with the yoke legs either parallel or transverse to the weld direction
AC current would be the best choice providing the legs of the yoke were transverse to the weld direction
DC current with its penetrating magnetic field would do the best job providing a wet magnetic particle medium was applied while the yoke was energized and its legs were positioned parallel to the weld direction
82. The resistance of steel to failure by brittle fracture is commonly assessed by conducting a:
Rockwell C hardness test
Tensile test
Chemical analysis
Hydrogen embrittlement test
Notched bar impact test
83. Which of the following combinations of gases may be used for flame cutting of ferrous materials?
Natural gas
84. A weld tension test specimen shows a final gauge length of 2.208 in. The original length was 2.000 in. The percent elongation will be:
85. Select the one correct qualifying statement from the following:
Welder /operator qualification verification requires knowledge of the qualification test requirements by the verifier
Verification of type and grade of steel is by notation on detail drawings
Total inspection of welds only can be done after the weld is made, so the welding procedure is "after the fact" and its information is not required
The welding inspector should instruct the welder on proper welding procedure if required
86. What particular defect is associated with the SMAW process when the welder does not carry out adequate inter pass cleaning?
Longitudinal cracking
Lack of fusion
Elongated slag lines
Incomplete penetration
87. For the liquid penetrant inspection method you would:
Apply a thick coat of developer over the penetrant on the weld surface in order to develop the crack defects
Apply a thin coat of developer over the penetrant on the weld surface in order to develop the crack defects
Apply a thin coat of penetrant over the developer for a period of time equal to one half the required developer time
Apply the magnetic particles before you applied the developer
Apply a thin coat of developer over the clean surface of the weld after the dwell time has elapsed and the excess penetrant has been completely removed
88. Which welding process(es) can result in metallic inclusions in the weld?
89. Which of the following electrodes is classified as a basic electrode?
All cellulosic electrodes
Electrodes containing titania
90. What are the five basic joints?
Square, U, J, bevel, flare-bevel
Lap, groove, tee, corner, edge
Butt, tee, corner, edge, lap
Fillet, butt, corner, edge slot or plug
91. Which of the following statements concerning porosity is true?
Porosity cannot be trapped within a weld
Porosity moves up through later passes and will show only in a final pass
Porosity is restricted to the centre line of a weld
Porosity can result from faulty welder technique
Porosity can be dissipated by an appropriate heat treatment
92. An advantage of an AC welding circuit is:
It is best used with large electrodes on thin materials
It is best used with small electrodes on thin sections
It helps to eliminate arc blow
It minimizes internal undercut
93. Which of the following could be readily checked by an inspector to ensure the material conforms to what is specified on the drawing?
Material type and group
Carbon content
Welding parameters
Coating thickness
94. Which of the following refers to a welder test where a pipe assembly is placed vertically and the joint welded in the horizontal position without rotating the assembly?
95. When conducting a tension test, the rate of loading up to the yield point is usually limited to some maximum value. What is the reason for this?
Because a fast loading rate might increase the yield stress
Because a fast loading might lower the UTS
To prevent the specimen from breaking before reaching the UTS
To allow time for readings to be taken
To allow time for hydrogen to dissipate from the specimen
96. Which one of the following can be detected by visual inspection of a completed weld?
Undercut, laminations and slag inclusions
Undercut, cracks and porosity
Slag inclusions, incomplete penetration and cracks
Incomplete penetration, misalignment and crater cracks
97. As a general rule, weld discontinuities detected by ultrasonic testing are accepted or rejected on the basis of:
Vertical linearity
Time base analysis
Horizontal response data
Noise to signal ratio
Signal amplitude
98. Which one of the following SMAW electrodes is restricted to horizontal and flat position welding?
99. What is excessive penetration?
Root penetration of a weld that is greater than specified in the design
Joint penetration which is less than specified
Weld metal which excessively overlaps the parent metal
100. The radiation intensity from a gamma ray source at a distance of 3 meters will be how much less at 6 meters distance:
0.5 times less
1.5 times less
2 times less
4 times less
6 times less
101. When performing GMAW in the overhead position (the 4G and 4F positions) using the short-circuiting arc metal transfer method there are several advantages. Which of the following is not an advantage of this process:
Small molten weld pool size
Improved bead contour
Efficient metal transfer
Speed, high rates of travel are possible
Less spatter and loss of filler metal
102. Which one of the following statements is incorrect regarding welding inspectors certified to CSA Standard W178.2?
Welding inspectors who do not renew their certification on or before their expiry date shall be decertified
Welding inspectors who do not rewrite their standard I code exam at the intervals specified by W178.2 shall be decertified if they have a single standard I code endorsement
Welding inspectors who have more than one standard I code exam accreditation shall lose the accreditation if they do not complete the mandatory rewrite requirement for that standard I code at the intervals specified by CSA W178.2
Welding inspectors who fail to meet the renewal requirements shall be decertified and shall be subject to rewrite of the entire examination should they wish to regain their certification
Welding inspectors who lose their certification due to failure to renew their certification before the expiry date are required to submit their renewal forms and fee and rewrite the standard I code examination
103. The temperature of a material undergoing a normal liquid penetrant examination:
Has no effect on the penetrant
Should be between 72oF (22°C) and 1 00°F (38°C)
Is harmful to the test only at temperatures above 100°F (38°C)
Is harmful to the test only at temperature below 32 °F (0°C)
May adversely affect test results
104. Which of the following imperfections is normally considered as unacceptable regardless of size or location?
Inadequate penetration
105. Which of the following best describes the function of the slag generated by certain welding processes?
Protects the molten weld metal from contamination
Aids in the addition of oxygen and removal of impurities from the molten weld metal
Controls the carbon content of the deposited weld metal
Controls weld metal chemistry
106. The purpose of the Nick Break test is to determine:
The notch toughness of the weld
The ductility of the weld
The load in which the weld material will fracture laterally
The stress in which the weld material will fracture laterally
If any internal defects are present in the weld
107. Which of the following would be a typical gas(s) used in the plasma cutting of carbon steels?
Nitrogen & oxygen
75% - 25% argon-helium mix
108. How is the effective throat of a fillet weld calculated:
Through its leg length
The minimum distance from the root of a weld through to its face, minus any reinforcement
The distance from the root of the weld through to the cap of the weld
The length of the weld times the size of the weld
109. What is the voltage measured when the welding machine current is zero?
The open circuit voltage
The arc voltage
Rated load voltage
Peak voltage
Input line voltage
110. Two steel plates are to be welded together. Each plate has a bevel cut on the face to be welded. What type of weld will be made?
Double bevel groove weld
Double vee groove weld
Single bevel groove weld
Vee groove weld
Flare bevel groove weld
111. A small star-shaped pattern at the terminal point of a weld is usually an indication of:
Surface porosity
Crater crack
Excessive current used during the welding process
112. The standard to which personnel in Canada are NOT certified is a:
ASNT Standard
ASME Standard
CSA Standard
DNR Standard
CGSB Standard
113. Which of the following operations is known to result in the emission of ionizing radiation at levels dangerous to human health?
Shield metal arc welding
Plasma arc welding
Operation of high voltage portable generator sets
Radiographic inspection
Electroslag and electrogas welding
114. Which of the following is a stainless steel electrode?
115. Reverse polarity refers to the use of a:
AC power source, electrode +
DC power source, electrode+
AC power source, electrode-
DC power source, electrode-
116. Select the electrode that would be best suited for welding high sulphur steels in the flat position:
117. A steel bar of square cross-section 2 inches x 2 inches is subject to a load of 48 kips. What is the tensile stress in the bar?
12,000 ksi
24 kips
12,000 psi
12 Mpa
24,000 psi
118. The use of stress relief to control welding distortion is:
Always used
Never used
Always used after machining operations
Not used except in special circumstances
Used only on longitudinal members
119. Two steel plates each 8 mm thick are to be welded together. One plate has 2 bevels cut onto the edge to be welded and the other plate is left square. This weld would be identified as:
Single bevel groove weld
Double bevel groove weld
Single vee groove weld
Double vee groove weld
Flare bevel groove weld
120. The electrode most suitable for welding type 304 stainless steel is:
121. In general terms, which one of the following five variables would not be considered to be an essential variable in either the SMAW or GMAW processes?
A change in the approved filler metal
Substitution of one qualified welder for another qualified welder
A change in the type of shielding gas
A change from upward to downward welding
An increase in electrode diameter
122. Select from the following the process which has the highest weld metal deposition potential:
Flux cored welding
Single wire submerged arc
Cold wire feed gas tungsten arc
Twin wire submerged arc
Gas metal arc with 99.9% helium rich shielding gas
123. Which of the following would be considered to be a structural fault in a weld?
Incorrect bevel angles
Incorrect fit up
Insufficient throat
Incorrect joint design
Slag inclusion
124. What type of electrode would be best suited to minimize underbead cracking?
125. Which one of the following defects cannot be detected by visual inspection in a finished weld?
Underbead cracks
Crater cracks
Arc strikes
126. Which of the following describes the edge preparation for a double bevel butt joint in a steel plate assembly?
An edge on each plate is beveled for its full thickness
Both of the plates are beveled from both sides
Each plate is beveled from one side
Each plate is beveled from opposite faces
The edge of one plate has two bevels and the other plate edge is square
127. From the choices below the most likely cause of incomplete penetration would be:
Electrode diameter too small
Too wide a root gap
Excessive bevel angle
Excessive heat input
Insufficient heat input
128. Which of the following can create a brittle condition in alloy steel weldments and could possibly generate cracks?
Lack of fusion
Tungsten inclusions
Stray arc strike
Misalignment of the parts to be joined
129. When using the ultrasonic testing method to inspect a weld:
Any angle of transducer may be used
Any frequency of transducer may be used
±. 1° from the required transducer angle is the normal tolerance
Couplant is unnecessary for contact testing
The transducer index point should be periodically verified on the IIW block
130. A single V-groove weld made with the SMAW process in 20 mm (3/4 in) thick quenched and tempered steel must not have an interpass temperature higher than:
200°C (400°F)
275°C (525°F)
300°C (575°F)
315°C (600°F)
425°C (800°F)
131. Distortion from welding will be more pronounced:
When preheat is used
For single pass welding
For multi pass welding
For welding thick plate than thin plate
If the arc travel speed is increased
132. The difference in electrical potential between the surface of the molten metal and the tip of the welding wire is:
Welding amperage
Welding voltage
Welding resistance
Ionization potential
If the arc travel speed is increased
133. Where would a hole type penetrameter be placed when radiographing a 19 mm thick vee groove weld?
On the source side
On the film side
Across the weld
On the source side near one end of the film
On the film side near the centre of the file
134. The three basic arc welds are:
Groove, fillet, tee
Butt, groove, plug
Fillet, groove, plug
Butt, tee, lap
Groove, tee, plug
135. A discontinuity which is a lack of bonding at the root of a joint between weld passes or between the weld metal and the base metal is referred to as:
Incomplete penetration
Non-metallic inclusion
Incomplete fusion
Internal concavity
Slag inclusion
You are on a job site where IR192 is being used to radiograph welds. Identify three ways to protect yourself from the hazardous radiation emitted by the IR192?   

Maintain a safe distance from the radiation source. Provide shielding. Use a radiation alarm.

Explain why arc strikes on a weldment might be objectionable and also state two possible causes:

Part I The arc strike is similar to a very small weld, one made without preheat and certainly smaller than the minimum weld size required to reduce the risk of cracking. The arc strike cools very rapidly, leaving a very small but very hard surface and heat-affected zone (HAZ). A high-hardness HAZ increases the risk of brittle fracture, hence an arc strike may serve as a crack initiator.

{"name":"CWB QC Level 1", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge in welding quality control with our comprehensive quiz. Designed for professionals and students alike, this quiz consists of 137 multiple-choice questions covering various aspects of welding standards, inspection techniques, and defect identification.Whether you are preparing for certification or just looking to brush up on your skills, this quiz is an excellent resource:In-depth questions on welding processesInsight into inspection methodsEnhanced understanding of defect identification","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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