40Q Dichotomy Quiz.

You ask your friends how they're most likely to describe you - which is closer to something they would say?
That I'm friendly and outgoing.
That I'm reserved and aloof.
You've been tasked with coming up with a new idea for a business - you don't mind working here and are happy to put your creative strengths to use - would you generally:
Prefer to develop your ideas by bouncing your thoughts off of other people - you find it easier to really understand it and wrap your head around it, when you vocalize your thoughts - you're more creative this way.
Prefer to develop your ideas on your own, reflecting on them in your mind - you find it easier to wrap your head around your ideas without interacting with others - you're more creative this way.
You're part of a group, and the conversation is shifted onto you, are you more likely to feel:
Relatively comfortable, I'm not averse to being the center of attention.
Relatively awkward, I'm uncomfortable with being the center of attention.
Which sounds more like you, most of the time?
I generally say what's on my mind at the time, without much of a filter, so to speak.
I generally consider what I'm going to say, before I say it - I definitely filter my thoughts before expressing them.
When in groups, do you generally find yourself preferring to:
Engage in the conversation, preferring to be a part of whatever is going on.
Disengage from the conversation, preferring to be an observer of whatever is going on.
You're forced to spend a few days entirely on your own, no phone, no internet, no communication with the outside world at all, are you more:
Feeling uncomfortable with this idea, you know you'll feel lonely and unsettled.
Feeling comfortable with this idea, you know you'll enjoy spending the time alone, and won't feel lonely or uneasy about it.
You're conversing with someone you've just met at a party - which is closer to you?
I'm enjoying the conversation - talking about myself, telling stories, learning about this new person and feeling energized by the interaction.
I'm toughing it out until I get a chance to leave, not fond of interacting with other people for too long - it drains me.
Which do you prefer?
Having a large pool of friends and acquaintances - only having 2-3 close friends sounds a little dull.
Having a very small group of friends - having more than 2-3 close friends sounds a little hectic.
You've applied for a few different jobs, two have got back to you and want you! Which one do you pick?
The job that has me working with other people, interacting with lots of customers, clients, colleagues and what not - part of a team.
The job that has me working on my own, without interactions with other people - autonomous.
How many friends do you find it more stimulating to chill with?
Larger groups of friends, preferably.
Smaller groups of friends, preferably.
Which of the following statements is a best fit, for you?
I prefer to be pragmatic, contemporary and utilitarian. Being original doesn't mean much to me.
I prefer to be offbeat, avant-garde. Being original means the world to me.
You're learning something completely new at work, do you prefer:
To learn it step by step in order to develop a complete understanding of this new thing. Instruction manuals are good, the more detailed the instructions, the better!
To get the gist of it and take it from there - you generally feel like you 'get it' right off the bat. You don't see a need or want for detailed instructions or manuals.
What kind of stories do you prefer to read about?
What your friends are up to on social media etc, current events - local or global, happenings that have some grounding in reality.
Conspiracy theories, technological possibilities, new ideas etc - things that don't have much groundings in reality.
Which sounds closer to something you might think?
The "big picture" isn't everything - without all the relevant details and specifics, it means nothing and is unattainable, nothing but a fantasy. You can't lose sight of the process required to achieve these big picture goals.
The "details and specifics" aren't everything - without keeping the big picture in mind, the details and specifics mean nothing, they're trivial and mundane. You can't lose sight of the end result - that's all that really matters.
If something is working perfectly fine as is, what's your true preference?
To leave it as it is - if a system is working smoothly, I don't see a real need to go changing things for no reason. If it starts producing less than desirable results, I'm all for improvements or even a complete overhaul.
To look for ways to improve it - whether it works or not doesn't really matter, I can't help but generate new ideas to improve it or alter it.
Which sounds more like you?
I generally understand situations by observing what's going on and using my common sense to put 2 and 2 together.
I generally understand situations by, well, I don't even know, I just know what's going on. No commonsense involved.
What tasks are preferable for you?
Ones that produce palpable results - ones I can literally observe and appreciate.
Ones that produce vague results - ones that give me something to think about.
Which sounds more like you?
I prefer to interpret peoples actions and words at face-value, rather than waste time "reading into" things and search for "meaning" in things that may or may not be there.
I prefer to read into peoples actions and words, rather than take them at "face value" and rely on information that is given to me by others.
Who pisses you off more?
The person who always seems to be wanting to re-invent the wheel for whatever reason, always wanting to change things etc, I don't get it - if something works, just leave it - IT WORKS!!
The person who insists on providing me with blow-by-blow descriptors of everything. I mean, just give me the 'gist' and I'm good - I don't need to know every damn thing about it.
Which do you prefer?
Other people are more likely to describe you as:
Removed, indifferent, nonpartisan.
Amicable, supportive, contributory.
When solving problems, or dealing with a 'crisis' situation - what do you value more in yourself?
Your ability to deal with the situation in a balanced and judicious manner - you like to remain level-headed and rationally assess situations and provide solutions that will solve the problem. You value this in yourself, more than your ability to make sure everybody is okay.
Your ability to deal with the situation in a compassionate and understanding manner - you like to get involved and make sure everybody is okay with what is going on. You value this in yourself, more than your ability to objectively solve the problem.
Which of the following sounds more like you?
I like to debate and defend my point of view - I believe a lot can be learned through critical examination in this fashion.
I don't like debating or defending my point of view - I believe a lot can be learned together, cooperatively.
How do you generally make decisions?
Without prejudice - I prefer to weigh up the pros and cons, and act upon the conclusion that makes the most logical sense. I do not prefer caving into what my heart says.
By seeing how I, and/or others feel about the situation - I prefer to analyze the emotional impact the decision will have on people. I do not prefer objectively assessing the situation and following what impersonal logic suggests.
Do you find it pleases you more when people are:
Sincere and honest with you, even if it means telling you things that might hurt.
Polite and courteous with you, even if it means keeping things from you that might hurt.
Which do you find comes more naturally to you?
Critiquing and finding faults and inconsistencies in others ideas.
Welcoming and appreciating the positives in others ideas.
Your very best friend has just came to you after a break-up, and is distraught, which of the following is more natural for you to do?
Find out what happened, and provide solutions - ways they can make the situation better. You focus more on resolving the heart of the problem, than dealing with what appears to be the byproducts of the problem - those emotions will sort themselves once the core issue is resolved.
Make sure they are okay, and provide ways to cheer them up. You focus more on resolving the issue that is right in front of you, before diving into what caused this to happen - which you will still get around to doing.
How do you feel about people insulting you, or critiquing you?
Water off a ducks back - couldn't care less.
I don't like it, my feelings are hurt relatively easily.
With regards to making decisions that involve reprimanding people, do you find yourself preferring to:
Make them based on honesty and integrity - I like to be fair and transparent - we're all equals. Not comfortable with treating individuals differently depending on their circumstances. Prefer even treatment.
Make them based on an individuals current circumstances or concerns - we're not all in the same situation. Not comfortable with treating everybody the same. Prefer tailoring treatment to each individual person.
You tend to be more interested in:
What people are thinking, as opposed to what they're feeling.
What people are feeling, as opposed to what they're thinking.
If and when you actually make a list of things to be done - which fits you best?
I actually get them done and tick off those boxes, I didn't make the list for no reason.
I don't really follow the list. I treat it more like a guideline or a 'reminder' of things to be done, more so than anything set-in-stone.
Be honest with me here - when something arises that you should really get done, which is closer to you?
I'll do it straight away, vastly prefer to get things out the way right off the bat.
I admit - I procrastinate and tend to do a whole lot of things that aren't that exact thing I know I should be doing.
You're going out with some friends for dinner tonight, what's closest to you?
I like to know where we are going ahead of time, and exactly what time we're to be there. I'll also want to know who's drinking and who's driving so I can decide in advance how I'm doing to approach this night out.
I don't really mind where we're going, just tell me before I'm supposed to leave.. I prefer a rough idea of what time to be there, and if I'm late, big deal - if we decide to start drinking, I'll catch a taxi home or figure something else out. Not overly concerned with these kinds of specifics.
Messy environments..
..annoy me. I like things to be in their place - otherwise it sort of messes with my head, makes me feel disorganized.
..don't really bother me. I like my thoughts to be clear and I'm more than capable of keeping a clear head even if my environment might look a little disorganized to others.
You've got work to do, and something unrelated is piquing your interest - perhaps somebody wants you to come out and see them, or your favorite video game is calling your name, maybe it's an interesting-looking post on social media etc.. Which is more like you?
I'd feel kind of uncomfortable stopping what I'm doing and shifting to that new things - I'd rather finish this task before moving on to something else.
Yeah, I'm down - I'll just come back to what I'm doing later, no real issues with this unless severely pressed for time in which case, well, I'm not an idiot - I'll finish the work.
You and your friends had a night planned out a week ago, and now they're suggesting you go somewhere else, what's closest to your natural thoughts?
Not really happy - I prefer to stick to the schedule, so to speak. I've had it in my head we were going to that one place for so long that it kind of kills the vibe a little to find it's being changed at the last minute. A little frustrating. I know I'll still go and have a great time, but no, I don't like this.
Not fussed - I'm happy either way, it's more of the idea of going out that intrigues me anyway - kind of excited about the change to be honest. It's really not a big deal for me, I'm pretty easy like that.
Which is preferable for you?
To know exactly what you're getting yourself into, in advance if possible. Heavily favor having either the literal details, or at least an outline of what's going on, in your head, before jumping into something new.
To have the freedom to work things out as you go - whether that's by gathering information along the way, or fleshing out an outline along the way doesn't matter. Heavily favor flexibility over rigidity with regards to jumping into something new.
Which sounds more like you?
Start something, finish it. Move on.
Start something. Move on. Start something. Move on.
Are you easily distracted?
Nope - I'm able to remain focused, and prefer to be zone in on whatever I'm doing - easily able to resist temptation.
Yep - I'm pretty receptive to new things, so can definitely wind up being distracted - not too great at resisting temptation.
Your friend has come to you asking for your assistance - he need you to help him decide between a red shirt, or a blue shirt, which sounds more like you?
*points* That one.
Well, it depends - what else are you going to be wearing it with? What's it for? Were those the only two choices? Have you considered these other styles? Look, don't make a decision just yet - let's see if we can scout out some more information before deciding.
{"name":"40Q Dichotomy Quiz.", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You're conversing with someone you've just met at a party - which is closer to you?, You ask your friends how they're most likely to describe you - which is closer to something they would say?, You've been tasked with coming up with a new idea for a business - you don't mind working here and are happy to put your creative strengths to use - would you generally:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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