How effective would you be in getting away with murder?

What is the legal definition of murder?
Killing someone in self-defense
Causing death through negligence
Taking a life for revenge
The unlawful killing of another human being
What are the three elements that must be present to prove a charge of murder?
Premeditation, intent, and recklessness
Intention, recklessness, and provocation
Intent, malice aforethought, and causation
Malice, premeditation, and negligence
What is the difference between first degree murder and second degree murder?
First degree murder requires premeditation while second degree does not
First degree murder involves intentional killing while second degree does not
First degree murder is more serious than second degree murder
Second degree murder requires premeditation while first degree does not
What is the maximum sentence for murder in Brazil?
Death penalty
30 years
50 years
Life imprisonment
What is the most important factor when it comes to getting away with murder?
Not leaving any evidence behind
Having an alibi
Knowing the law
Being lucky
How can you reduce your chances of getting caught if you commit murder?
Leave no witnesses, hire a lawyer, and flee the country
Destroy all evidence, hide the body, and never talk about it
Make sure there are no cameras around, wear gloves, and erase all digital traces
Dispose of all evidence, avoid contact with anyone who knows about the crime, and create an alibi
What is the best way to cover up a murder?
Frame someone else
Make it look like an accident or suicide
Pay off the police
Hide the body
What percentage of homicides are solved in Brazil?
Around 10%
20 - 30%
35 - 45%
More than 50%
What is the best motive to kill someone?
Firing you from a job
Sleeping with your spouse
Giving you a bad grade
For the thrill of it
Is it possible to get away with murder?
It is possible but very difficult
Yes, as long as you have an alibi
No, it's impossible
Yes, as long as you don't leave any evidence behind
{"name":"How effective would you be in getting away with murder?", "url":"","txt":"What is the legal definition of murder?, What are the three elements that must be present to prove a charge of murder?, What is the difference between first degree murder and second degree murder?","img":""}
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