TOEFL Vocabulary Exercise 14
{"name":"TOEFL Vocabulary Exercise 14", "url":"","txt":"Directions: √ Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1) multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each. √Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process. √ When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. √ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on. √ For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence. √ Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction., Quiz#1 Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer., carnivore (n)","img":""}
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