Myria Alliance Sorting Quiz

What ability are you most proud of?
The ability to learn.
The ability to persevere.
Pride is an emotion for people with underdeveloped identities.
A refuge craft signals your ship for assistance in deep space. What is your response?
Dock with them and recruit anyone willing to join you, giving provisions to those staying behind.
The signal must be a trap and you continue on your mission without responding.
Take them in and scour their data records for any new information.
The first thing on your communicator screen when you wake up is:
Your biometric data factored into the perfect stimulant brewing time.
A new language to translate.
A territory map showing battle progress on all fronts.
You’re granted temporary leave from your responsibilities. Where do you go?
My responsibilities never cease.
The martial training platforms on Y-Sector Base Satelite 9.
The infinite libraries on the first moon of Percepticus.
The enemy has surrounded your firebase and you’re out of ammunition. What do you do?
Put on the uniform of a fallen enemy, shout “They went that way!”, and run in the opposite direction.
Call in an airstrike on my position and take those bastards with me in a blaze of glory.
Hack their comms, upload my consciousness into the commanding officer, and turn the soldiers against each other.
You’re allowed one piece of personal gear in your battle load out. What do you take?
Individuation is weakness, also I bring a photo unit for battle selfies to show the collective my success.
A bracelet of polished stone spheres, to meditate on between battles.
A dagger forged from the steel of the high council chamber doors, taken before my planet fell.
How do you exercise?
Electrical stimulus to muscle groups with timing and intensity programmed for maximum performance.
Ballistic training utilising eccentric weapon systems.
Carrying seven volumes of Pordica’s Strategies of War and Truce is plenty of exercise.
The food generator received an upgrade and can create any dish you want. What’s your order?
A cuisine I’ve never tasted before.
Home cooking.
Only the essential nutrients.
You’ve made your hundredth kill and command is rewarding you with custom graphics on your ship. What do you commission?
The fang filled mouth of a nebular octoraptor.
A abacus device from Earth, one of the earliest computers.
The protective runes of the Trolath Ulane.
What animal do you sneak into your living quarters?
A riddle spider that weaves mathematical puzzles.
A faithful and fierce hoark dog.
A mineral lizard, whose simple thoughts flicker in their crystalline heads.
What music is blasting through your speakers as you charge towards battle?
Johann Sebastian Bach.
Heavy Metal.
You come across an enemy encampment. There are too many of them to take on single handed. What’s your next move?
Call in backup, then start the fight before my team arrives so they witness how badass I am.
Snipe the officers and let the enemy collapse without leadership.
Sabotage their ammunition and fabricate evidence that one of them did it.
{"name":"Myria Alliance Sorting Quiz", "url":"","txt":"What ability are you most proud of?, A refuge craft signals your ship for assistance in deep space. What is your response?, The first thing on your communicator screen when you wake up is:","img":""}
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