What Political Party are you?

A vibrant illustration showing diverse people engaging in discussions about politics and social issues, with symbolic imagery representing various political ideologies and themes like democracy, equality, and community.

Discover Your Political Identity

Take this engaging quiz to understand what political party aligns with your beliefs and values! Answer questions on critical issues such as technology, governance, and social justice.

  • Explores your views on current political figures and policies
  • Provides insights into your political stance
  • Engaging and thought-provoking questions
21 Questions5 MinutesCreated by ThinkingDebate521
You should not be worried about the era of technology and constant surveillance? If you have done nothing wrong
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
If you fully put aside all bias and character and solely focus on his job as a President, How well would you rate President Donald J. Trump's Presidency?
Extremely Successful
Above Average
Below Average
Absolutely Horrible
If you fully put aside all bias and character and solely focus on his job as a President, How well would you rate Barack Obama's Presidency.
Extremely Successful
Above Average
Below Average
Absolutley Horrible
How Legitimate do you believe the results of the 2020 election were?
This was a safe and secure election that Joe Biden won fairly, Trump made up these claims of election fraud because of his embarrasing loss.
I have questioned the legitimacy of this election slightly, but I would fairly confidently say that it was a fair eleciton that led to Joe Biden becoming President.
The 2020 election was a fraud, the democrats cheated and it was obvious. Donald J. Trump should be our rightful President. We were cheated
This one is simple; do you believe masks work to protect you from Covid-19?
Yes, Science has proved masks work again and again. If you do not wear a mask, you are putting lives at danger and being selfish.
Yes, I believe masks work, however some of these mask laws are starting to get questionable. I still trust the science, but if I see someone without a mask it does not change my respect for them at all.
Yes, masks work, however masks are not needed unless you are in a close indoor space. Outdoors, masks are useless. Also, masks are not needed if you are far enough away from a person.
No, I do not believe masks work. However, I will respect the laws of my city or state and oblige with the rules to wear a mask were required. I have no problem with wearing one.
No, masks do not work, there is data to prove this claim and I have never and will never put on a mask. Masks are apart of a higher plan to control the masses.
How important is God in your life?
Very Important
Not Important at all
God is not real
Do you believe the Federal Government has the people's best interest in mind most of the time?
How big of a problem do you think Racism is in the USA?
A Big Problem
A problem, but the media overblows it to more than it really is
It is not a big problem compared to the other issues in the USA
Do you believe that
Immigrants have shaped our American culture, and have overall made a positive impact.
Too many immigrants will cause us to lose our identity as a Country. We need to accept less immigrants.
Should prisons overall focus more on rehabilitation or discipline?
Should the death penalty be enforced for people who have committed heinous crimes?
Yes, there must be more cruel punishments for heinous crimes like pedophilia, rape, etc.
No, these people that commit these crimes have serious mental issues. It would be barbaric of us to kill these people. We can't stoop to their level.
No, not because I believe the death penalty is too barbaric, but because life in prison is a much worse sentance.
No, we must focus on rehabilitatng these mentally ill people instead of punishing them. Their heads are obviously messed up.
Yes, but not only the death penalty, we should introcude torture and other methods of punishment to reduce these horrible crimes.
Do you believe that more must be done to fight for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community who is unfairly discrimated against?
Where do you get your main source of news from?
Social Media (Instagram, TikTok, Twitter etc.)
Family Members/Friends
News Stations
I do not really know what is going on in the world.
Newspapers/Online Articles
Do you trust the Mainstream Media to produce reliable and true information?
Yes, the majority of mainstream news tells the truth.
No, there are a couple of reliable news stations, but there are very few.
No, I do not trust a single one of these mainstream news stations, they are all biased in there own ways with their own agendas.
What do you think caused more damage to our country?
Jan. 6 Riots
BLM Riots
How do you feel about your country?
The USA is God's country, the greatest country on the earth.
We are a great country, mostly, we do need to make some changes though for sure.
I do not hate this country, but it is by far one of the most unfair and racist countries on Earth. There are good people here, but there are too many big problems with the roots and current state of this country.
I hate this country, no need to explain, this country was built on racism, sexism, and homophobia.
If you could choose one President to bring back to lead this country, who would it be?
Ronald Reagan
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Thomas Jefferson
Bill Clinton
How important is having the strongest military in the world to you?
Very Important
Not Imporant
Extremely Unimportant
Do you believe that equality or economic prosperity is more important?
Economic Prosperity
Do you believe that sex work is a real and legitimate line of work?
Are there 2 genders?
{"name":"What Political Party are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Take this engaging quiz to understand what political party aligns with your beliefs and values! Answer questions on critical issues such as technology, governance, and social justice.Explores your views on current political figures and policiesProvides insights into your political stanceEngaging and thought-provoking questions","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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