What's My Dosha?

Answer each question to the greatest of your ability. If more than one answer seems true, pick the one you identify with most. Try to pick choices you identify with most naturally
Answer each question to the greatest of your ability. If more than one answer seems true, pick the one you identify with most. Try to pick choices you identify with most naturally
Before we start, what's your name?
How are you built?
Thin, skinny, or small.
Moderate, stalky, or average size.
Thick or plus size.
How is your body's weight?
Low or underweight.
Moderate or average weight.
High or overweight.
What is your skin like?
Dry, rough, dark, or cool to the touch.
Soft, oily, fair, or warm to the touch.
Thick, oily, pale, or cool to the touch.
What is your hair like?
Dry or kinky.
Soft, oily, or early grey.
Thick, oily, or wavy.
What are your teeth like?
Protruded, big, crooked, or emaciated gums.
Moderate in size, soft gums, or yellowish.
Strong and white.
What are your eyes like?
Small, dull, and dry.
Sharp and penetrating.
Big, attractive, and thick eyelashes.
What is your appetite like?
Variable or scanty.
Good excessive, or unbearable.
Slow but steady.
Which tastes do you prefer?
Sweet, sour and salty.
Sweet, bitter and astringent.
Pungent, bitter, and astringent.
How thirsty are you?
How is your waste?
Dry, hard, and constipated.
Soft, oily, and loose.
Thick, oily, heavy, and slow.
How physically active are you?
Very active.
Moderately active.
How is your mind?
Restless and very active.
Aggressive, irritable, and jealous.
Calm and slow.
How is your emotional temperament?
Fearful, insecure, and unpredictable.
Aggressive, irritable, and jealous.
Calm, greedy, and attached.
How is your faith?
How is your memory?
Recent memory good. Remote memory poor.
Slow but prolonged.
What are your dreams like?
Fearful. Flying, jumping, and running.
Fiery. Anger. Violence. War.
Watery. Often involving rivers, lakes, or ocean. Sometimes Romantic.
How is your sleep?
Scanty and interrupted.
Little but sound.
Heavy and prolonged.
How is your speech?
Sharp and cutting.
Slow or monotonous.
How is your financial status?
Poor. Spends money quickly on trifles.
Moderate. Spends on luxuries.
Rich. Money saver. Spends on food.
How is your pulse?
Thready or feeble. Moves like a snake.
Moderate. Jumping like a frog.
Broad or slow. Moves like a swan.
{"name":"What's My Dosha?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Answer each question to the greatest of your ability. If more than one answer seems true, pick the one you identify with most. Try to pick choices you identify with most naturally, Before we start, what's your name?, How are you built?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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