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New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 23 Nov 20
[2011.10055] Johannes Feldmeier, Frank Pollmann, Michael Knap: Emergent Fracton Dynamics in a Non-Planar Dimer Model
[2011.10060] Guang Yang, Yi Zhang: Quantum-limit Hall effect with large carrier density in topological semimetals
[2011.10070] M. V. Durnev, S. A. Tarasenko: Edge photogalvanic effect caused by optical alignment of carrier momenta in 2D Dirac materials
[2011.10081] Martin Schlederer, Alexandra Mozdzen, Thomas Lompe et al.: Single atom counting in a two-color magneto-optical trap
[2011.10089] Dan Liu, Gerhard Müller: Jammed disks of two sizes in a narrow channel
[2011.10096] Yulia Maximenko, Yueqing Chang, Guannan Chen et al.: Electric field effects on the band gap and edge states of monolayer 1T'-WTe2
[2011.10104] Andreas Geißler: Finite-size scaling analysis of localization transitions in the disordered two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model within the fluctuation operator expansion method
[2011.10119] Matthew J. Crane, Laura M. Jacoby, Theodore A. Cohen et al.: Coherent Spin Precession and Lifetime-Limited Spin Dephasing in CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals
[2011.10122] Matteo Acciai, Fatemeh Hajiloo, Fabian Hassler et al.: Phase-coherent heat circulators with normal- or superconducting contacts
[2011.10123] Janusz E. Jacak: Topological correlations and breaking of fermionic antisymmetry of electrons in FQHE
[2011.10131] Naoko Yuno-Ohta, Naoya Shimonomura, Yuuka Hoshi et al.: Characterization of the gelation and resulting network of a mixed-protein gel derived from sodium caseinate and ovalbumin in the presence o...
[2011.10135] Ge He, Dong Li, Daniel Jost et al.: Raman Study of Cooper Pairing Instabilities in (Li$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$)OHFeSe
[2011.10139] Kamal Choudhary, Francesca Tavazza: Predicting Anomalous Quantum Confinement Effect in van der Waals Materials
[2011.10148] Justin Woods, Xiaoqian M Chen, Rajesh V. Chopdekar et al.: Switchable X-ray Orbital Angular Momentum from an Artificial Spin Ice
[2011.10162] Yuma Yoshikawa, Taichi Wada, Yoshihiko Okamoto et al.: Large Thermoelectric Power Factor in Whisker Crystals of Solid Solutions of the One-Dimensional Tellurides Ta4SiTe4 and Nb4SiTe4
[2011.10178] Yuichi Masubuchi, Dimitris Vlassopoulos, Giovanni Ianniruberto et al.: Wall slip in primitive chain network simulations of shear startup of entangled polymers and its effect on the shear stress u...
[2011.10198] Sai S. Sunku, Dorri Halbertal, Rebecca Engelke et al.: Dual-gated graphene devices for near-field nano-imaging
[2011.10200] Nikolay Bogoliubov, Cyril Malyshev: The partition function of the four-vertex model in inhomogeneous external field and trace statistics
[2011.10203] Devesh R. Kripalani, Ping-Ping Sun, Pamela Lin et al.: Vacancies and dopants in two-dimensional tin monoxide: An ab initio study
[2011.10204] I. V. Solovyev: Exchange interactions and magnetic force theorem
[2011.10210] Thomas Dieterle, Moritz Berngruber, Christian Hölzl et al.: Inelastic collision dynamics of a single cold ion immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate
[2011.10224] Yuqiang Zheng, Can Li, Chengyang Xu et al.: Designer spin order in diradical nanographenes
[2011.10229] P. V. Prakash Madduri, Subir Sen, Bimalesh Giri et al.: An ac-susceptibility study of magnetic relaxation phenomena in the antiskyrmion hosting tetragonal Mn-Pt(Pd)-Sn system
[2011.10256] Jaechul Lee, Satoshi Ikegaya, Yasuhiro Asano: Odd-parity pairing correlations in a d-wave superconductor
[2011.10259] Pavel Khrapov: Disorder solutions for the partition functions of the two-dimensional Ising-like models
[2011.10275] Gert Nolze, Aimo Winkelmann, Grzegorz Cios et al.: Tetragonality mapping of martensite in a high-carbon steel by EBSD
[2011.10297] Christian Pedersen, Thomas Salez, Andreas Carlson: Universal Self-Similar Attractor in the Bending-Driven Leveling of Thin Viscous Films
[2011.10302] Antigoni Theodoratou, Lay-Theng Lee, Julian Oberdisse et al.: Equilibrium protein adsorption on nanometric vegetable-oil hybrid film/water interface using neutron reflectometry
[2011.10311] Yan Lu, Harold S. Park: Double Dirac Cones and Topologically Non-Trivial Phonons for Continuous, Square Symmetric (C$_{4v}$ and C$_{2v}$) Unit Cells
[2011.10326] Frederic Vanderveken, Jeroen Mulkers, Jonathan Leliaert et al.: Confined magnetoelastic waves in thin waveguides
[2011.10330] T. J. Hicken, M. N. Wilson, K. J. A. Franke et al.: Megahertz dynamics in skyrmion systems probed with muon-spin relaxation
[2011.10338] Takuya Ito, Naokazu Shibata: Density matrix renormalization group study of the $ν=1/3$ edge states in the fractional quantum Hall systems
[2011.10342] Hiromitsu Takeuchi: Phase diagram of vortices in the polar phase of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates
[2011.10343] Mohamed A. Kassem, Yoshikazu Tabata, Takeshi Waki et al.: Crystal growth and metallic ferromagnetism induced by electron doping in FeSb$_2$
[2011.10371] Haikuan Dong, Shiyun Xiong, Zheyong Fan et al.: Interpretation of apparent thermal conductivity in finite systems from equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations
[2011.10393] Philipp Henzler, Christian Traum, Matthias Holtkemper et al.: Femtosecond Transfer and Manipulation of Persistent Hot Trion Coherence in a Single CdSe/ZnSe Quantum Dot
[2011.10408] Lakpa Tamang, Tanay Nag, Tutul Biswas: Floquet engineering of low-energy dispersions and dynamical localization in a periodically kicked pseudospin-1 system
[2011.10411] Jorge Cayao, Annica M. Black-Schaffer: Distinguishing trivial and topological zero energy states in long nanowire junctions
[2011.10415] Giacomo Baldi, Aldo Fontana, Giulio Monaco: Vibrational dynamics of non-crystalline solids
[2011.10418] Nicolas Gauthier, Victor Porée, Sylvain Petit et al.: Neutron scattering by magnetic octupoles of a quantum liquid
[2011.10419] L. Yu. Kharvchenko, D. V. Fil: Control of charge state of dopants in insulating crystals: Case study of Ti-doped sapphire
[2011.10457] Lukas Puntigam, Jan Schultheiß, Ana Strinic et al.: Insulating improper ferroelectric domain walls as robust barrier layer capacitors
[2011.10466] Connie H. Mousatov, Sean A. Hartnoll: Phonons, electrons and thermal transport in Planckian high T$_c$ materials
[2011.10468] Jen-Tsung Hsiang, B. L. Hu: Nonequilibrium Quantum Free Energy and Effective Temperature, Generating Functional and Influence Action
[2011.10476] Charanpreet Singh, Vikram Singh, Gyandeep Pradhan et al.: Pressure controlled trimerization for switching of anomalous Hall effect in triangular antiferromagnet Mn$_3$Sn
[2011.10483] P. Wójcik, A. Bertoni, G. Goldoni: Anisotropy of the spin-orbit coupling driven by a magnetic field in InAs nanowires
[2011.10506] F. Parvin, M. A. Hossain, M. I. Ahmed et al.: Mechanical, optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler p-type semiconductor BaAgP: A DFT investigation
[2011.10535] Yago Ferreiros, Karl Landsteiner: On chiral responses to geometric torsion
[2011.10536] Lucas R. Hofer, Milan Krstajić, Péter Juhász et al.: Atom Cloud Detection Using a Deep Neural Network
[2011.10537] Alice J. Merryweather, Christoph Schnedermann, Quentin Jacquet et al.: Operando optical tracking of single-particle ion dynamics and phase transitions in battery electrodes
[2011.10554] Eric Bobrow, Junjia Zhang, Yi Li: Multi-orbital Flat Band Ferromagnetism with a Prov
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 23 Nov 20","img":""}
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