Is English helping or hurting your career? 

1. How often do you use English in your work?
Sometimes, 2x/month minimum
Rarely, a few times per year
2. What feelings do you have when you speak English at work?
I feel shy and hesitant when I speak. My English makes me feel "blocked."
I can do it when necessary, but I don't like it. I avoid it when possible.
I feel calm and confident.
3. How clearly do you express your ideas in English?
I can express my main ideas, but I hesitate and search for my words a lot.
I can express myself in English almost as easily as in my native language.
I can express my ideas, but they are less nuanced than in English.
4. Have you ever been rejected after a job interview because of your English level?
Yes, this has happened to me.
No, I've always been hired.
I've never had an interview where they verified my English
Has anyone ever told you that you need to improve your English?
Yes, my boss/manager has said this to me.
No one has said it, and I feel confident about my English
No one has said it, but I know I need to
Do you think you would have more opportunities (projects / promotions / raise) if you had a better level of English?
Yes. I feel English is blocking my career opportunities.
No. My English is good enough. It doesn't block me in my career advancement.
I can probably have more opportunities, but I don't have specific opportunities in mind.
When you work with NATIVE English speakers, how well do you understand them?
I understand less than 80%. I regularly ask them to slow down, or repeat something I didn't understand.
I understand 80%-99%.
I never work with native speakers.
When you work with NON-NATIVE English speakers, how well do you understand them?
I understand less than 80%. I regularly ask them to slow down, or repeat something I didn't understand.
I understand 80%-99%.
I never work with non-native English speakers.
How confident do you feel when you speak English at work?
I feel ok. Not very confident, but I can express my ideas.
I feel totally confident
I don't feel confident at all
{"name":"Is English helping or hurting your career?", "url":"","txt":"1. How often do you use English in your work?, 2. What feelings do you have when you speak English at work?, 3. How clearly do you express your ideas in English?","img":""}
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