So you want to be a development researcher?

Find out what area you should specialise in!
Find out what area you should specialise in!
Which of the following topic(s) are you naturally drawn to? (Choose one or more)
Poverty and inequality
Sustainable natural resources management
Conflicts and political violence
Democratic governance and state capacity
Aid effectiveness
Work and livelihoods
Gender equality
Which of the following films would you be most likely to watch? (Choose one)
The Tax Collector
The Lord of the Database
Lost in structural transformation
We need to talk about state capacity
In the mood for gender equality
Gone with the illicit financial flows
There will be work
E.T. the Extractives Terrestrial
Which of the following books would you be most likely to pick up? (Choose one or more)
HOT TIP! You can download all of these books for free on the UNU-WIDER website
Inequality in the Developing World
Towards Gender Equity in Development
Aid Effectiveness for Environmental Sustainability
Building State Capability
Social mobility in developing countries
Mining for Change
Resurgent Asia
Fragility, Aid, and State-building
Which of these questions is most likely to keep you awake at night? (Choose one)
What is the extent of international corporate tax avoidance?
Why do some war-affected countries manage to establish politically stable governments, while others don’t?
Does development aid work?
Why have some countries been more effective than others in responding to the pandemic?
How do experiences of inequality differ between and across countries?
How do gender discriminatory social norms affect women’s economic opportunities?
As a researcher, you’d like to see your days being filled by… (Choose one or more)
Writing research papers
Collecting data in the ‘field’
Training government staff in developing countries
Presenting at academic conferences
Speaking to policy influencers around the world
Getting lost in a database
Which of these articles would you be most likely to read? (Choose one)
HOT TIP! You can find all of these blogs (and many more) on the UNU-WIDER website.
Coronavirus: five ways some states have used the pandemic to curtail human rights and democracy
Foreign aid can help stem the decline of democracy, if used in the right way 
Why should I care about economic growth?
Global poverty: coronavirus could drive it up for the first time since the 1990s
Indonesia's huge fires and toxic haze will cause health problems for years to come
Good intentions falling short – the case of pension-related tax expenditures in South Africa
Populism in Brazil: how liberalisation and austerity led to the rise of Lula and Bolsonaro
Supply or demand? Exploring the mechanisms behind the rise of female labour force participation in Mexico
Who would you like to partner with for your research project? (Choose one or more)
Government agency in a developing country
Development agency or an NGO
University or a research institute
I prefer working on my own
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That's it! You will find your results on the next page.
If you'd like to sign up to the UNU-WIDER newsletter, you can do so here
{"name":"So you want to be a development researcher?", "url":"","txt":"Find out what area you should specialise in!, Which of the following topic(s) are you naturally drawn to? (Choose one or more), Which of the following films would you be most likely to watch? (Choose one)","img":""}
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