D&D Optional Homebrew Rules

A fantasy-themed digital artwork showing a Dungeons & Dragons game session in progress, featuring diverse characters such as elves, warriors, and wizards around a table with dice and books, emphasizing the excitement of homebrew rules.

D&D Homebrew Rules Quiz

Test your knowledge of optional homebrew rules in Dungeons & Dragons with this engaging quiz! Discover varying perspectives on unique gameplay mechanics that can add thrilling complexity to your sessions.

  • Evaluate popular optional rules.
  • Share your views with the community.
  • Dive into different gameplay experiences.
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by RollingDragon42
Improved crit: Instead of rolling double damage dice (which can result in a lower total than a non crit) the second dice is automatically its highest value. E.g. Instead of rolling 2d6 we roll 1 d6 and add 6
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Massive damage: When a single hit causes more damage than 50% of REMAINING HP then we roll on the massive damage table and add extra effects (tbc).
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Lasting damage: Everytime a player is reduced to 0 HP and revived they are left with a permanent scar or disability. Can also be used with massive damage. The lasting effect can be cosmetic only or impose ongoing penalties (e.g you now have a massive scar, or you loose a finger -1 to dex)
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AC mod: Rolling exact AC does half damage
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Called shot: You take disadvantage on an attack to target a specific area (e.g I aim for the hand holding the sword). Hitting causes an additional effect as well as damage as normal
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Bonus action potions: Using a potion in combat is a bonus action not a full action
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Combat fumbles: Rolling a nat 1 in combat leaves the character open to opportunity attacks as if they had just moved
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New round new initiative: Initiative is rolled at the start of every combat round, not once for the whole combat. This allows the turn order to change during combat and will impact status effects that occur "until the start of your next turn" etc.
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Veil of Death: All death saving rolls are hidden rolls made by the DM. Oh God the tension!
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Exhausting combat: After combat lasting more than 2 rounds, roll a CON save. Take a point of exhaustion on a fail.
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Forced crit: A player can turn a hit into a crit by taking 2 levels of exhaustion.
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{"name":"D&D Optional Homebrew Rules", "url":"https://www.supersurvey.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge of optional homebrew rules in Dungeons & Dragons with this engaging quiz! Discover varying perspectives on unique gameplay mechanics that can add thrilling complexity to your sessions.Evaluate popular optional rules.Share your views with the community.Dive into different gameplay experiences.","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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