Neurodiversity Awareness Quiz

Hello and welcome to this neurodiveristy awareness quiz brought to you by SUNN, RCN student nurses and NDnursesUK. Put your knowledge of neurodiversity to the test with this short quiz! There are prizes to be won! To enter simply follow @SUNN_project  social media, RCN Students and @NDnursesUK and share this post! Please complete the personal details form so we can enter you into the draw. Your personal data will only be used for the purposes of this quiz.
Hello and welcome to this neurodiveristy awareness quiz brought to you by SUNN, RCN student nurses and NDnursesUK. Put your knowledge of neurodiversity to the test with this short quiz! There are prizes to be won! To enter simply follow @SUNN_project  social media, RCN Students and @NDnursesUK and share this post! Please complete the personal details form so we can enter you into the draw. Your personal data will only be used for the purposes of this quiz.
Select the correct sociologist that first introduced the term neurodiversity in the lates 1990's.
Judy Singer
Karl Max
Max Weber
Émile Durkheim
True or false neurodiversity is the same as a disability and mental illness ?
Select all the neurological differences that apply to neurodiversity
Bipolar Disorder
Down syndrome
Tourette's Syndrome
Meares-Irlen Syndrome
(May be more than 1 answer here) You have asked a neurodivergent student nurse or registered nurse colleague to go to the drug cupboard for a certain drug and work out the does to administer for a patient. They disclose that they are dyslexic and dyscalculic just before this. Do you
A- assume they wont manage to do what your asking and go and do it yourself
B. Tell your manager straight away
C Empathise with them help them straight away.
D. Empathise with them that you understand and ask them if they need any support to let you know.
E . Allow them time to use their own strategies to carry out the task.
An ND nurse who is dyspraxia may find coordination challenging
You are on shift with a student/nurse colleague and recognise some characteristics of neurodivergence in them after learning more about neurodiveisty on the RCN neurodiversity pocket guide and SUNN'S website, what do you do?
A. Ignore the thought you suspect they maybe neurodivergent, it its nothing to do with you
B- Discreetly report your suspicion to your senior on duty
C- Ask them if they have every considered they may be neurodivergent and direct them to support services.
Neurodiversity can be defined as
An umbrella term that is used to describe alternative learning styles/ differences. It is the unique way a person's brain works.
The different shapes a person's brain might take
The fact that people's brains often fail as they get older
The fact that people's brains often fail as they get older
Select the correct statement
1 in 7 people are neurodivergent
1 in 10 are neurodivergent
1 in 6 are neurodivergent
1 in 4 are neurodivegent
ND nurses can bring a lot of skills and talent into nursing
Thank you for taking part in this neurodiveristy awareness quiz! To make sure you are entered for a chance to win the SUNN merch and RCN neurodiversity pocket guide please make sure you have entered your email address at the start of this quiz and follow:
@SUNN_project on social media
@NDNursesUK on social media
Tag and nursing buddy
and share the competition post! :)
Good luck in the prize draw ☀️
Thank you for taking part in this neurodiveristy awareness quiz! To make sure you are entered for a chance to win the SUNN merch and RCN neurodiversity pocket guide please make sure you have entered your email address at the start of this quiz and follow:
@SUNN_project on social media
@NDNursesUK on social media
Tag and nursing buddy
and share the competition post! :)
Good luck in the prize draw ☀️
{"name":"Neurodiversity Awareness Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Hello and welcome to this neurodiveristy awareness quiz brought to you by SUNN, RCN student nurses and NDnursesUK. Put your knowledge of neurodiversity to the test with this short quiz! There are prizes to be won! To enter simply follow @SUNN_project  social media, RCN Students and @NDnursesUK and share this post! Please complete the personal details form so we can enter you into the draw. Your personal data will only be used for the purposes of this quiz., Name:, Email:","img":""}
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