Oral medicine

51. Painful salivary gland are MOST likely to be indicate to**
Sjogren’s syndrome
σ� Ranula
52. The papillae that are few in numbers, associated with MOST taste buds, associated with Von Ebner’s glands are**
All of the above
53. Acute pyogenic bacteria infection may result in**
54. A common clinical sign of occlusal traumatism is
σ� tooth mobility
σ� pocket formation
Gingival recession
σ� temporomandibular joint pain -dysfunction syndrome
Pulp calcifications
55. Gingival hyperplasia may be
σ� familial
σ� idiopathic
σ� drug induced
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
56. Which of the following should be evaluated for surgical removal before new complete dentures are constructed?
Mandibular tori
Epulis fissuratum
Sharp, prominent mylohyoid ridges
σ� All of the above
57. Which of the following is most likely to displace the adjacent teeth?
σ� Lateral periodontal cyst
Dentigerous cyst
σ� Periapical cemental dysplasia
σ� Periapical abscess
Radicular cyst
58. Clinical examination of a 42 year old heavy smoker reveals a white patch in the retromolartonsillar pillar region The patch cannot be wiped off The most likely diagnosis is
Lichen planus
σ� leukoplakia
σ� white sponge nevus
σ� frictional hyperkeratosis
Pseudomembranous candidiasis
59. Which of the following have a tendency to recur if not treated
σ� Giant cell granuloma
σ� Lipoma
Fibrous epulis
Pulp polyps
60. The tonsillar lymph node is situated at the level of
Angle of the mandible
C6 vertebrae
Jugulodigastric crossing
Jugulo-omohyoid crossing
61. Which of the following is true regarding gingivosis (Desquamative gingivitis)
It is caused by hormononal imbalance
Is frequently caused by lichen planus
Is seen only at or after menopause
Is a variant pregnancy gingivitis
Is related to nutritional disturbance
62. Keratotic lesion surrounded by cold web like lines
Lichen Planus
Keratosis follicularis
White sponge nevus
Oral sub mucous fibrosis
63. All of the following are keratinised EXCEPT of
Crevicular epithelium
Palatal epithelium
Alveolar mucosa
Free gingiva
Attached gingiva
64. On inspection of lateral boarder of the tongue at the base,which structure would you expect to find
Filiform papillae
Fungiform papillae
Foliate papillae
Lymph nodes
Circumvallate papillae
65. Which of the following is NOT complication of radiation to head and neck area**
Heightened taste increases the taste sensation
Increased caries
Increased risk of osteomyelitis
66. Odontogenic cyst develop from the following structures except
Reduced enamel epithelium of tooth crown
Dental lamina dura
Epithelium trapped after sutures
Hertwig’s root sheath
67. A white diffuse wrinkled appearance of the buccal mucosa which diminishes in prominence or disappears upon stretching is indicative of
lichen planus
Linea alba
White sponge nevus
68. A large pericoronal radiolucency associated with an impacted third molar tooth is most likely aan
Odontogenic keratocyst
Eruption cyst
Dentigenous cyst
Calcifying odontogenic cyst
69. The best management for a gingival cyst of the newborn is
Incisional biopsy
Cystologic smear
excisional biopsy
70. Exfoliative cytology can be useful in detecting viral cytopathologic effects in all of the following EXCEPT
Hairy leukoplakia
Cold sores (herpes labialis)
Chicken pox
Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
71. Heavy cigarette smoking significantly increases the incidence of
lichen planus
Aphthous stomatitis
Geographic tongue
Atrophic glossitis
mucosal pigmentation
72. The articular disc of the temporomandibular joint is moved by the
lateral (external) pterygoid muscle
medial (internal) pterygoid muscle
Temporal muscle
fibres of the masseter muscle
Upper fibres of the buccinator muscle
73. The characteristic oral lesion(s) of homogenous leukoplakia isare
Vesicles and bullae
Fordyce's granules
White patch that can not be rubbed of
σ� hairy tongue
Candidiasis (candidosis)
74. Which of the following skin lesion have accompanying oral manifestations?
σ� All of the above
σ� Lichen planus
σ� Pemphigus vulgaris
Erythema multiforme
75. Variations in the structure and the appearance of the normal mucosa include
σ� Leukoedema
σ� All of the above
σ� Fordyce’s granules
σ� Linea alba
76. Butterfly rash on nose, dryness of mouth, inflamed areas with tendency to ulcerate in an adult female is most likely
Sub burn
σ� Lupus erythematosis
Allergic reaction
σ� All of the above
77. During oral examination of 57 years old man a large white keratotic patch that covers the entire palate is noted Some “red dots” are also seen in this patch The most probable explanation is that the patient is a
σ� Pipe smoker
σ� Snuff smoker
Tobacco chewer
78. Swelling and redness of the orifice of minor salivary glands of palate occurs in
σ� Leukoplakia
σ� Fovea palatine
Nicotinic stomatitis
79. A boy shows pearly white thickening of the buccal mucosa and has been present for some years His younger brother also has the same condition The condition is most likely to be
σ� Lichen planus
σ� Leukoplakia
σ� White sponge nevus
σ� Submucous fibrosis
80. In which one of the following, vesicles and bullae are not seen
σ� Pemhigus
σ� Lupus erythematosis
σ� Hepes zoster
Herpes simplex
81. Which one is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait?
σ� Lichen planus
σ� Bullous pemphigoid
σ� Pemphigous vulgaris
σ� White sponge nevus
σ� None of the above
82. Which of the following is a precancerous precancerous lesion?
σ� Benign Migratory Glossitis
Speckled Leukoplakia
White Sponge Nevus
Black hairy tongue
σ� All of above
83. An excisional biopsy of a nodule 5mm in diameter on the lateral border of the tongue was diagnosed as a fibroma This patient should have
No additional therapy
σ� hemisection of the tongue
σ� radiotherapy to site of biopsy
σ� re-excision with wider margins
σ� radium implantation around biopsy site
84. The term applied to a low white blood cell count is
σ� thrombocythemia
σ� thrombocytopenia
σ� Anemia
85. Which of the following is necessary to make a diagnosis of an odontogenic keratocyst?
σ� Exfoliative cytology
σ� Radiographic examination
σ� Histologic examination
σ� All of the above
86. Papillary hyperplasia on the palate of a patient wearing a maxillary complete denture is most likely to be associated with
σ� an ill-fitting denture and poor oral hygiene
σ� heavy smoking
σ� an allergy to the acrylic resin
σ� occlusion with posterior natural teeth
σ� All of the above
87. A patient on broad spectrum antibiotics for four weeks presents with widespread, sore, red and white oral mucosal lesions The most likely diagnosis is
σ� candidiasis
Erythema multiforme
Erosive lichen planus
σ� pemphigoid
88. Which of the following conditions is an example of a mucous retention phenomenon?
Nicotine stomatitis
σ� Koplik’s spots
σ� Ranula
σ� Residual cyst
Nasopalatine cyst
89. Dentigerous cysts are usually found
σ� pericoronally
90. Hairy leukoplakia is caused by which of the following viruses?
σ� Papilloma
σ� Herpes simplex
σ� Epstein-Barr
σ� Human immunodeficiency
91. A patient who has until recently been on prolonged corticosteroid therapy may have
Decreased tolerance to physiological stress
Increased bleeding time
Hyposensitivity to pain
σ� an increased metabolic rate
High level of plasmatic cortisol
92. The physiologic wear of hard dental tissue resulting from mastication is known as
σ� decalcification
σ� attrition
σ� erosion
93. A radiographic term used to describe the dense bone image of the socket and septal crest is
Lamina dura
Periodontal ligament space
Cancellous bone
Cribriform plate
94. Which oral condition predisposes to caries?
σ� Leukoplakia
σ� Pharyngitis
σ� Stomatitis medicamentosa
σ� None of the above
95. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis affects MAINLY the
σ� attached gingivae
Alveolar mucosa
Buccal mucosa
Epithelial attachment
σ� gingival papillae
96. Swelling related to increased tissue fluid is called
σ� thrombosis
σ� surgical emphysema
97. Which of the following is contagious?
Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
σ� Recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
All of the above
98. A white cauliflower like protruding growth on the buccal mucosa is likely to be a :
white sponge nevus
99. White sponge nevus is :
Autoimmune in nature
An acquired infective condition
Chronic cheek biting
A hereditary condition
Allergic reaction
100. Lymphadenopathy is clinically manifested by :
σ� Hyposalivation
Swelling of the gland
Atrophy of the gland
Stone in the gland
{"name":"Oral medicine", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"51. Painful salivary gland are MOST likely to be indicate to**, 52. The papillae that are few in numbers, associated with MOST taste buds, associated with Von Ebner’s glands are**, 53. Acute pyogenic bacteria infection may result in**","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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