Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 22 Sep 21
[2109.09741] Sut-Ieng Tam, Keiichi Umetsu, Adam Amara: Likelihood-free Forward Modeling for Cluster Weak Lensing and Cosmology
[2109.09742] Taiki Kawamuro, Claudio Ricci, Takuma Izumi et al.: Hard X-ray Irradiation Potentially Drives Negative AGN Feedback by Altering Molecular Gas Properties
[2109.09743] Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Edo Berger, Brian D. Metzger et al.: Bumpy Declining Light Curves are Common in Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernovae
[2109.09745] Thayne Currie, Timothy Brandt, Masayuki Kuzuhara et al.: A New Type of Exoplanet Direct Imaging Search: The SCExAO/CHARIS Survey of Accelerating Stars
[2109.09746] Ben Margalit, Eliot Quataert, Anna Y. Q. Ho: Optical to X-ray Signatures of Dense Circumstellar Interaction in Core-Collapse Supernovae
[2109.09747] Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar, Shy Genel et al.: Multifield Cosmology with Artificial Intelligence
[2109.09748] Annalisa Citro, Dawn K. Erb, Max Pettini et al.: SDSS J1059+4251, a highly magnified z ~ 2.8 star-forming galaxy: ESI observations of the rest-frame UV spectrum
[2109.09754] Cristina García-Vergara, Matus Rybak, Jacqueline Hodge et al.: ALMA reveals large overdensity and strong clustering of galaxies in quasar environments at $z\sim4$
[2109.09760] Jens Stücker, Raul E. Angulo, Oliver Hahn et al.: Simulating the complexity of the dark matter sheet II: halo and subhalo mass functions for non-cold dark matter models
[2109.09762] Philip F. Hopkins, Iryna S. Butsky, Georgia V. Panopoulou et al.: First Predicted Cosmic Ray Spectra, Primary-to-Secondary Ratios, and Ionization Rates from MHD Galaxy Formation Simulations
[2109.09763] Shmuel Bialy, Catherine Zucker, Alyssa Goodman et al.: The Per-Tau Shell: A Giant Star-Forming Spherical Shell Revealed by 3D Dust Observations
[2109.09764] B. P. Brian Yu, Ellis R. Owen, Kuo-Chuan Pan et al.: Outflows from starburst galaxies with various driving mechanisms and their X-ray properties
[2109.09765] Catherine Zucker, Alyssa Goodman, João Alves et al.: On the Three-Dimensional Structure of Local Molecular Clouds
[2109.09766] Lalitwadee Kawinwanichakij, John D. Silverman, Xuheng Ding et al.: Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program: A Mass-Dependent Slope of the Galaxy Size-Mass Relation at $z<1$
[2109.09770] Marie Martig, Francesca Pinna, Jesús Falcón-Barroso et al.: NGC 5746: formation history of a massive disc-dominated galaxy
[2109.09775] Yanjun Guo, Jiao Li, Jianping Xiong et al.: The Multiplicity of Early-type Stars from LAMOST Medium-resolution Spectroscopic Survey
[2109.09776] Jeremy L. Smallwood, Rebecca Nealon, Cheng Chen et al.: GW Ori: circumtriple rings and planets
[2109.09778] Michael A. Keim, Pieter van Dokkum, Shany Danieli et al.: Tidal Distortions in NGC1052-DF2 and NGC1052-DF4: Independent Evidence for a Lack of Dark Matter
[2109.09779] Katarina Martinovic, Carole Perigois, Tania Regimbau et al.: Footprints of population III stars in the gravitational-wave background
[2109.09781] A. Akhazhanov, A. More, A. Amini et al.: Finding quadruply imaged quasars with machine learning. I. Methods
[2109.09785] Lingyi Hu, Alan Heavens, David Bacon: Light bending by the cosmological constant
[2109.09852] Pedro H. Bernardinelli, Gary M. Bernstein, Benjamin T. Montet et al.: C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein): the nearly spherical cow of comets
[2109.09872] Nathaniel Leslie, Liang Dai, Geraint Pratten: Mode-by-mode Relative Binning: Fast Likelihood Estimation for Gravitational Waveforms with Spin-Orbit Precession and Multiple Harmonics
[2109.09875] Yi-Peng Wu, Elena Pinetti, Joseph Silk: The cosmic coincidences of primordial-black-hole dark matter
[2109.09882] Matthew Evans, Rana X Adhikari, Chaitanya Afle et al.: A Horizon Study for Cosmic Explorer: Science, Observatories, and Community
[2109.09954] Robin Kooistra, Shigeki Inoue, Khee-Gan Lee et al.: Detecting preheating in proto-clusters with Lyman-$α$ Forest Tomography
[2109.09980] Zheng-Wei Liu, Friedrich K. Roepke, Yaotian Zeng et al.: Observational signatures of the surviving donor star in the double detonation model of Type Ia supernovae
[2109.09981] E. Ebrahimian, A. A. Abolhasani: Spin Alignment of Dark Matter Halos: Mad Halos
[2109.09985] Zhijie Xu: Inverse mass cascade of self-gravitating collisionless flow and effects on halo mass functions
[2109.09987] J. Javaraiah: A Study of Variations in Correlation Between Rotation Residual and Meridional Velocity of Sunspot Groups
[2109.09996] Matteo Frigo, Thorsten Naab, Antti Rantala et al.: The two phases of core formation -- orbital evolution in the centres of ellipticals with supermassive black hole binaries
[2109.09998] Rahul Ramesh, Ashish Kumar Mena, J S Bagla: Wave Effects in Double-Plane Lensing
[2109.10032] Tim Ruhe, Wolfgang Rhode: Detection of Small Scale Components in Power Law Spectra
[2109.10035] Moritz S. Fischer, Marcus Brüggen, Kai Schmidt-Hoberg et al.: Unequal-mass mergers of dark matter haloes with rare and frequent self-interactions
[2109.10050] Sergio Gámez-Valenzuela, Julio A. Alonso, Gonzalo Santoro et al.: Structure, stability and optical absorption spectra of small Ti$_n$C$_x$ clusters: a first-principles approach
[2109.10055] F.G. Mertens, B. Semelin, L.V.E. Koopmans: Exploring the Cosmic Dawn with NenuFAR
[2109.10070] GRAVITY Collaboration: V. Ganci, L. Labadie, L. Klarmann et al.: The GRAVITY Young Stellar Object survey VII. Gas and dust faint inner rings in the hybrid disk of HD141569
[2109.10098] J. Cumner, E. De Lera Acedo, D.I.L. de Villiers et al.: Radio antenna design for sky-averaged 21 cm cosmology experiments: the REACH case
[2109.10099] H.M. Schmid: Quadrant polarization parameters for the scattered light of circumstellar disks. Analysis of debris disk models and observations of HR 4796A
[2109.10138] Ikuru Iwata, Marcin Sawicki, Akio K. Inoue et al.: Ionizing radiation from AGNs at z>3.3 with the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey and the CFHT Large Area U-band Deep Survey (CLAUDS)
[2109.10151] W. D. Cotton, T. Mauch: Correction of Radio Interferometric Imaging for Antenna Patterns
[2109.10160] P.-A. Oria, B. Famaey, G. F. Thomas et al.: The phantom dark matter halos of the Local Volume in the context of modified Newtonian dynamics
[2109.10196] John Southworth: Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper VII. Delta Scuti, gamma Doradus and tidally-perturbed pulsations in RR Lyncis
[2109.10230] Noam Soker: Imprints of the jittering jets explosion mechanism in the morphology of the supernova remnant SNR 0540-69.3
[2109.10265] Tristan Mills, P. G. Brown, M. J. Mazur et al.: Iron Rain: measuring the occurrence rate and origin of small iron meteoroids at Earth
[2109.10296] Julia Roquette, Sean P. Matt, Andrew J. Winter et al.: The influence of the environment on the spin evolution of low-mass stars. I. External photoevaporation of circumstellar disks
[2109.10321] Rabia Husain, Boyuan Liu, Volker Bromm: Detectability of Population III stellar remnants as X-ray binaries from tidal captures in the local Universe
[2109.10334] N. K. Bhadari, L. K. Dewangan, P. M. Zemlyanukha et al.: Probing gas kinematics and PDR structure around O-type stars in Sh 2-305 HII region
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 22 Sep 21","img":""}
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