Call for art: Show world leaders that every child deserves a right to a healthy environment!

What would a world look like for children if our right to a healthy environment was recognized? If we lived in a safe and stable climate, a toxic-free environment, with clean air, access to safe water and adequate sanitation, healthy and sustainably produced food and thriving biodiversity and ecosystems?
Join us in sharing your art envisioning a healthy environment for children to be shared online and to the Human Rights Council, from June 21- 9 July during their 47th Session, to send a loud and clear message: every child deserves to live in a safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable world.
You can use any form of art, from crayons, watercolor to digital design, to show our leaders the world we want for children, young people and future generations. Please keep in mind:
  • We will only accept JPG and PNG files.
  • Do not submit art with identifiable information (i.e. Image of yourself).
  • Share a high resolution image of your art if possible.
It does not matter how strong your artistic abilities are. What's most important is that we make our call for children’s right to a healthy environment.
So make sure you have read our Terms and Conditions and submit your art by completing this form no later than 12 June 2021 at 23:59 (EST).
For any questions, please contact
What would a world look like for children if our right to a healthy environment was recognized? If we lived in a safe and stable climate, a toxic-free environment, with clean air, access to safe water and adequate sanitation, healthy and sustainably produced food and thriving biodiversity and ecosystems?
Join us in sharing your art envisioning a healthy environment for children to be shared online and to the Human Rights Council, from June 21- 9 July during their 47th Session, to send a loud and clear message: every child deserves to live in a safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable world.
You can use any form of art, from crayons, watercolor to digital design, to show our leaders the world we want for children, young people and future generations. Please keep in mind:
  • We will only accept JPG and PNG files.
  • Do not submit art with identifiable information (i.e. Image of yourself).
  • Share a high resolution image of your art if possible.
It does not matter how strong your artistic abilities are. What's most important is that we make our call for children’s right to a healthy environment.
So make sure you have read our Terms and Conditions and submit your art by completing this form no later than 12 June 2021 at 23:59 (EST).
For any questions, please contact
Requirements Checklist:

You must meet ALL of the following requirements in order to submit your art.

My submission is my own
I am submitting only one piece of art
I confirm that I have read and abide by the Terms & Conditions
Given name
Share your art!

Please create and upload your own art piece envisioning a healthy environment for children.

  • We will only accept JPG and PNG files.
  • Do not submit art with identifiable information (i.e. Image of yourself).
  • Share a high resolution image of your art if possible.
Anything else you’d like to share about your art?
Please select which applies to you
I am 18 years old and over.
I am under 18 years old.
Your consent
I give consent for my art to be collected and used by Terre des Hommes Germany to share online (i.e. Social media).
I give consent for my given name, country and age to be collected and used by Terre des Hommes Germany to share online (i.e. Social media).
For participants under 18 years old, we need your consent and the consent of your parent or legal guardian to submit your art.
For participants under 18 years old, we need your consent and the consent of your parent or legal guardian to submit your art.
Parents or legal guardian’s full name
Parents or legal guardian’s email address or phone number
Your parent or legal guardian’s consent
My parent or legal guardian and I, give consent for my art to be collected and used by Terre des Hommes Germany to share online (i.e. Social media).
My parent or legal guardian and I, give consent for my given name, country and age to be collected and used by by Terre des Hommes Germany to share online (i.e. Social media).
{"name":"Call for art: Show world leaders that every child deserves a right to a healthy environment!", "url":"","txt":"What would a world look like for children if our right to a healthy environment was recognized? If we lived in a safe and stable climate, a toxic-free environment, with clean air, access to safe water and adequate sanitation, healthy and sustainably produced food and thriving biodiversity and ecosystems?   Join us in sharing your art envisioning a healthy environment for children to be shared online and to the Human Rights Council, from June 21- 9 July during their 47th Session, to send a loud and clear message: every child deserves to live in a safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable world.   You can use any form of art, from crayons, watercolor to digital design, to show our leaders the world we want for children, young people and future generations. Please keep in mind: We will only accept JPG and PNG files. Do not submit art with identifiable information (i.e. image of yourself). Share a high resolution image of your art if possible. It does not matter how strong your artistic abilities are. What's most important is that we make our call for children’s right to a healthy environment.   So make sure you have read our Terms and Conditions and submit your art by completing this form no later than 12 June 2021 at 23:59 (EST).   For any questions, please contact, Requirements Checklist:   You must meet ALL of the following requirements in order to submit your art., Given name","img":""}
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