Histology Repetition Quiz (Epithelium+CT+Cartilage)

A detailed anatomical diagram of histological sections, showcasing different types of epithelium, connective tissue, and cartilage, with labels for key features and a colorful, educational design.

Histology Repetition Quiz

Test your knowledge of histology with our engaging quiz focused on epithelium, connective tissue, and cartilage. Perfect for students and professionals alike!

  • Multiple choice and checkbox questions
  • Covers essential histological concepts
  • Gain insights and improve your understanding
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by StudyingScience42
Which features are typical for epithelium/epithelial cells?:
Great amount of extracellular matrix
Possibility to regeneration
location in the basement membrane/basal lamina
An example of unicellular gland is the goblet cell
Endocrine glands are ductless
In merocrine glands the secretory granules leave the cell by exocytosis
glands develop from adipose tissue
Glands develop from connective tissue
conective tissue proper:
It originates from mesenchyme
Fibroblast are active cells, fibrocytes are quiescent cells
The surface of the plasma cell contains receptors for IgE
tropocollagen is monomer unit compose of 3 alpha-chains
Fibronectin is component of glycoaminoglycan
The extracellular matrix:
is divided into ground substance and fibers
Tropocollagen is aggregated into fibers In cytoplasm of cell
Reticular fibers are composed of type 3 collagen
Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan) is a type of GAG
The main component of elanuin fibers is type 4 collagen
Adipose tissue – find true sentences
there are two types. White (unilocular) brown (multiocular)
There are no blood vessels in unilocular tissue
Cells of multiocular adipose tissue contain abundant brown mitochondria
lipid droplets of adipocytes are enveloped by intermediate filaments
Mitochondria of unilocular adipocyte is thermogenin
Derive from mesenchyme
Isogenous groups and territorial matrix from chondrons
The matrix of hyaline cartilage contains mainly collagen type 2
is devoitd of glycoaminoglycans
Only fibrocartliage possesses perichondrium
Which compounds of ECM are characteristic for cartilage?
Dermatan sulfate
Hyaluronic acid
Keratin sulfate
Find true sentence:
Zonula occludens are located in the most upper part of the cell (AKA tight junction)
Cadherin is present within zonula adherens
Every cell in stratified epithelium is connected by basal lamina
connexons are associated with nexuses
Occludin and claudin are proteins involved in tight junctions
Find correct descriptions:
Epithelial tissue – large amount of ECM
Connective tissue – ground substance contains hyaluronic acid
Skeletal fibers and cardiac cells - sarcomere
Cartilage drives from mesenchyme
Elastic cartilage – does not contain perichondrium
Synthesis of collagen in fibroblast:
Include a lot of posttransitional modifications
Depends on O2....Fe2+ and ascorbic acid
Aggregation of tropocollagen into collagen fibers take place inside the cytoplasm
Nonhelical propeptides are present in collagen fibrils to protect its structure
Occurs in intracellular and extracellular enviroment
Find true answer regarding connective tissue:
Fibroblast and fibrocytes are residents cells
Leukocytes, mastocytes are wandering cells
Hyaluronic acid can bind monomers to form proteoglycans aggregates
Reticular fibers consist mainly type 1 collagen
collagen contains unusal amino acids desmosine and isodesmosine
Choose correct pairs: (single choice)
Psuedostratified ciliated – epididymal duct
Simple squamos – skin (skin → stratified squamos)
Stratified squamos keratinized – esophagus
Urothelium - urethra
Point extracellular matrix – producing cells in cT (single)
Holocrine glands – find true statements: (single)
The secretory granules leave the cell by exocytosis
Their examples are sebaceous glands
Are always unicellular
Are always present between epithelial cells
the secretory product is discharged together without parts of the apical cytoplasm
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