Pharmacology practice

متنساش تدعي قبل ما تدخل الامتحان😊
- اللهم اجعل ألستنا عامرة بذكرك، وقلوبنا بخشيتك، وأسرارنا بطاعتك، إنك على كل شيء قدير، حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل.
اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلًا وأنت تجعل الحزن إذا شئت سهلًا
- ربّ اشرح لي صدري ويسّر لي أمري، واحلل عقدةً من لساني يفقه قولي.
Mrs J, a 78 year old lady with hypertension says that she is being treated with a water pill and can’t remember the name of a second antihypertensive drug. She complains of cold fingers & toes & feels faint when she gets up out of her chair. What drugs is Mrs J most likely to be taking? Select one or more:
A. β-blockers
B. methyldopa
C. diuretic
D. vasodilator
Both A and C
T.N, fifty-six year old white heavy smoker male developed chest pain during dental manipulation. The best drug to be used is ............ ...............
, fifty-six year old white heavy smoker male developed chest pain during dental manipulation. Precautions that should have been taken during dental manipulations of this patients include: Select one:
A. Long acting nitroglycerin patch has to be removed 24 h before
B. Epinephrine is better avoided
C. Metoprolol should be withheld before manipulation
D. The patient should receive nifedipine before manipulation
A 10 years old boy with acute follicular tonsillitis (streptococcus hemolyticus infection) was prescribed drug A orally every 8 hrs. His mother gave him ampicillin instead. Although improved, he suffered from diarrhea. His doctor prescribed him another oral drug B given once/day. What is the other oral penicillin the doctor can prescribe? Select one:
A. Penicillin V
B. Benzathine penicillin
C. Carbenicillin
D. Cloxacillin
A 48 years old diabetic patient developed periodontal abscess. He was given a combination of 2 oral antibiotic. What was the TWO anti-microbial given?
A. Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim
B. Amoxcillin clavulanic acid + Metronidazole
C. Ampicillin + Sulbactam
D. Penicillin G + Gentamicin
A diabetic patient developed foot ulcer 2ry to an anaerobic organism. He was given an oral antibiotic but few days later he suffered from diarrhea due to cl difficile super-infection. What could be another indication for this anti-microbial?
A. Gynaecological infections
B. Staph osteomylitis
C. Meningitis
D. Typhoid fever
A 59 years old man is diabetic since 5 years. His blood glucose is controlled by glibenclamide. He was admitted to hospital for surgical operation. Glibenclamide was replaced by insulin given 3 times/ day. The following insulin was the type given preoperatively Select one:
A. Insulin aspart
B. Regular insulin
C. 30% Regular insulin + 70% NPH insulin
D. Insulin lispro
E. Insulin glargine
F. Isophane insulin
Fifty-six year old white heavy smoker male developed chest pain during dental manipulation. If the patient is on long term nifedipine therapy , he may suffer from some oral adverse effects e.g
Deposited in developing teeth and bones: A. chloramphenicol, B. tetracycline Select one:
Both of them
ولا واحد ولامية ولا الف و ثلاثمئة
A 15 years old girl was treated with prednisone 40 mg/day. She developed adrenocortical failure after being subjected to severe stress. The corticosteroids used in this emergency is
A. Traimcinolone
B. Dexamethasone
C. Prednisolone
D. Hydrocortisone
A 38 years old man is receiving aspirin as a prophylactic measure for myocardial infarction.) Bleeding secondary to aspirin can be controlled by
A) Protamine sulfate
C) Vit K
D) Local pressure
B) Aminocaproic acid
A 48 years old diabetic patient developed periodontal abscess. He was given a combination of 2 oral antibiotic. Although the case was improved, it recurred 1 month later. What could be added to prevent recurrence? Select one or more
A. Toothpaste containing triamicinilone + demeclocycline
B. Metronidazole gel
C. Chlorhexidine gelatin chip
D. Hot salt mouth baths containing an antiseptic
E. Drainage of the infection
C+C = suiiiiiiiiiiiiii
, fifty-six year old white heavy smoker male developed chest pain during dental manipulation. He is treated with a drug belonging to the nitrates. This drug acts mainly by: Select one:
A. Arterial dilatation
B. Venous dilatation
C. Cardiac inhibition
D. Cardiac stimulation
For candidal leukoplakia, single daily dose for 14 days of this drug is the treatmet of choice Select one:
A. Fluconazole
B. Miconazole
C. Nystatin
D. Ketoconazole
A 15 years old girl was treated with prednisone 40 mg/day. Antibiotics are added during corticosteroid treatment
A. In order to avoid viral super-infection
B. In order to avoid fungal super-infection
C. Because corticosteroids are immunosuppressive agents
D. In order to avoid spread of latent TB
E. Because corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory agents
شيفك يا غشاش
An old diabetic lady developed denture stomatitis secondary to Candida infection. The lines of management may include:
A. Left out the denture
B. Nystatin pastiles or Amphotericin B lozenges
C. Denture coating with miconazole
D. Two of the above
E. All of the above
A 10 years old boy with acute follicular tonsillitis (streptococcus hemolyticus infection) was prescribed drug A orally every 8 hrs. His mother gave him ampicillin instead. Although improved, he suffered from diarrhea. His doctor prescribed him another oral drug B given once/day. However, the child stopped the treatment when the fever subsided. The eradication of the organism was incomplete, & the patient suffered from rheumatic fever. During dental manipulation of a child with a history of rheumatic carditis, he may be liable to:
A. Recurrence of tonsillitis
B. Subacute bacterial endocarditis
C. Dental infection
D. Recurrence of rheumatic fever
A 48 years old diabetic patient developed periodontal abscess. He was given a combination of 2 oral antibiotic. The urine of this patient is expected to turn ……… in color
A diabetic patient developed foot ulcer 2ry to an anaerobic organism. He was given an oral antibiotic but few days later he suffered from diarrhea secondary to cl. Difficile super-infection. To control this serious diarrhoea, a combination therapy should be used, what was the second antibiotic ? Select one:
A. Ciprofoxacin
B. Bacitracin
C. Ampicillin
D. Vancomycin
: A 38 years old man is receiving aspirin as a prophylactic measure for myocardial infarction.) Bleeding tendency secondary to aspirin extends for
A) One day
B) One week
C) 8 hours
D) No bleeding tendency
A 59 years old man is diabetic since 5 years. His blood glucose is controlled by glibenclamide. He was admitted to hospital for surgical operation. Glibenclamide was replaced by insulin given 3 times/ day. Why did the physician substitute insulin for glibenclamide? Because Select one:
A. Glibenclamide is not suitable since it cannot be given IV
B. The stress of the operation increases the need for insulin
C. Glibenclamide is a weak drug
D. Glibenclamide is short acting drug
A 10 years old boy with acute follicular tonsillitis (streptococcus hemolyticus infection) was prescribed drug A orally every 8 hrs. His mother gave him ampicillin instead. Although improved, he suffered from diarrhea. His doctor prescribed him another oral drug B given once/day. Which of the following may be drug B?
A. Azithromycin
B. Erythromycin
C. Ampicillin
D. Piperacillin
A 10 years old boy with acute follicular tonsillitis (streptococcus hemolyticus infection) was prescribed drug A orally every 8 hrs. His mother gave him ampicillin instead. Although improved, he suffered from diarrhea. His doctor prescribed him another oral drug B given once/day. To avoid allergy during penicillin injection, an ............. Injection of 0.1 ml of the penicillin solution can be given, if signs of local allergy occur, do not use penicillin.
Mrs J, a 78 year old lady with hypertension says that she is being treated with a water pill and can’t remember the name of a second antihypertensive drug. She complains of cold fingers & toes & feels faint when she gets up out of her chair. Precautions during dental manipulations of this patient include:
A. The patient should receive NG before manipulation
B. Epinephrine is better added to the local anesthetic
C. N2O is safe than local anesthetics in this case
D. Nifedipineis better used instead of these drugs
A 48 years old diabetic patient developed periodontal abscess. He was given a combination of 2 oral antibiotic. What is the rational for prescribing 2 antibiotics? Select one:
A. There is synergism between these 2 antibiotics
B. The infection is mixed
C. The immunity of the diabetic patient is poor
D. The organism is virulent
A 59 years old man is diabetic since 5 years. His blood glucose is controlled by glibenclamide. He was admitted to hospital for surgical operation. Glibenclamide was replaced by insulin given 3 times/ day. During operation, the patient was given glucose-potassium solution + insulin; why KCl is added?
A. K deficiency enhances the secretion of insulin from the pancreas
B. Glucose enters the cell together leaving the K outside
C. Insulin may shift blood K to intracellular compartment
D. During surgical operations K is expected to decrease
: A 38 years old man is receiving aspirin as a prophylactic measure for myocardial infarction. ) The patient is possibly taking
A) Low dose
B) Moderate dose
C) High dose
D) Twice daily doses
A 56 year-old white male, was admitted to the coronary care unit with a three day history of severe dyspnea. Physical examination reveals signs of CHF. Home medication includes digoxin, KCl supplement, and chlordiazepoxide. In the hospital a mixed vasodilator was added. The vasodilator possibly acts as Select one:
A. ACE inhibitor
B. Calcium channel blocker
C. Direct vasodilator
D. Cardiac glycoside
E. Centrally-acting sympatholytic
An 8 years old boy was prescribed oral penicillin for foot infection. Later the infection was found to be osteomylitis 2ry to β-lactamase producing staph. The organism was resistant and the child was treated with another oral drug. What was this penicillin given first?
A. Azlocillin
B. Ticarcillin
C. Flucloxacillin
D. Amoxicillin
A 59 years old man is diabetic since 5 years. His blood glucose is controlled by glibenclamide. He was admitted to hospital for surgical operation. Glibenclamide was replaced by insulin given 3 times/ day. Several months after treatment with insulin, the patient suffered from lipodystrophy; which type of insulin is suitable for this condition Select one:
A. Mono-component insulin
B. Human insulin
C. Any of the above
D. Pork insulin
E. Two of the above
A 10 years old boy with acute follicular tonsillitis (streptococcus hemolyticus infection) was prescribed drug A orally every 8 hrs. His mother gave him ampicillin instead. Although improved, he suffered from diarrhea. His doctor prescribed him another oral drug B given once/day. Which of the following may be drug A?
A. Amoxicillin
B. Penicillin G
C. Azlocillin
D. Benzathine penicillin
A 59 years old man is diabetic since 5 years. His blood glucose is controlled by glibenclamide. He was admitted to hospital for surgical operation. Glibenclamide was replaced by insulin given 3 times/ day. After operation, the patient was shifted to SC insulin given as single daily injection; this insulin is possibly Select one:
A. Semilente insulin
B. NPH insulin
C. Biphasic insulin
D. Regular insulin
A 56 year-old white male, was admitted to the coronary care unit with a three day history of severe dyspnea. Physical examination reveals signs of CHF. Home medication includes digoxin, KCl supplement, and chlordiazepoxide. In the hospital a mixed vasodilator was added. What drug would be most likely appropriate to promote a rapid diuresis in this patient? Select one:
A. I.vchlorthalidone
B. I.v. mannitol
C. I.v. spironolactone
D. I.v. furosemide
E. I.v. Ethacrynic acid
A 10 years old boy with acute follicular tonsillitis (streptococcus hemolyticus infection) was prescribed drug A orally every 8 hrs. His mother gave him ampicillin instead. Although improved, he suffered from diarrhea. His doctor prescribed him another oral drug B given once/day. If the patient’s compliance is doubted, the following could be a good alternative: Select one:
A. Gentamicin
B. Erythromycin
C. Benzathine penicillin
D. Chloramphenicol
An 8 years old boy was prescribed oral penicillin for foot infection. Later the infection was found to be osteomylitis 2ry to β-lactamase producing staph. The organism was resistant and the child was treated with another oral drug. What was the antistaph given next? Select one or more:
A. Ampiclox
B. Ciprofloxacin
C. Co-trimoxazole
D. Vancomycin
A + b
Mrs J, a 78 year old lady with hypertension says that she is being treated with a water pill and can’t remember the name of a second antihypertensive drug. She complains of cold fingers & toes & feels faint when she gets up out of her chair. Mrs J cold hands are due to: Select one or more:
A. Decreased COP
B. Vasoconstriction
C. Hypotension
D. Reflex tachycardia
A 59 years old man is diabetic since 5 years. His blood glucose is controlled by glibenclamide. He was admitted to hospital for surgical operation. Glibenclamide was replaced by insulin given 3 times/ day. The most common complication of insulin therapy is Select one:
A. Hypokalaemia
B. Hyperglycaemia
C. Hypersensitivity
D. Hypoglycaemia
E. Hyperkalaemia
A diabetic patient developed foot ulcer 2ry to an anaerobic organism. He was given an oral antibiotic but few days later he suffered from diarrhea secondary to cl. Difficile superinfection. What was the anti-microbial given? Select one:
A. Gentamicin
B. Penicillin G
C. Erythromycin
D. Clindamycin
: A 38 years old man is receiving aspirin as a prophylactic measure for myocardial infarction ) Bleeding tendency secondary to other NSAIDs extends for
A) Longer time than aspirin
B) The same duration
C) Shorter time than aspirin
D) No bleeding tendency
A 56 year-old white male, was admitted to the coronary care unit with a three day history of severe dyspnea. Physical examination reveals signs of CHF. Home medication includes digoxin, KCl supplement, and chlordiazepoxide. In the hospital a mixed vasodilator was added. The most common adverse effect of this vasodilator is . Select one:
A. Renal failure
B. Angioedema
C. Hypertension
D. Dry cough
E. Salt & water retension
A 15 years old girl was treated with prednisone 40 mg/day. All the following complications may occur in children receiving large doses due to catabolic effects of corticosteroids EXCEPT
A. Cushinoid obesity
B. Growth retardation
C. Delayed wound healing
D. Myopathy
E. Hypertension
A 15 years old girl was treated with prednisone 40 mg/day. All the following complications may occur in children receiving large doses due to catabolic effects of corticosteroids EXCEPT
A. Cushinoid obesity
B. Growth retardation
C. Delayed wound healing
D. Myopathy
E. Hypertension
A 15 years old girl was treated with prednisone 40 mg/day. She developed adrenocortical failure after being subjected to severe stress. All the following should be considered to avoid such complication EXCEPT Select one:
A. Use the lowest possible dose
B. Use long acting corticosteroid instead of prednisone
C. Supplementary dose of cortisone in case of stresses
D. Gradual withdrawal after prolonged treatment
An 8 years old boy was prescribed oral penicillin for foot infection. Later the infection was found to be osteomylitis 2ry to β-lactamase producing staph. The organism was resistant and the child was treated with another oral drug. What are the other oral antibiotics that can be used in this indication? Select one:
A. Gentamicin
B. Fusidic acid
C. Clindamycin
D. Metronidazole
Mrs J, a 78 year old lady with hypertension says that she is being treated with a water pill and can’t remember the name of a second antihypertensive drug. She complains of cold fingers & toes & feels faint when she gets up out of her chair. What are the antihypertensive medications that lead to orthostatic hypotension? Select one or more:
A. Reserpine
B. Prazosin
C. Propranolol
D. Furosemide
All of them
A 56 year-old white male, was admitted to the coronary care unit with a three day history of severe dyspnea. Physical examination reveals signs of CHF. Home medication includes digoxin, KCl supplement, and chlordiazepoxide. In the hospital a mixed vasodilator was added. After hospital discharge, one should be careful when prescribe this patient Select one or more:
A. Epinephrine
B. propranolol
C. Prazosin
D. Local anaesthetics
E. Penicillins
B +D
A diabetic patient developed foot ulcer 2ry to an anaerobic organism. He was given an oral antibiotic but few days later he suffered from diarrhea due to cl difficile super-infection. What was the alternative anti-microbial that can be used?
A. Carbenicillin
B. Metronidazole
C. Ciprofloxacin
D. Ampicillin
T.N, fifty-six year old white heavy smoker male developed chest pain during dental manipulation. He is on a drug belonging to the calcium channel blockers. Myocardial ischemia secondary to the use of verapamil and diltiazem is less frequently seen than with nifedipine. Why? Select one:
A. They act on the blood vessels more than on the heart
B. They have analgesic action
C. They stimulate the heart more than nifedipine
D. They induce less reflex tachycardia
{"name":"Pharmacology practice", "url":"","txt":"متنساش تدعي قبل ما تدخل الامتحان😊, Mrs J, a 78 year old lady with hypertension says that she is being treated with a water pill and can’t remember the name of a second antihypertensive drug. She complains of cold fingers & toes & feels faint when she gets up out of her chair. What drugs is Mrs J most likely to be taking? Select one or more:, T.N, fifty-six year old white heavy smoker male developed chest pain during dental manipulation. The best drug to be used is ............ ...............","img":""}
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