Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 29 Dec 20
[2012.13413] C. Tchernin, S. Stapelberg, D. Hug et al.: Triaxiality in galaxy clusters: Mass versus Potential reconstructions
[2012.13417] Subham Ghosh, Banibrata Mukhopadhyay: Origin of hydrodynamic instability from noise: from laboratory flow to accretion disk
[2012.13426] Nitika Yadlapalli, Vikram Ravi, Yuhan Yao et al.: VLBA discovery of a resolved source in the candidate black hole X-ray binary AT2019wey
[2012.13495] Anupam Bhardwaj, Marina Rejkuba, Richard de Grijs et al.: RR Lyrae variables in Messier 53: Near-infrared Period--Luminosity relations and the calibration using Gaia Early Data Release 3
[2012.13518] Nadiia G. Pulatova, Anatoliy V. Tugay, Lidiia V. Zadorozhna: The sample of eight LLAGNs: X-ray properties
[2012.13525] S. K. Ghosh, P. Joseph, A. Kumar et al.: In orbit performance of UVIT over the 5 years
[2012.13528] Leonard Burtscher, Ioannis Politopoulos, Sergio Fernández-Acosta et al.: Towards a physical understanding of the thermal background in large ground-based telescopes
[2012.13534] S. K. Ghosh, S. N. Tandon, P. Joseph et al.: Performance of the UVIT Level-2 Pipeline
[2012.13561] Abhijit Sen, Z.K. Silagadze: Apparent superluminal velocities and random walk in the velocity space
[2012.13597] K.T. Mirtadjieva, K.A. Mannapova: Gravitational Instability of Perturbations in a Background Nonlinear Nonstationary Model of a Disk-Like System. IV. Formation of two-ring structures in galaxies
[2012.13622] Takaaki Tanaka, Tomoyuki Okuno, Hiroyuki Uchida et al.: Rapid Deceleration of Blast Waves Witnessed in Tycho's Supernova Remnant
[2012.13630] S. Orlando, A. Wongwathanarat, H.-T. Janka et al.: Linking core-collapse supernova explosions to supernova remnants through 3D MHD modeling
[2012.13648] David Nesvorny: Eccentric Early Migration of Neptune
[2012.13673] S. K. Biswal, H. C. Das, Ankit Kumar et al.: Correlation between the curvature and various properties of the neutron star
[2012.13694] C.Swastik, Ravinder K. Banyal, Mayank Narang et al.: Host star metallicity of directly imaged wide-orbit planets: implications for planet formation
[2012.13704] Sabyasachi Chattopadhyay, Matthew A. Bershady, Marsha J. Wolf et al.: Optimization of telescope focal ratios for MLA-fiber coupled Integral Field Units
[2012.13712] Ranjan Kumar, Ananta C. Pradhan, Abhisek Mohapatra et al.: Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) observation of the Galactic Globular Cluster NGC 7492
[2012.13713] Sam M. Silverman, Hisashi Hayakawa: The Dalton Minimum and John Dalton's Auroral Observations
[2012.13734] Andrei Tokovinin: Measurement of turbulence profile from defocused ring images
[2012.13740] Ulisses Barres de Almeida: The Southern Wide-Field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO)
[2012.13748] David Garofalo, Chandra B. Singh: The emergence of the X-ray luminosity/cluster richness relation for radio galaxies
[2012.13791] V. A. Sheminova: Asymmetry of Lines in the Spectra of the Sun and Solar-Type Stars
[2012.13808] Dmitrii Gudin, Derek Shank, Timothy C. Beers et al.: The R-Process Alliance: Chemo-Dynamically Tagged Groups of Halo $r$-Process-Enhanced Stars Reveal a Shared Chemical-Evolution History
[2012.13821] Claudio Corianò, Paul H. Frampton: Does CMB Distortion Disfavour Intermediate Mass Dark Matter?
[2012.13877] Saikat Das, Nayantara Gupta, Soebur Razzaque: PeV-EeV neutrinos from gamma-ray blazars due to ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray propagation
[2012.13896] Tsutomu Nagayoshi, Aya Bamba, Satoru Katsuda et al.: Detection of the hard X-ray non-thermal emission from Kepler's supernova remnant
[2012.13903] Ankur Chaubey, Manoj K. Jaiswal, Avijit K. Ganguly: Exploring scalar-photon interactions in energetic astrophysical events
[2012.13907] Nicolas Lodieu, Ernst Paunzen, Miloslav Zejda: Low-mass and sub-stellar eclipsing binaries in stellar clusters
[2012.13917] Lu Yin: Reducing the $H_0$ Tension with Exponential Acoustic Dark Energy
[2012.13932] George Alestas, Lavrentios Kazantzidis, Leandros Perivolaropoulos: A $w$ phantom transition at $z_t<0.1$ as a resolution of the Hubble tension
[2012.13997] Juan Manuel Armaleo, Diana López Nacir, Federico R. Urban: Searching for spin-2 ULDM with gravitational waves interferometers
[2012.14007] Emma Perracchione, Paolo Massa, Anna Maria Massone et al.: Visibility Interpolation in Solar Hard X-ray Imaging: Application to RHESSI and STIX
[2012.14023] Luiz F. G. dos Santos, Souvik Bose, Valentina Salvatelli et al.: Multi-Channel Auto-Calibration for the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly using Machine Learning
[2012.14046] Juan David Uribe Suárez, Jorge Armando Rueda: Some Recent Results on Neutrino Oscillations in Hypercritical Accretion
[2012.14068] Luke Finnerty, Cam Buzard, Stefan Pelletier et al.: Contrast and Temperature Dependence of Multi-Epoch High-Resolution Cross-Correlation Exoplanet Spectroscopy
[2012.14080] Jiadong Li, Chao Liu, Bo Zhang et al.: Stellar parametrization of LAMOST M dwarf stars
[2012.14092] James Bird, Kellan Colburn, Linda Petzold et al.: Model Optimization for Deep Space Exploration via Simulators and Deep Learning
[2012.14113] Gaurava K. Jaisawal, Sachindra Naik, Shivangi Gupta et al.: Detection of X-ray pulsations at the lowest observed luminosity of Be/X-ray binary pulsar EXO 2030+375 with AstroSat
[2012.14126] L. P. Xin, H. L. Li, J. Wang et al.: A $ΔR\sim 9.5$ mag Super Flare of An Ultracool Star Detected by $\text{SVOM/GWAC}$ System
[2012.14134] A.A. Nucita, F. De Paolis, D. Licchelli et al.: VZ Sex: X-ray confirmation of its intermediate polar nature
[2012.14154] Jongho Park, Kazuhiro Hada, Masanori Nakamura et al.: Jet collimation and acceleration in the giant radio galaxy NGC 315
[2012.14215] A. Pahler, M. Ångermann, J. Barnstedt et al.: Status of the STUDIO UV balloon mission and platform
[2012.14245] Lorenzo Iorio: Are extrasolar Einstein's spinning tops habitable?
[2012.14248] Yakefu Reyimuaji, Xinyi Zhang: Natural inflation with a nonminimal coupling to gravity
[2012.14266] Shangyu Sun, Wenfei Yu, Yunwei Yu et al.: A search for hard X-ray bursts occurring simultaneously to fast radio bursts in the repeating FRB 121102
[2012.14290] Jan Noordam, Yan Grange, Peter Teuben: Interoperability of Users, Developers, and Managers
[2012.14315] Diego Turrini, Eugenio Schisano, Sergio Fonte et al.: Tracing the formation history of giant planets in protoplanetary disks with Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulphur
[2012.14316] Tristan Guillot, Cheng Li, Scott Bolton et al.: Storms and the Depletion of Ammonia in Jupiter: II. Explaining the Juno Observations
[2012.14347] Sigurd Naess, Nick Battaglia, J.Richard Bond et al.: The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Detection of mm-wave transient sources
[2012.14373] K. Rajpurohit, G. Brunetti, A. Bonafede et al.: Physical insights from the spectrum of the radio halo in MACS J0717.5+3745
[2012.14377] Hossein Moshafi, Shant Baghram, Nima Khosravi: CMB lensing in ü$Λ$CDM in the light of $H_0$ tension
[2012.14404] Tobias Baldauf, Sandrine Codis, Vincent Desjacques et al.: Non-perturbative halo clustering from cosmological density peaks
[2012.14405] Varad Deshmukh, Thomas Berger, James Meiss et al.: Shape-based Feature Engineering for Solar Flare Prediction
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 29 Dec 20","img":""}
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