Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Wed, 23 Dec 20
[2012.11596] M. Hohlmann: A Model for Crosstalk in Micropattern Gas Detectors
[2012.11650] Christopher Arnsten, Chen Chen, Paul B. Calio et al.: The Hopping Mechanism of the Hydrated Excess Proton and Its Contribution to Proton Diffusion in Water
[2012.11652] R. Cabrera, A. G. Campos, D. I. Bondar et al.: Explicit volume-preserving numerical schemes for relativistic trajectories and spin dynamics
[2012.11658] QiZhi He, Alexandre M. Tartakovsky: Physics-Informed Neural Network Method for Forward and Backward Advection-Dispersion Equations
[2012.11661] Felix Carrascoso, Riccardo Frisenda, Andres Castellanos-Gomez: Biaxial versus uniaxial strain tuning of single-layer MoS$_2$
[2012.11680] T. Guruswamy, L. Gades, A. Miceli et al.: Beamline Spectroscopy of Integrated Circuits With Hard X-ray Transition Edge Sensors at the Advanced Photon Source
[2012.11681] Mathieu Jeannin, Thomas Bonazzi, Djamal Gacemi et al.: High temperature metamaterial terahertz quantum detector
[2012.11682] Lalit K. Rajendran, Sayantan Bhattacharya, Sally P. M. Bane et al.: Meta-Uncertainty for Particle Image Velocimetry
[2012.11719] N Kruger, M Kurtulik, N Revivo et al.: Thermally enhanced photoluminescence for energy harvesting: from fundamentals to engineering optimization
[2012.11721] Samuel Schwab, William Christopherson, Michael Crescimanno et al.: Mechanisms of the Intensity Dependent Refractive Index in Ultrastrongly Coupled Organic Cavity Polaritons
[2012.11725] Bartłomiej Nowak, Bartosz Stoń, Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron: Discontinuous phase transitions in the multi-state noisy $q$-voter model: quenched vs. Annealed disorder
[2012.11730] Florence H. Vermeire, William H. Green: Transfer learning for solvation free energies: from quantum chemistry to experiments
[2012.11733] Matthijs H. J. de Jong, Jie Li, Claus Gärtner et al.: Coherent mechanical noise cancellation and cooperativity competition in optomechanical arrays
[2012.11741] Anton Solovev, Benjamin M. Friedrich: Global metachronal synchronization and active noise in cilia carpets
[2012.11744] W. Aniszewski, T. Arrufat, M. Crialesi-Esposito et al.: PArallel, Robust, Interface Simulator (PARIS)
[2012.11764] Albert Mollén, M. F. Adams, M. G. Knepley et al.: Implementation of higher-order velocity mapping between marker particles and grid in the particle-in-cell code XGC
[2012.11784] Hyunwoo Lee, Chris H. Greene: Orbital Variational Adiabatic Hyperspherical Method Applied to Bose-Einstein Condensates
[2012.11831] Cesar Bartolo-Perez, Wayesh Qarony, Soroush Ghandiparsi et al.: Maximizing absorption in photon trapping ultra-fast silicon photodetectors
[2012.11839] Fu Li, Tian Li, Girish S. Agarwal: Experimental study of decoherence of the two-mode squeezed vacuum state via second harmonic generation
[2012.11850] Shiqi Sheng, Haijun Yang, Liuhua Mu et al.: Super strong paramagnetism of aromatic peptides adsorbed with monovalent cations
[2012.11864] Stefano Tomasi, Dominic M. Rouse, Erik M. Gauger et al.: Environmentally improved coherent light harvesting
[2012.11883] Zhangquan Xie, Jun Cao, Yayun Ding et al.: A liquid scintillator for a neutrino Detector working at -50 degree
[2012.11893] Nils Wandel, Michael Weinmann, Reinhard Klein: Fast Fluid Simulations in 3D with Physics-Informed Deep Learning
[2012.11922] Fernando Mateo, Jordi Munoz-Mari, Valero Laparra et al.: Learning Structures in Earth Observation Data with Gaussian Processes
[2012.11934] S. Vignesh Raja, A. Govindarajan, A. Mahalingam et al.: $N$-channel comb filtering and lasing in $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric superstructures
[2012.11962] Rickmoy Samanta, Naomi Oppenheimer: Vortex Flows and Streamline Topology in Curved Biological Membranes
[2012.12004] Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Corentin Cot, Anna Sigridur Islind et al.: You better watch out: US COVID-19 wave dynamics versus vaccination strategy
[2012.12016] Elena F. Silkina, Naren Bag, Olga I. Vinogradova: Surface and zeta potentials of charged permeable nanocoatings
[2012.12024] D. Solovyev, T. Zalialiutdinov, A. Anikin: Relativistic corrections to the thermal interaction of bound particles
[2012.12029] Leonardo B. L. Santos, Tanishq Garg, Aurelienne A. S. Jorge et al.: Vulnerability analysis in Complex Networks under a Flood Risk Reduction point of view
[2012.12030] Antonino Drago: From the two notions of paradigm and reduction between theories to a new multilinear History of physics
[2012.12033] B.K. Jennings: The Measurement Process in Relational Quantum Mechanics
[2012.12047] Letizia Catalini, Massimiliano Rossi, Eric C. Langman et al.: Modelling and observation of nonlinear damping in dissipation-diluted nanomechanical resonators
[2012.12057] Yves Pomeau, Martine Le Berre: Turbulence in a wedge: the case of the mixing layerTurbulence in a wedge: the case of the mixing layer
[2012.12061] Yufeng Lin, Andrew Jackson: Large-scale vortices and zonal flows in spherical rotating convection
[2012.12068] Matthew S. Ryley, Michael Withnall, Tom J. P. Irons et al.: Robust All-Electron Optimization in Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory Using the Trust Region Image Method
[2012.12077] Johannes Dieplinger, Sauro Succi: Spatial interference between infectious hotspots
[2012.12078] Ziqi Wang, Linfeng Jiang, Yihong Du et al.: Ice front shaping by upward convective current
[2012.12079] Keith Johnson: Cosmology, astrobiology, and the RNA world. Just add quintessential water
[2012.12080] Yongtao Yao, Tony G. Geara, Weisong Shi: Impact of COVID-19 on City-Scale Transportation and Safety: An Early Experience from Detroit
[2012.12081] Steven J Human, Valerio Capraro: The effect of nudging personal and injunctive norms on the trade-off between objective equality and efficiency
[2012.12090] Sylvain Marinel, Charles Manière, Anthony Bilot et al.: Microwave Sintering of Alumina at 915 MHz: Modeling, Process Control, and Microstructure Distribution
[2012.12098] Ophelia Frotscher, Roland Herzog, Markus Richter: Planning of Measurement Series for Thermodynamic Properties based on Optimal Experimental Design
[2012.12099] Daniel Heestermans Svendsen, Pablo Morales-Álvarez, Rafael Molina et al.: Deep Gaussian Processes for geophysical parameter retrieval
[2012.12103] D. V. Bochek, K. B. Samusev, D. A. Yavsin et al.: Fabrication of Ge2Sb2Te5 metasurfaces by direct laser writing technique
[2012.12106] Stefan Doerr, Maciej Majewsk, Adrià Pérez et al.: TorchMD: A deep learning framework for molecular simulations
[2012.12110] Hamed Pourbeyram, Pavel Sidorenko, Fan Wu et al.: Direct Measurement of Thermalization to Rayleigh-Jeans Distribution in Optical Beam Self-Cleaning
[2012.12113] I.S. Gandzha, O.V. Kliushnichenko, S.P. Lukyanets: Epidemic-Driven Collapse in a System with Limited Economic Resource. II
[2012.12120] Ali Momeni, Hamid Rajabalipanah, Mahdi Rahmanzadeh et al.: Reciprocal Metasurfaces for On-axis Reflective Optical Computing
[2012.12124] Hangrui Bi, Hengyi Wang, Chence Shi et al.: Non-autoregressive electron flow generation for reaction prediction
[2012.12136] Mahnoosh Rostami, Isa Ahmadi, Farhad Khoeini: Highly tunable charge transport in defective graphene nanoribbons under external local forces and constraints: A hybrid computational study
[2012.12157] Bang C. Huynh, Alex J. W. Thom: On Symmetry and the Reality of Holomorphic Hartree--Fock Wavefunctions
[2012.12173] Xia Zhang, Jing Li, John F. Donegan et al.: Constructive and Destructive Interference of Kerker-type Scattering in an Ultra-thin Silicon Huygens Metasurface
[2012.12187] Gleb A. Egorov, George V. Eleftheriades: Near-Field Angular Scan Enhancement of Antenna Arrays Using Metasurfaces
[2012.12194] P.M. Biesheuvel: The activity coefficient of ionic solutions scales with the cube root of salt concentration
[2012.12208] Luca Gamberi, Yanik-Pascal Förster, Evan Tzanis et al.: Maximal modularity and the optimal size of parliaments
[2012.12213] J. Smoniewski, E. Sánchez, I. Calvo et al.: Comparison of local and global gyrokinetic calculations of collisionless zonal flow damping in quasi-symmetric stellarators
[2012.12228] Joonho Lee, Miguel A. Morales, Fionn D. Malone: A Phaseless Auxiliary-Field Quantum Monte Carlo Perspective on the Uniform Electron Gas at Finite Temperatures: Issues, Observations, and Benchma...
[2012.12253] Rose K. Cersonsky, Benjamin A. Helfrecht, Edgar A. Engel et al.: Improving Sample and Feature Selection with Principal Covariates Regression
[2012.12255] Jeff Eldred, Valeri Lebedev, Kiyomi Seiya et al.: Studies of Beam Intensity Effects in Fermilab Booster Synchrotron
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Wed, 23 Dec 20","img":""}
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