Davidson_10 Exam 1

.1.Root value of phrenic nerve -
C1, C2, C3
C2, C3, C4
C4, C5, C6
C3, C4, C5
2. Not true-
Type I pneumocytes are flattened epithelial cells
Type II pneumocytes are more cuboidal
Type I pneumocytes can divide to reconstitute type II pneumocyte after lung injury
Type II pneumocytes produce surfactant
3. TLco is decreased in the following obstructive lung disease-
Pulmonary fibrosis
Chronic bronchitis
4. You can't expect to find a cosolidation in CXR in the following pulmonary disease
5. Serous sputum is usually found in-
Lung cancer
Pulmonary edema
. 6. Which of the following indirectly stimulates central chemoreceptors of medulla?
Increased arterial PO2
Increased blood pH
Increased arterial PCO2
Increased blood glucose
7. The following radiotracer is used in PET scan-
35 Sulfur compound
18 Flurodeoxyglucose
123 Iodine in KI
99 Technetium
-8. FEV1/FVC ratio may be increased in-
Chronic bronchitis
Pulmonary fibrosis
9. In medicine ward you got a patient with genetic alpha1-anti trypsin deficiency according to his investigation reports. He complained of heavy cough with sputum production. Physical examination revealed quiet breath sounds, reduced cricosternal distance, but no finger clubbing. Which of the following you’ll not expect regarding respiratory function abnormalities?
TLC is increased
RV is reduced
FVC is reduced
FEV1 is greatly reduced
10. Find out the wrong statement.
Alveolar walls contain a fine network of elastin and collagen fibres
Usually there's reduced sputum production in the respiratory tract of a chronic smoker
Hypoxia constricts pulmonary arterioles
You may find small lungs in a patient with pulmonary fibrosis
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