Oral medicin Tuy Tel

1. The benign neoplasm that originates from squamous epithelium is called aan
σ� adenoma
σ� choriocarcinoma
σ� chondroma
σ� lipoma
σ� papilloma
2. Contact stomatitis may be caused by
σ� dentifrice
σ� lipstick
σ� acrylic
σ� antibiotics
σ� All of the above
3. In the presence of an acute bacterial infection, laboratory tests will show an increase in
σ� polymorphonuclear leukocytes
σ� plasma cells
σ� lymphocytes
σ� monocytes
σ� eosinophils
4. Mucoceles are most commonly found in the
σ� upper lip
σ� lower lip
σ� tongue
σ� buccal mucosa
σ� soft palate
5. The radicular or root-end cyst occurs as a result of
σ� trauma
σ� pulpal necrosis
σ� hyperparathyroidism
σ� poorly calcified bone
6. Excessive formation of scar tissue beyond the wound margin is called
σ� a fibroma
σ� a keloid
σ� a fibro-epithelial polyp
σ� epithelial hyperplasia
7. Intermittent painful swelling in the submandibular region that increases at mealtime is indicative of
σ� a ranula
σ� a blockage of Wharton's duct
σ� Ludwig's angina
σ� a blockage of Stensen's duct
σ� an epidemic parotitis
8. Which of the following isare NOT usually affected by hereditary ectodermal dysplasia?
σ� Salivary glands
σ� Teeth
σ� Sweat glands
σ� Hair
σ� Fingernails
9. The term "carcinoma in situ" implies that the lesion shows
σ� metaplasia
σ� early invasion of malignant cells through the basement membrane
σ� dysplasia of cells confined within the epithelium
σ� distant metastasis of a malignant tumor
10. The redness of an inflammatory lesion of oral mucosa is due to
σ� increased number of capillaries
σ� increased size of capillaries
σ� decreased thickness of epithelium
σ� decreased connective tissue elements
σ� All of the above
11. Which of the following is NEVER associated with an impacted tooth?
σ� Adeno-ameloblastoma
σ� Odontogenic myxoma
σ� Pindborg's tumor
σ� Primordial cyst
σ� Ameloblastoma
12. An occluded submandibular duct can be diagnosed by
σ� history
σ� palpation
σ� sialography
σ� occlusal radiographs
σ� All of the above
13. A 2cm, discrete, white lesion of the buccal mucosa has not resolved after elimination of all local irritants The most appropriate management would be to
σ� cauterize it
σ� apply toluidine blue staining
σ� perform an incisional biopsy
σ� re-examine at 6 month intervals
σ� refer patient to family physician
14. Exfoliative cytology is of value in the diagnosis of
σ� lichen planus
σ� aphthous ulceration
σ� herpes simplex
σ� benign mucous membrane pemphigoid
σ� erythema multiforme
15. Which one of the following would be of greatest value in determining the etiology of an oral ulceration?
σ� History of the oral lesion
σ� Cytological smear
σ� Systemic evaluation
σ� Laboratory tests
16. A 20-year old male presents with a three-day history of an acute generalized gingivitis He has malaise, fever and bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy A blood examination reveals
Hb: 89g100ml
Platelets: 82,000mm3
Red blood cell count: 3,900,000mm3
White blood cell count: 870,000mm3
Normal Values:
Hb: 14-18g100ml
Platelets: 150,000-400,000mm3 Red blood cell count: 4-5millionmm3
White blood cell count: 5,000-10,000mm3
The most likely diagnosis is
σ� Thrombocytopenic purpura
σ� Acute myelogenous leukemia
σ� Infectious mononucleosis
σ� Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
17. Trismus is most frequently caused by
σ� tetanus
σ� muscular dystrophy
σ� infection
σ� mandibular fracture
18. Hyperplastic lingual tonsils may resemble which of the following?
σ� Epulis fissuratum
σ� Lingual varicosities
σ� Squamous cell carcinoma
σ� Median rhomboid glossitis
σ� Prominent fungiform papillae
19. A possible consequence for patients taking cyclosporine is
σ� erythematous gingivae
σ� fibrous gingival hyperplasia
σ� loss of soft tissue attachment
σ� epithelial sloughing
20. A well circumscribed 3mm radiolucent lesion is present in the apical region of the mandibular second premolar The tooth responds normally to vitality tests The radiolucency is most likely
σ� a periapical granuloma
σ� a periapical cyst
σ� a chronic periapical abscess
σ� the mental foramen
21. Physiologic (racial) pigmentation differs from melanoma because melanoma
σ� is macular
σ� contains melanin
σ� affects the gingiva
σ� undergoes clinical changes
22. Which of the following is NOT associated with Cushing’s disease?
σ� Buffalo hump
σ� Osteoporosis
σ� Hirsutism( excessive hair growth in certain areas of a woman's face and body)
σ� Hypertension
σ� Diabetes insipidus
23. Which of the following presents with high serum calcium levels, thinning of cortical bone and giant cell osteoclasts in the jaw and drifting teeth?
σ� Hyperthyroidism
σ� Hyperparathyroidism
σ� Hypothyroidism
σ� Hypoparathyroidism
24. Nystatin is the drug of choice for
σ� aphthous stomatitis
σ� candidiasis
σ� periodontal abscess
σ� necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG)
25. A patient with pain, fever and unilateral parotid swelling following a general anesthetic most likely has
σ� Mumps
σ� sialolithiasis
σ� acute bacterial sialadenitis
σ� Sjögren’s syndrome
σ� sarcoidosis
26. If left untreated, a pyogenic granuloma will most likely
σ� shrink over time
σ� remain unchanged
σ� continue to enlarge
σ� burst and then heal
σ� burst, heal, but then recur
27. All of the following are well documented initiating factors of hairy tongue EXCEPT
σ� candidiasis
σ� mouth rinses
σ� antibiotics
σ� systemic corticosteroids(Prednisone)
σ� radiotherapy to the head and neck
28. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for periodontitis?
σ� Smoking
σ� Poorly controlled diabetes
σ� Coronary heart disease
σ� Poor oral hygiene
29. All of the following appear as midline structures on periapical radiographs EXCEPT
σ� nasopalatineincisive canal
σ� anterior nasal spine
σ� nasal septum
σ� zygomatic process of the maxilla
30. An ameloblastoma can develop from the epithelial lining of which of the following cysts?
σ� Periradicular
σ� Dentigerous
σ� Residual
σ� Lateral periodontal
31. A radiopaque area within the alveolar process containing several rudimentary teeth suggests aan
σ� periapical cemento-osseousdysplasia
σ� ameloblastoma
σ� compound odontoma
σ� complex odontoma
σ� Pindborg tumor
32. Laboratory examination of the blood of a patient with an acute bacterial infection would show
σ� lymphocytosis
σ� leukocytosis
σ� monocytosis
σ� leukopenia
σ� eosinophilia
33. Which of the following is NOT associated with infectious mononucleosis?
σ� Pharyngitis
σ� Lymphadenopathy
σ� Petechiae of the palate
σ� Gingival enlargement
σ� Fatigue
34. The term used to describe epithelial changes including nuclear hyperchromatism, loss of increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and abnormal mitoses is
σ� acanthosis
σ� hyperkeratosis
σ� dysplasia
σ� parakeratosis
σ� hyperparakeratosis
35. A smooth, elevated, red patch devoid of filiform papillae, located in the midline of the dorsum of the tongue immediately anterior to the circumvallate papillae is indicative of
σ� benign migratory glossitis
σ� median rhomboid glossitis
σ� a granular cell tumor
σ� iron deficiency anemia
σ� a fibroma
36. Patient complains of finger-like growth on the lateral aspect of the tongue The lesion is painless and of normal colour The MOST PROBABLE diagnosis is
σ� Folate papillae
σ� Filiform papillae
σ� Neurofibroma
σ� Papilloma
37. Swallowing will aid in the diagnosis of
σ� Branchial cyst
σ� Thyroglossal duct cyst
σ� Ranula
σ� Retention cyst
σ� Globulomaxillary cyst
38. Painless bluish lump filled with fluid on the lips; MOST likely is
σ� Smoker’s keratosis
σ� Squamous cell carcinoma
σ� Mucocele
σ� Fibroma
σ� Fibro-epithelial polyp
39. In regards to Plummer-Vincent syndrome or “Paterson and Kelly syndrome”
σ� Iron deficiency is a feature
σ� Atrophic oral and gastric mucosa
σ� Dysphagia and angular cheilitis
σ� Predisposing oral cancer
σ� All of the above
40. How would you treat Denture Stomatitis
σ� Tetracycline
σ� Systemic penicillin
σ� Nystatin
σ� Corticosteroid
41. Which of the following conditions is not classified as a white lesion
σ� Fordyce’s granules
σ� Smoker’s keratosis
σ� Leukoplakia
σ� Lichen planus
σ� Lipoma
42. Angular cheilitis in edentulous patient with complete denture is a result of
σ� Deficiency of vitamin
σ� Low vertical dimension
σ� Iron deficiency anemia
σ� Neutropenia
σ� Crohn disease
43. Sjogren syndrome is characterised by
σ� Dryness of the mouth
σ� Dryness of the eyes
σ� Rheumatoid arthritis
σ� All of the above
44. Long use of Tetracycline is characterised by**
σ� Aphtous ulcer
σ� Candida Albicans
σ� Lupus erythematosus
σ� Lichen planus
σ� Oral submucous fibrosis
45. The effects of tooth removal in healthy individuals can show as
σ� Loss of contacts
σ� Slight tilting
σ� Pocket formation
σ� TMJ problem
σ� All of the above
46. Which is not a premalignant lesioncondition?
σ� Leukoplakia
σ� Erythema migrans Geographic tongue
σ� Erythroplakia
σ� Liche planus
σ� Actinic cheilosis
47. Granulomas, cysts and chronic periapical abscesses may mostly be differentiated by
σ� Radiographs
σ� Electric pulp test
σ� Biopsy
σ� Thermal
σ� Aspiration
48. Marsupialisation is a technique used in the treatment of
σ� Pericoronitis
σ� Granuloma
σ� Abscesses
σ� Mucocele
σ� Ranula
49. Diagnosis of oral candidiasis (candidosis) is BEST confirmed by
σ� Microscopic examination of smears
σ� Biopsy
σ� Blood count
σ� Serological exam
σ� Aspiration
50. Antibiotics should be used routinely to prevent infection arising from oral surgery in patients suffering from all the following EXCEPT
σ� Agranulocytosis
σ� Sever uncontrolled diabetes
σ� Aplastic anaemia
σ� Mumps
σ� Leukaemia
51. Painful salivary gland are MOST likely to be indicate to**
σ� Mucocele
σ� Mumps
σ� Sjogren’s syndrome
σ� Ranula
σ� xerostomia
52. The papillae that are few in numbers, associated with MOST taste buds, associated with Von Ebner’s glands are**
σ� Fungiform
σ� Circumvallate
σ� Foliate
σ� Filiform
σ� All of the above
53. Acute pyogenic bacteria infection may result in**
σ� Leucopoenia
σ� Neutropenia
σ� Leukocytosis
σ� Lymphocytosis
σ� Eosinophilia
54. A common clinical sign of occlusal traumatism is
σ� tooth mobility
σ� pocket formation
σ� gingival recession
σ� temporomandibular joint pain -dysfunction syndrome
σ� pulp calcifications
55. Gingival hyperplasia may be
σ� familial
σ� idiopathic
σ� drug induced
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
56. Which of the following should be evaluated for surgical removal before new complete dentures are constructed?
σ� Mandibular tori
σ� Epulis fissuratum
σ� Papillaryhyperplasia
σ� Sharp, prominent mylohyoid ridges
σ� All of the above
57. Which of the following is most likely to displace the adjacent teeth?
σ� Lateral periodontal cyst
σ� Dentigerous cyst
σ� Periapical cemental dysplasia
σ� Periapical abscess
σ� Radicular cyst
58. Clinical examination of a 42 year old heavy smoker reveals a white patch in the retromolartonsillar pillar region The patch cannot be wiped off The most likely diagnosis is
σ� lichen planus
σ� leukoplakia
σ� white sponge nevus
σ� frictional hyperkeratosis
σ� pseudomembranous candidiasis
59. Which of the following have a tendency to recur if not treated
σ� Giant cell granuloma
σ� Lipoma
σ� Fibrous epulis
σ� Haematoma
σ� Pulp polyps
60. The tonsillar lymph node is situated at the level of
σ� Angle of the mandible
σ� C6 vertebrae
σ� Jugulodigastric crossing
σ� Clavicle
σ� Jugulo-omohyoid crossing
61. Which of the following is true regarding gingivosis (Desquamative gingivitis)
σ� It is caused by hormononal imbalance
σ� Is seen only at or after menopause
σ� Is frequently caused by lichen planus
σ� Is a variant pregnancy gingivitis
σ� Is related to nutritional disturbance
62. Keratotic lesion surrounded by cold web like lines
σ� Wickham’s Striae appears as lace-like network on the buccal mucosa; your diagnosis is**
σ� Lichen Planus
σ� Keratosis follicularis
σ� White sponge nevus
σ� Leukoplakia
σ� Oral sub mucous fibrosis
63. All of the following are keratinised EXCEPT of
σ� Crevicular epithelium
σ� Palatal epithelium
σ� Alveolar mucosa
σ� Free gingiva
σ� Attached gingiva
64. On inspection of lateral boarder of the tongue at the base,which structure would you expect to find
σ� Filiform papillae
σ� Fungiform papillae
σ� Foliate papillae
σ� Lymph nodes
σ� Circumvallate papillae
65. Which of the following is NOT complication of radiation to head and neck area**
σ� Xerostomia
σ� Mucositis
σ� Increased caries
σ� Heightened taste increases the taste sensation
σ� Increased risk of osteomyelitis
66. Odontogenic cyst develop from the following structures except
σ� Reduced enamel epithelium of tooth crown
σ� Dental lamina dura
σ� Epithelium trapped after sutures
σ� Hertwig’s root sheath
67. A white diffuse wrinkled appearance of the buccal mucosa which diminishes in prominence or disappears upon stretching is indicative of
σ� leukoedema
σ� lichen planus
σ� candidiasis
σ� linea alba
σ� white sponge nevus
68. A large pericoronal radiolucency associated with an impacted third molar tooth is most likely aan
σ� ameloblastoma
σ� odontogenic keratocyst
σ� eruption cyst
σ� dentigenous cyst
σ� calcifying odontogenic cyst
69. The best management for a gingival cyst of the newborn is
σ� curettage
σ� incisional biopsy
σ� cystologic smear
σ� excisional biopsy
σ� observation
70. Exfoliative cytology can be useful in detecting viral cytopathologic effects in all of the following EXCEPT
σ� shingles
σ� cold sores (herpes labialis)
σ� chicken pox
σ� hairy leukoplakia
σ� acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
{"name":"Oral medicin Tuy Tel", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"ចូរជ្រើសរើសចំលើយដែលត្រឹមត្រូវ, 1. The benign neoplasm that originates from squamous epithelium is called aan","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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