How many days per week do you lift weights?
A. Six days religiously…sometimes 7
B. Two to three days per week
C. Four to six days per week
Which kind of weekly split is most similar to yours?
A. Isolate each muscle group to work on separate days, hitting some twice per week
B. I do legs and some abs…who needs more than that?
C. Isolated muscle groups, but combine some on the same day
On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being a little and 10 being very bad, how sore do you get from lifting?
A. Between 8 – 10 religiously
B. Maybe a 5 on a good day…
C. Depending on the body part, around 5 to 8 – I have some killer days
How much time do you spend lifting for each work out?
A. As long as it takes to complete what’s in my log book
B. I’m not too sure…depends on if I see a friend & get to talking
C. About 30 minutes to an hour
Do you lift alone?
A. Absolutely not! I need a spot and have had the same lifting partner for years
B. Sometimes…usually with a friend
C. Mostly – get in and get it done
What time of the day to you get your best workouts in?
A. Right after work or midafternoon – enough food in me, but not too tired to put in full effort
B. Whenever…
C. Before work or after the evening gym rush hour
How many exercises will you perform at each work out?
A. At least 6 exercises per each workout
B. I superset leg exercises like a MF’er – usually about 8 to 10
C. Whatever feels good at the time, usually around 5
Do you include volume in reps for your lifting regime?
A. Don’t be ridiculous
B. Regularly!
C. Depends on what I’m in the mood for
What is your philosophy on how much weight to lift?
A. As heavy as possible…always
B. Heavy enough to feel the burn in 15 reps or so
C. Usually graduate the weight each set with the last set no more than 75% of my max
It’s much later in the day than you usually work out, you’ve had a long day and feel tired. Do you skip the gym?
A. HA! NO.
B. Absolutely, I hear my bed calling my name.
C. Two days off in one week won’t kill me, but sometimes I can rally
{"name":"How many days per week do you lift weights?", "url":"","txt":"How many days per week do you lift weights?, Which kind of weekly split is most similar to yours?, On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being a little and 10 being very bad, how sore do you get from lifting?","img":""}
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