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New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 1 Jun 21
[2105.14032] Rose Baunach, Andreas Albrecht, Andrew Arrasmith: Copycat process in the early stages of einselection
[2105.14040] Andreas Albrecht, Rose Baunach, Andrew Arrasmith: Adapted Caldeira-Leggett Model
[2105.14047] Xiaoning Bian, Peter Selinger: Generators and relations for $U_n(\mathbb Z [\frac{1}{2}, i])$
[2105.14122] Yumang Jing, Mohsen Razavi: Quantum repeaters with encoding on nitrogen-vacancy center platforms
[2105.14132] Sidiney B. Montanhano: Contextuality in the Fibration Approach and the Role of Holonomy
[2105.14160] Santosh Kumar, He Zhang, Prajnesh Kumar et al.: Time-Spatial Mode Selective Quantum Frequency Converter
[2105.14182] Shu Kanno, Suguru Endo, Yasunari Suzuki et al.: Quantum algorithm for calculation of transition amplitudes in hybrid tensor networks
[2105.14213] Gao-Feng Jiao, Keye Zhang, L.Q. Chen et al.: Quantum non-demolition measurement based on an actively correlated atom-light hybrid interferometer
[2105.14238] Lewis Ruks, Thomas Busch: Long-range interactions of quantum emitters coupled through structured baths
[2105.14245] Stefano Pierini: Experimental study of perovskite nanocrystals as single photon sources for integrated quantum photonics
[2105.14279] Marian Kupczynski: A comment on: the violations of locality and free choice are equivalent resources in Bell experiments
[2105.14345] Thomas Schürmann: Position and momentum operators on manifolds of constant curvature
[2105.14354] Emanuele Distante, Severin Daiss, Stefan Langenfeld et al.: Detecting an Itinerant Optical Photon Twice without Destroying It
[2105.14358] Z. Nafari Qaleh, A. T. Rezakhani: Enhancing energy transfer in quantum systems via periodic driving: Floquet master equations
[2105.14360] X. Dai, D. M. Tennant, R. Trappen et al.: Calibration of flux crosstalk in large-scale flux-tunable superconducting quantum circuits
[2105.14377] Martin Larocca, Piotr Czarnik, Kunal Sharma et al.: Diagnosing barren plateaus with tools from quantum optimal control
[2105.14434] Chengran Yang, Andrew Garner, Feiyang Liu et al.: Provable superior accuracy in machine learned quantum models
[2105.14448] Philippe Grangier: Revisiting Quantum Mysteries
[2105.14505] Masahito Hayashi, Angeles Vazquez-Castro: Computation-aided classical-quantum multiple access to boost network communication speeds
[2105.14581] Mahsa Karimi, Fereshte Shahbeigi, Vahid Karimipour: Simulating of X-states and the two-qubit XYZ Heisenberg system on IBM quantum computer
[2105.14610] Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich: Quantum circuits computing unitary transformations
[2105.14674] Mikhail Tokman, Qianfan Chen, Maria Erukhimova et al.: Quantum dynamics of open many-qubit systems strongly coupled to a quantized electromagnetic field in dissipative cavities
[2105.14712] Saptarshi Saha, Arpan Chatterjee, Chiranjeeb Singha: Can a pure state remain pure in the Unruh effect?
[2105.14744] Siddhant Das, Ward Struyve: Questioning the adequacy of certain quantum arrival-time distributions
[2105.14777] Dong-Sheng Wang, Yun-Jiang Wang, Ningping Cao et al.: Theory of quasi-exact fault-tolerant quantum computing and valence-bond-solid codes
[2105.14788] Qing Zhou, Songfeng Lu: Hash function based on controlled alternate quantum walks with memory
[2105.14861] Wen-Lei Zhao: Quantization of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators in non-Hermitian Chaotic Systems
[2105.14886] Michał Studziński, Marek Mozrzymas, Piotr Kopszak: Degradation of the resource state in port-based teleportation scheme
[2105.14910] Cheng Zhang, Yang Liu, Zhi-Cheng Shi et al.: Robust population inversion in three-level systems by composite pulses
[2105.14936] Nahum Sá, Ivan S. Oliveira, Itzhak Roditi: Solving the BCS Hamiltonian gap in Near-Term Quantum Computers
[2105.14938] Vahagn Abgaryan, Arsen Khvedelidze, Ilya Rogojin: On overall measure of non-classicality of $N$-level quantum system and its universality in the large $N$ limit
[2105.14945] Chao Jiang, Gentaro Watanabe: An application of simultaneous and continuous measurement of noncommutative observables: Preparation of the pure ideal quadrature squeezed state by feedback control
[2105.15048] Lorenzo Moro, Matteo G. A. Paris, Marcello Restelli et al.: Quantum Compiling by Deep Reinforcement Learning
[2105.15067] Florio M. Ciaglia, Fabio Di Nocera: Group actions and monotone metric tensors: The qubit case
[2105.15083] Arpan Das, Anindita Bera, Sagnik Chakraborty et al.: Thermodynamic quantities in quantum speed limit for non-Markovian dynamics
[2105.15142] Anwei Zhang: Revealing Chern number from quantum metric
[2105.15146] C. S. Unnikrishnan, George T. Gillies: Gravity Cannot Cure Quantum Mechanics of its Malady of the Collapse of the Wavefunction
[2105.15148] E. Gvozdiovas, P. Račkauskas, G. Juzeliūnas: Optical lattice with spin-dependent sub-wavelength barriers
[2105.15166] David M. Bellorin R., Hermann L. Albrecht Q: Comment on `Local available quantum correlations for Bell Diagonal states and markovian decoherence'
[2105.15201] Malcolm Carroll, Sami Rosenblatt, Petar Jurcevic et al.: Dynamics of superconducting qubit relaxation times
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 1 Jun 21","img":""}
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