Driving Lesson 3
Identification of places: Black and white or green and white. These signs often have reflector letters and figures and tell the motorist names, places, mileage distances, highway identification numbers, city limits, junctions, etc., this sign means
Regulatory sign
Warning sign
Guide sign
All of the above
For safer nighttime driving, within how many feet you must lower the headlights beam for oncoming vehicle and when following another vehicle?
Within 300 feet of the approaching motorist and 500 feet when following another vehicle.
Within 500 feet of the approaching motorist and 300 feet when following another vehicle.
Within 100 feet of the approaching motorist and 300 feet when following another vehicle.
Follow your speed limit.
All motor vehicle which are operated in Guam must be insured pursuant to the following limits:
$20,000 property damage liability, $50,000 third party bodily injury liability
$30,000 property damage liability, $30,000 third party bodily injury liability.
$35,000 property damage liability, $40,000 third party bodily injury liability.
$20,000 property damage liability, $25,000 and $50,00 third party bodily injury liability.
A yellow light means "warning" and tells you that the red signal is about to appear. You should _______
Slow down and proceed with caution.
Speed up and hurry through the intersection.
Stop your vehicle, if you can do so without danger to other cars, and wait for the green light before starting.
You are driving on a four-lane divided highway. You should know that ________
Yellow lane line are used for cross walks and stop lines.
Yellow lane line separate lanes of traffic moving in the opposite direction.
Yellow lane line separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.
None of the above.
When you have to stop on a highway, __________
You should park with all four wheels off the pavement if possible.
Park your car so that it is visible at least 200 feet in each direction.
If you cannot park off the roadway, leave an unobstructed width of highway opposite of your car.
All of the above.
If you have an accident, what should you do?
Continue in your way if there is only less than $50.00 damage.
Stop help give information.
Stay in your car.
Drive to the nearest police station.
When should you begin slowing down for a perpendicular right angle turn?
Couple of blocks before the turn
Before you signal for the turn
While in the middle of the turn
Before you begin turning the wheels
There is a sign that reads "NO RIGHT ON RED". You should:
Wait for the green light.
Turn if its clear, but you must make a full stop first.
Before making a turn, you must signal at least:
At least 50 feet before the turn.
At least 75 feet before the turn.
At least 100 feet before the turn.
At least 100 feet is required, but you should signal sooner if there is a fast moving traffic following behind you.
At a red traffic signal light:
You must stop at the painted stop line.
Shift into neutral and put on the parking brake.
Stop so you can see the rear tires of the car in front of you touching the pavement.
All of the above.
You are approaching a curve on a flat road. It is raining. You should:
Brake before you enter the curve,
Downshift before you enter the curve.
Hold the steering wheel with both hands.
All of the above.
To get control of your vehicle in a skid:
Brake hard and steer in the direction of the skid.
Take your foot off the accelerator, brake hard, and steer into the skid.
Accelerate and steer in the direction of the skid.
Take your foot off the accelerator and turn the wheel in the direction of the skid.
If two vehicles arrive at an intersection controlled by stop signs at the same time, who has the right of way?
The side with the most vehicles has the right of way.
The vehicle to the right has the right of way.
No vehicle has the right of way.
None of the above.
When angle parking is not clearly designated, a vehicle must be parked _____ to the curb, heading in the _____ of traffic.
Parallel, direction
Perpendicular, direction
45 degree angle, opposite direction
60 degree angle, opposite direction
The front and rear bumper shall not be closer than _____ feet from _____ when parked position, unless street is otherwise marked.
Two, curb
Two, other vehicles
Three, curb
Five, other vehicles
At the intersections without traffic control devices, such as STOP or YIELD SIGNS or traffic control signs, which of the following is true?
The first vehicle on your left has the right to go ahead.
The first vehicle on your right has the right of way.
The first vehicle at the intersection has the right to go ahead.
None of the above.
A red traffic signal lights means that you must:
Stop at the stop line.
When there is no stop line, stop before entering any crosswalk.
When there is no stop line or crosswalk, stop before entering the intersection.
All of the above.
You and another vehicle are approaching an intersection that has no traffic signs or signals, which vehicle has the right of way?
The vehicles on the left.
The vehicles on the right.
The vehicle with the greatest speed.
The vehicle that enters the intersection first.
When two vehicles approach and uncontrolled intersection at the same time, which must yield the right of way?
The one on the right
The one who fails to sound his horn first
The one going either north or south
The one on the left
There is a sign that reads "NO RIGHT ON RED". You shold:
Wait for the green light
Turn if its clear, but you must make a full stop first.
To avoid being blinded by the headlights of an oncoming vehicle, you should look to the right hand side of the road.
Which of the following is correct when driving in a fog?
Use lower beams and reduce your speed
Use high beams and reduce your speed
Use lower beams and increase your speed
Use high beams and increase your speed
Headlights must be used whenever you are driving or at any time there isn't sufficient light and from one hour before sunrise.
You are driving at night and using your high beams. You should dim your lights within 300 feet of an oncoming vehicle.
Which of the following traffic lights must you always stop your vehicle?
Solid red light, red arrows, flashing yellow lights
Solid red lights, flashing red lights, and blacked out (not working) traffic signals
Solid red lights, flashing red lights, and yellow lights
Solid red lights, flashing red lights, and yellow arrows
How many days do officers have to file the report of violations during the permit section of a person/student?
10 working days1
1 day
3 days
5 days
How old should you be to get your intermediate license?
How old does your fully license driver have to be?
21 years and older
18 years old
16 years old
15 years old
How many months should Intermediate License person be without any violations to the motor laws and no car crashes?
6 months
12 months
3 months
2 months
How old do you need to be to get your full licensure?
Leaving the scene of an accident where property damaged has occurred is misdemeanor.
If personal injury has resulted, it is a felony to leave the scene.
A blinking yellow light at an intersection means slow down, proceed when it is clear
You should not sound your horn in your car when reserving or backing up your car
You must not have a blood alcohol count that past 0.02 when driving.
Solid yellow lines and white lines are the colors of the lanes you should not cross unless you are coming out of a highway (Middle Lane) into a driveway or an alley.
Any person who goes for sight seeing purposed to the scene of a disaster where the aid of police, firemen, ambulance crews, or other rescue, and emergency services are required, and by doing so interferes with the essential services at the scene is guilty of:
When over taking, no vehicle shall at any time be driven on the left side of the roadway under the following conditions: On a three lane highway, the foregoing limitations shall not apply upon a one way road.
A solid yellow line indicates that you can pass except for turning into or out of an intersection, driveway or during a U-turn.
You must be at least 18 years old to apply for Chauffeur Driver's License and at least 21 years old to apply for Taxi License.
Only a U.S. Citizen or who has a current permanent resident card accompanied with a valid foreign passport can apply for Taxi License
Parent, guardian or designee must certify that the permit holder, who is under 18 years of age, has completed at least 50 hours of supervised driving, 10 hours of which must be during the nighttime hours after 7:00 PM of supervised driving
Permit holders and Intermediate license holders must not have a blood alcohol content that exceeds ____ at any time while driving.
License may renew their Driver's License 90 days prior to expiration date
How far are your front and rear bumpers from the other car when you parallel parked?
The vehicle that enters the intersection first has the right of way when approaching an uncontrolled intersection
The vehicle to the right has the right of way and the vehicle on the left shall yield the right of way when two vehicles enter an intersection from different streets or highways at the same time.
Person who are between 4 and 11 years of age and (less than 4'9 tall) required to use booster seat
A violation of designated accessible parking for persons with disabilities shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $300.00 and no more than $500.00
At 50 miles per hour, a vehicle with good brakes needs at least 200 feet of dry road in which to stop, but under wet conditions, 3 to 12 times as much distance is needed, making such high speeds extremely dangerous.
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