Find Out Which User Research/Usability Testing Methods Are Ideal for Your Project

(1 of 10) What is your team's level of UX expertise?
UX novices
UX intermediates
UX proficient
A mix of the above
(2 of 10) How long is the timeline for the project?
Super short (3 months or less)
Short (3+ months – 6 months)
Medium (6+ months – 9 months)
Long (9+ months – 1 year)
Very long (1+ years)
(3 of 10) What's the size of the project's budget? (For the entire UX effort, not just the research/testing)
Note: If you're a startup, a "small budget" will be a different number compared to a "small budget" for a giant corporation. But for this quiz, if you say, "small budget" your results will include the cheapest research/testing methods relative to the other methods, and vice versa for large budgets.
Small budget
Medium budget
Large budget
Extra-large budget
I'm not sure
(4 of 10) When it comes to the duration of each test/research activity, which can you accommodate?
A matter of hours
Up to 1 day
1-3 days
4-7 days (business days)
However long it takes
I'm not sure
(5 of 10) How often can you conduct rounds of research/test activities?
Once, near the beginning of the project
Once, but it may be the middle of the project
Once a sprint / Once a month
Three times
I'm not sure
(6 of 10) What is the max number of unique test participants you can get to participate in the research/test activity?
Note: "Test participants" are users, representative users, or at a minimum: people not on the project.
As many as needed
(7 of 10) What is the max number of UX team members that will be available to facilitate (or help with) the test/research activity?
(8 of 10) What type of data do you need to gather? (Select all that apply)
Quantitative (we want to learn what is happening)
Qualitative (we want to learn why it's happening)
Behavioral (we want to observe people directly to see what they do)
Attitudinal (we want to ask for people’s opinions)
(9 of 10) What stage of the project are you in?
We are working to generate ideas
We are working to validate ideas
We are doing both: working to generate new ideas, and validate existing ideas
(10 of 10) Where can you conduct the test/research activities? (Select all that apply)
In our office/workplace
In a research/testing lab
Out in the field (user's homes, workplaces, with them on the go, etc.)
Digitally/Online (remote)
Please Specify:
On the following results screen, the highest matching methods are the ones to consider for your project, but I'm showing all the possible results (even the low matching ones) simply for your reference. Enjoy!
On the following results screen, the highest matching methods are the ones to consider for your project, but I'm showing all the possible results (even the low matching ones) simply for your reference. Enjoy!
{"name":"Find Out Which User Research\/Usability Testing Methods Are Ideal for Your Project", "url":"","txt":"What is your team's level of UX expertise?, What's the size of the project's budget?, How long is the timeline for the project?","img":""}
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