Which college is right for me?

The class size I prefer is:
Rank the college activities from 1-10 below (1 is MOST interested, 10 is LEAST interested)
Jazz band/Wind ensemble
Campus activities programming
Student government
Service (volunteering)
Study abroad
Intramural sports
Marching band
Hanging in dorm with friends
What size school is perfect for me (number of students)
< 1,000
Rank the type of campus I want
Easy to find buildings
Takes a map to figure out buildings
Have to drive to class and find parking
How do I feel about a small campus where everyone knows everyone?
Love it, makes me feel secure
May get boring after awhile
Hate it don't want to be bothered
How do I feel about a super large campus where I know few people?
Love it, I don't need that
More chances to meet people
Would feel lonely and isolating
Would it bother me if I went to class and didn't know anyone (even after the first few weeks)?
Would I seek out help with my writing if the college had a writing center?
I want to be able to discuss things with my teacher and they remember who I am
It's important to me that my teacher knows my name and who I am
Would I use a free tutor if I needed help? (Not necessary to go every week, just when needed)
Would I want to have an academic coach who could summarize my class syllabis and meet with me once a week to help me stay organized?
Rank my interest in dorming:
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Scared about it
Would never do it
Rank my interest in doing service work in college:
Very interested
Somewhat interested
No way
Do I want a college that's small where everyone knows each other or large where it's harder to get to know people but there are many people to get to know?
Small family environment
Large active school
Do I want a lot of interaction with professors or very little?
Alot - want to be able to talk to them
Not a lot - just go to class and they don't know me
Rank the options I would choose if I had problems in class (1 being the best and 4 the worst)
See a tutor
Extra class with a TA
Ask the professor for help after class
If I volunteered in college, rank the activities I would like best (1 to 4)
Feeding the poor
Helping at a school
Helping to clean environment
Helping in church
How important is it to me that I attend a college that has a religious affiliation and church?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
How important is it that I go to a college where other students know me?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
If the college organized a bus to a Bills or Sabres game, would you go?
For sure that's great
Only if I knew people going
Would go to meet people
Not interested at all
{"name":"Which college is right for me?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"The class size I prefer is:, I want to be able to discuss things with my teacher and they remember who I am, It's important to me that my teacher knows my name and who I am","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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